Daizu::Util - various utility functions


The following functions are available for export from this module. None of them are exported by default.


Returns $s with leading and trailing whitespace stripped off, or undef if $s is undefined.


Returns $s with leading and trailing whitespace stripped off, or undef if $s is undefined, or if $s contains nothing but whitespace.

Useful for tidying values which are to be stored in the database, where sometimes it is preferable to store NULL in place of a value with no real content.


Returns an escaped version of $s suitable for including in patterns given to the SQL LIKE operator. Does NOT escape quotes, so you still need to quote the result for the database before including it in any SQL.

Returns undef if the input is undefined.

Escapes backslashes, underscores, and percent signs.


Returns an escaped version of $s suitable for including in patterns given to PostgreSQL's SQL ~ operator. Does NOT escape quotes, so you still need to quote the result for the database before including it in any SQL.

Returns undef if the input is undefined.

Escapes the following characters: . ^ $ + * ? ( ) [ ] { \


Returns a URL encoded version of $s, with characters which would be unsuitable for use in a URL escaped as % followed by two uppercase hexadecimal digits. The opposite of url_decode().


If $s is URL encoded, return a decoded version. The opposite of url_encode().


If $num consists only of a sequence of digits, return it as an untainted number, otherwise return nothing.


Return a URI object representing $uri, or undef if it isn't defined or if it is invalid.


Given something that might be a MIME type name, return either a valid MIME type, folded to lowercase, or undef.

Based on the definition from RFC 2045 (see


Given something that might be a valid date/time in Subversion format, return a DateTime object containing the same timestamp. Otherwise returns undef.

The date format recognized is one possible format for W3CDTF ( dates. Only the exact format used by Subversion is supported, except that: the 'T' and 'Z' letters are case-insensitive, whitespace at the start of end of the string is ignored, and the fractional seconds part is optional.

Note: it would have been nice to use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF for this, but as of version 0.04 it has a bug which prevents parsing of Subversion dates (CPAN bug #14179,

w3c_datetime($datetime, $include_micro)

Return a string version of the DateTime object, formatted as a W3CDTF ( date and time. If $datetime is just a string, it is automatically validated and parsed by validate_date() first. If the value is invalid or undefined, then undef is returned.

$include_micro indicates whether microseconds should be included in the returned string. If true, a decimal point and six digits of fractional seconds is included, unless they would all be zero, otherwise the value will be accurate only to within a second.


$datetime must either be a DateTime object or a string which can be parsed by validate_date(). If not, undef is returned.

If valid, the date and time are returned formatted for use in PostgreSQL, using DateTime::Format::Pg.


$datetime must either be a DateTime object or a string which can be parsed by validate_date(). If not, undef is returned.

If valid, the date and time are returned formatted for according to RFC 2822 (, and is suitable for use in (for example) RSS 2.0 feeds.


Given a string containing a date and time formatted in PostgreSQL's format, return a corresponding DateTime object. Returns undef if $datetime isn't defined.


Given a number of bytes, format it for display to a user with a suffix indicating the units (either b, Kb, Mb, or Gb, depending how big the value is).

db_row_exists($db, $table, ...)

Return true if a row exists in database table $table on database connection $db, otherwise false.

The extra arguments can be omitted (in which case the table merely has to be non-empty), can be a single value (which will be matched against the id column), or can be a hash of column-name to value mappings which must be met by a record.

For example, to find out whether there is a current path for a GUID ID, where last_revnum is NULL:

my $guid_already_present = db_row_exists($db, file_path =>
    guid_id => $guid_id,
    branch_id => $branch_id,
    last_revnum => undef,
db_row_id($db, $table, %where)

Return the ID number (the value from the id column) from $table on the database connection $db, where the values in %where match the values in a record. If there are more than one such value, an arbitrarily chosen one is returned. Nothing is returned if there are no matches.

my $file_id = db_row_id($db, 'wc_file',
    wc_id => $wc_id,
    path => $path,
db_select($db, $table, $where, @columns)

Gets the named columns in @columns from a record in table $table using database connection $db and returns them as a list. Only one record is selected. If there are multiple matches then an arbitrary one is returned.

$where can be either an ID number (to match the id column) or a reference to a hash of column names and values to match. Values can be undef to match NULL. $where can also be a reference to an empty hash if you don't care which record is selected.

my $branch_path = db_select($db, branch => $branch_id, 'path');

The column names are not quoted, so they can be SQL expressions:

my $last_known_rev = db_select($db, revision => {}, 'max(revnum)');
db_select_col($db, $table, $where, $column)

Return a list of values from the column named by $column in $table using database connection $db.

$where can be either an ID number (to match the id column) or a reference to a hash of column names and values to match. Values can be undef to match NULL. $where can also be a reference to an empty hash if you want to select all records.

my @podcast_urls = db_select_col($db, url =>
    { method => 'article', content_type => 'audio/mpeg' },

The column name is not quoted, so it can be an SQL expression.

db_insert($db, $table, %value)

Insert a new record into $table on database connection $db.

%value should be a hash of column names and values to use for them. The values are SQL quoted, but this should not be used for inserting arbitrary binary data into bytea columns. Values can be undef, in which case NULL will be inserted.

Returns the id number of the new record, but only attempts to do this (it might not work on tables without serial columns) if a return value is expected.

my $branch_id = db_insert($db, 'branch', path => $path);
db_update($db, $table, $where, %value)

Updates one or more records in $table using database connection $db.

Only records matching $where are updated. It can be either a single number (matched against the id column) or a reference to a hash of column names and values to match.

db_update($db, wc_file => $file_id,
    modified_at => db_datetime($time),

If $where is a reference to an empty hash then this function will die. If you really want to update every record unconditionally, use a normal $db->do method call.

Returns the number of rows updated, or undef on error, or -1 if the number of rows changed can't be determined.

db_replace($db, $table, $where, %value)

Either inserts a new record, if there is none matching $where, or updates one or more existing records if there is.

$where must be a reference to a hash of column names and values to match.

If there is already at least one record which matches $where, then this behaves the same as db_update(). Otherwise a new record is inserted using both the values in %value and the ones in %$where combined. If a column's value is given in both hashes, the one in %value is used.

If a new record is inserted and a return value is expected, then the id value of the new record will be returned. For updates undef is always returned.

db_delete($db, $table, ...)

Delete records from $table using database connection $db. If a single additional value is specified then it is matched against the id column, otherwise a hash of column names and values is expected.

This function will die if you don't give it some conditions to check for. If you really want to delete every record unconditionally, use a normal $db->do method call.

wc_file_data($db, $file_id)

Returns a reference to the data (content) of the wc_file record identified by $file_id. Fails if the file is actually a directory or doesn't exist.

This takes care of getting data from the live working copy if the file just has a reference to a file with the same content.

guess_mime_type($data, $filename)

Return the likely MIME type of the data referenced by $data (a scalar reference), or nothing if it is of an unknown type.

$filename is optional, but can be used for some additional guesswork if supplied. Currently it is only used to recognize text/css files, which might otherwise get identified as text/plain.

guid_first_last_times($db, $guid_id)

Returns a list of two timestamps, as DateTime values, which can be used for the publication time and the time of the last update, in the case that the user hasn't overridden them with Subversion properties (dcterms:issued and dcterms:modified respectively).

wc_property($cms, $wc_id, $file_id, $content_type, $data, $allow_data_ref)

Warning: this should currently only be used for proper updates from the repository, not making live uncommitted changes in a working copy. Doing so will currently break everything.

Updates the data stored for file $file_id (which must not be a directory) in working copy $wc_id. It takes care of things like calculating the digest and the pixel size of image files.

$data should be a reference to a scalar containing the actual data.

If $allow_data_ref is true, and the working copy isn't the live working copy, then this function will try to find an existing copy of the same data in the live working copy and store a reference to that instead of an additional copy of the data.

mint_guid($cms, $is_dir, $path)

Add a new entry to the file_guid table for a file which initially (in the first revision for which it exists) resides at $path.

A new 'tag' URI will be created for the GUID, using the appropriate entity as defined in the configuration file (see the documentation for the guid-entity element in the Daizu configuration file (see

A list of two values is returned: the ID number of the new record, and the tag URI created for it.


Load a Perl module called $class which contains a class. So this doesn't do any import calling, since that shouldn't be necessary. It keeps track of which classes have already been loaded, and won't do any extra work if you try to load the same class twice.

This method is used to load generator classes and plugins.

instantiate_generator($cms, $class, $root_file)

Create a generator object from the Perl class $class, passing in the information generator classes except for their constructors. $root_file, which should be a Daizu::File object, is passed to the generator and as also used to find the configuration information, if any, for this generator instance. Typically $root_file will be the on which the daizu:generator property was set to enable this generator class.

If $class is undef then the default generator is used (Daizu::Gen).

update_all_file_urls($cms, $wc_id)

Updates the url table in the same way as the Daizu::File method update_urls_in_db(), except that it does so for all files in working copy $wc_id, and the return values are each true if any of the changes include new or updated redirects or 'gone' files.

TODO - each file's URLs are updated in a separate database transaction, whereas really the whole thing should be done in a single transaction.

add_xml_elem($parent, $name, $content, %attr)

Create a new XML DOM element (an XML::LibXML::Element object) and add it to the parent element $parent. $name is the name of the new element.

If $content is defined, then it can either be a libxml object to add as a child of the element, or a piece of text to use as its content.

The keys and values in %attr are added to the new element as attributes.

xml_attr($filename, $elem, $attr, $default)

Returns the value of the attribute of the XML element $elem, which must be a XML::LibXML::Element object. If no such element exists, return $default if that is defined, otherwise die with an appropriate error message.

xml_croak($filename, $node, $message)

Croaks with an error message which includes $message, but also gives the filename and the line number at which $node occurs.

$node should be some kind of XML::LibXML::Node object.

branch_id($db, $branch)

If $branch is an number then return it unchanged, and just assume that it is a valid branch ID.

Otherwise, try to find a branch with $branch as its path, and return the ID number of that. Dies if no such branch exists.


Return the absolute path (on the native filesystem) of the directory called $dir under the directory Daizu where the Perl modules are installed. This is used to locate data files which can be installed along with the Daizu Perl modules, such as some XML DTD files in the xml directory. Look for directories whose names are all lowercase in lib/Daizu/ in the source tarball for these.

The return value is actually a Path::Class::Dir object.

Note that it is assumed these directories will be alongside the location of the file for this module (Daizu::Util). This should ensure that the right data files are used depending on whether you're using an installed version of Daizu CMS or testing from the source directory.

This function will die if the directory doesn't exist where it is expected to be.


This software is copyright 2006 Geoff Richards <>. For licensing information see this page: