Changes for version 0.07
- added support for output filtering thanks to Ken Williams for additional Apache::Filter functionality
- added FILTERING section to documentation
- added DispatchISA functionality to set parent classes for dispatched module
- added DispatchAUTOLOAD directive to make AUTOLOAD behavior user defined
- added AUTOLOAD section to documentation
- more, better documentation
- modified Apache::ModuleConfig->get() calls thanks to Doug MacEachern for the enlightenment
- fixed bug that allowed for duplicate DispatchExtras directives
- fixed directive inheritance problems
- fixed dispatch_index bug
- fixed one minor "my $x if 0" condition
- fixed DispatchStat ISA directive to properly recurse all levels
- made mod_perl 1.2401 required due to DIR_MERGE memory leak in mod_perl < 1.24
call PerlHandlers with the ease of Registry scripts