Apache::RequestNotes - extract cookies and CGI form parameters for each request.
PerlInitHandler Apache::RequestNotes
PerlSetVar MaxPostSize 1024
MaxUploadSize is in bytes and defaults to 1024.
Apache::RequestNotes provides a simple interface allowing all parts
of the request cycle access to cookie or CGI input parameters in a
consistent manner.
some Perl*Handler or Registry script:
my $cookies = $r->pnotes('COOKIES');
my %cookies = %$cookies;
my $input = $r->pnotes('INPUT');
my %input = %$input;
PerlInitHandler Apache::RequestNotes
PerlSetVar MaxUploadSize 1024
After using Apache::RequestNotes and dereferencing the hashes,
%input will contain both GET and POST data, and %cookies will
contain the names and values of all cookies sent back to your domain
and path. Once the request is past the PerlInit phase, all other
phases can have access to form input and cookie data without parsing
it themselves. This relieves some strain, especially when the GET or
POST data is required by numerous handlers along the way.
Apache::RequestNotes does not allow for file uploads. If either a
file upload was attempted, or the POST data exceeds MaxPostSize,
rather than barf it sets $r->pnotes('PARSE_ERROR').
Verbose debugging is enabled by setting the variable
$Apache::RequestNotes::DEBUG=1 to or greater. To turn off all debug
information, set your apache LogLevel above info level.
This is alpha software, and as such has not been tested on multiple
platforms or environments. It requires PERL_INIT=1, PERL_LOG_API=1,
and maybe other hooks to function properly. Doug MacEachern's
libapreq is also required - you can get it from CPAN under the
Apache tree.
When parsing forms with duplicate keys some data is lost.
perl(1), mod_perl(1), Apache(3), libapreq(1)
Geoffrey Young <>
Copyright 2000 Geoffrey Young - all rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.