version 0.5010
Methods and Techniques
Four beats in 4/4:
$d->count_in(1); # Closed hi-hat for 1 bar
A steady, traditional metronome pulse:
$d->count_in({ bars => 32, patch => $d->bell });
Of Rests, Notes, and Accents
Rest for a whole note:
Add a single quarter-note with both the closed hihat and the bass drum, to the score:
$d->note($d->quarter, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);
Add an accented snare to the score:
my $accent_value = 127;
$d->accent_note($accent_value, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);
Do the opposite and add a "ghost note" that is less than the average volume (usually 100), to the score:
my $accent_value = 50;
$d->accent_note($accent_value, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);
A Flam
A "flam" is a stroke preceded by a grace note. Often this is done with the snare alone, but any part of the kit is fair game.
$d->flam($d->quarter); # play the snare by default
Play the the hi-tom for the grace-note, then the snare:
$d->flam($d->eighth, $d->hi_tom);
Again, play the the hi-tom for the grace-note, followed by the low-tom:
$d->flam($d->sixteenth, $d->hi_tom, $d->low_tom);
A drum roll is a rapid succession of beats, usually on the same drum.
This module does two types: "straight" and "curved" - i.e. flat or with a crescendo.
Roll the snare in 32nd notes for an eighth-note duration, with equal volume for each stroke:
$d->roll($d->eighth, $d->thirtysecond);
Roll the hi-tom in 32nd notes for an quarter-note duration:
$d->roll($d->quarter, $d->thirtysecond, $d->hi_tom);
Roll the snare from a volume of 50 up to 127 in a linear fashion:
$d->crescendo_roll([50, 127], $d->eighth, $d->thirtysecond);
Roll the snare from a volume of 50 up to 127 with a curve (as illustrated in the main module's documentation):
$d->crescendo_roll([50, 127, 1], $d->eighth, $d->thirtysecond);
Roll the hi-tom from a volume of 127 down to 50:
$d->crescendo_roll([127, 50], $d->eighth, $d->thirtysecond, $d->hi_tom);
Changing Attribute Values
A few of the attributes may be reset in the middle of a piece (after object construction).
These are the time signature, beats per minute, MIDI channel, and the volume.
$d->set_bpm($d->bpm / 3);
$d->set_channel; # reset to channel 9 (the drum channel)
$d->set_channel(0); # set the channel to something else
$d->set_volume; # set to 0 - mute
$d->set_volume(127); # or any number up to 127
Gene Boggs <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014-2025 by Gene Boggs.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.