Selenium::Screenshot - Compare and contrast Webdriver screenshots in PNG format


version 0.07


my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new;
$driver->set_window_size(320, 480);

my $white = Selenium::Screenshot->new(png => $driver->screenshot);

# Alter the page by turning the background blue
$driver->execute_script('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = "blue"');

# Take another screenshot
my $blue = Selenium::Screenshot->new(png => $driver->screenshot);

unless ($white->compare($blue)) {
    my $diff_file = $white->difference($blue);
    print 'The images differ; see ' . $diff_file . ' for details';


Selenium::Screenshot is a wrapper class for Image::Compare. It dumbly handles persisting your screenshots to disk and setting up the parameters to Image::Compare to allow you to extract difference images between two states of your app. For example, you might be interested in ensuring that your CSS refactor hasn't negatively impacted other parts of your web app.


This module depends on Image::Compare for comparison, and Imager::File::PNG for PNG support. The latter depends on libpng-devel; consult Image::Install's documentation and/or your local googles on how to get the appropriate libraries installed on your system. The following commands may be of aid on linux systems, or they may not help at all:

sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
sudo yum install libpng-devel

For OS X, perhaps this page may help.



REQUIRED - A base64 encoded string representation of a PNG. For example, the string that the Selenium Webdriver server returns when you invoke the "screenshot" in Selenium::Remote::Driver method. After being passed to our constructor, this will be automatically instantiated into an Imager object: that is, $screenshot->png will return an Imager object.

If you are so inclined, you may also pass an Imager object instead of a base64 encoded PNG.


OPTIONAL - Handle dynamic parts of your website by specify areas of the screenshot to black out before comparison. We're working on simplifying this data structure as much as possible, but it's a bit complicated to handle the output of the functions from Selenium::Remote::WebElement. If you have WebElements already found and instantiated, you can do:

my $elem = $driver->find_element('div', 'css');
    png => $driver->screenshot,
    exclude => [{
        size      => $elem->get_size,
        location  => $elem->get_element_location

To construct the exclusions by hand, you can do:

    png => $driver->screenshot,
    exclude => [{
        size     => { width => 10, height => 10 }
        location => { x => 5, y => 5 },

This would black out a 10x10 box with its top left corner 5 pixels from the top edge and 5 pixels from the left edge of the image.

You may pass more than one rectangle at a time.

Unfortunately, while we would like to accept CSS selectors, it feels a bit wrong to have to obtain the element's size and location from this module, which would make a binding dependency on Selenium::Remote::WebElement's interface. Although this is more cumbersome, it's a cleaner separation. In case you need help generating your exclude data structure, the following map might help:

my @elems = $d->find_elements('p', 'css');
my @exclude = map {
    my $rect = {
        size => $_->get_size,
        location => $_->get_element_location
} @elems;
my $s = Selenium::Screenshot->new(
    png => $d->screenshot,
    exclude => [ @exclude ],


OPTIONAL - set the threshold at which images should be considered the same. The range is from 0 to 100; for comparison, these two images are N percent different, and these two images are N percent different. The default threshold is 5 out of 100.


OPTIONAL - a string where you'd like to save the screenshots on your local machine. It will be run through "abs_path" in Cwd and we'll try to save there. If you don't pass anything and you invoke "save", we'll try to save in ($pwd)/screenshots/, wherever that may be.


OPTIONAL - provide a HASHREF of any additional data you'd like to use in the filename. They'll be appended together in the filename of this screenshot. Rudimentary sanitization is applied to the values of the hashref, but it's not very clever and is probably easily subverted - characters besides letters, numbers, dashes, and periods are regex-substituted by '-' in the filename.

my $screenshot = Selenium::Screenshot->new(
    png => $encoded,
    metadata => {
        url     => '',
        build   => 'random-12347102.238402-build',
        browser => 'firefox'


Pass in a hashref with the size and location of the element you'd like to target. This can be useful if you want to assert that a particular element on your page stays the same across builds.

Again, like in the case for "exclude", we'd like to make this easier for you but unfortunately we're uncomfortable directly invoking the methods on WebElement ourselves. For the time being, you'll have to provide this awkward HoH to specify a target.

my $elem = $driver->find_element($locator, $by);
my $s = Selenium::Screenshot->new(
    png => $d->screenshot,
    target => {
        size => $elem->get_size,
        location => $elem->get_element_location_in_view

The screenshot will be cropped to the resulting dimensions as specified by the size and element location. Note that you will have to sort out issues when the element is not immediately displayed on the screen by invoking "get_element_location_in_view" in Selenium::Remote::WebElement. This is especially true if you're using "target" along with "exclude", as the locations of the elements you're excluding will surely change after scrolling to bring your targeted element in to view.



compare takes zero or one arguments with drastically different behavior in each case.

If you invoke it without an argument, we'll try to find a reference as described in "reference". If we don't find a reference screenshot, we'll "carp" in Carp about it and save the current screenshot as a reference and return the result of attempting to save the reference. That means that your first time running compare without an argument, it may return something truthy, even though we haven't compared anything to anything.

If we are able to find a reference in the expected spot, we'll compare the current screenshot to that reference and return a boolean as to the comparison.

If you pass in one argument, it must be one of the following: the filename, Imager object, or Selenium::Screenshot of a PNG to compare against. It must be the exact same size as the PNG you passed in to this instance of Screenshot. It returns a boolean as to whether the images meet your "threshold" for similarity.


difference requires one argument: the filename of a PNG, an Imager object, or a Selenium::Screenshot object instantiated from such a PNG. Like "compare", the opponent image MUST be a PNG of the exact same size as the PNG you passed into this instance of screenshot. Note that for larger images, this method will take noticeably longer to resolve.

This will return the filename to which the difference image has been saved - it will be a copy of the opponent image overlaid with the difference between the two images. The filename of the difference image is computed via the metadata provided during instantiation, with -diff suffixed as the final component.

my $diff_file = $screenshot->difference($oppoent);
`open $diff_file`;


Takes no arguments. Searches in "folder" for a reference image to either do difference or comparison. If a reference png is found, an Imager object of that file is returned.

Feel free to subclass Selenium::Screenshot and override this method with your own routine to find your reference file, wherever it may be located (AWS, database, etc). We return an Imager object internally, but we'll also accept a filename to the .png somewhere on your local machine.

This function is invoked if you call "compare" with no arguments.


Get the filename that we constructed for this screenshot. If you passed in a HASHREF to metadata in the constructor, we'll sort that by key and concatenate the parts into the filename. If there's no metadata, we'll use a timestamp for the filename.

If you pass in a HASH as an argument, it will be combined with the metadata and override/shadow any keys that match.

# default behavior is to use the timestamp
    png => $driver->screenshot
)->filename; # screenshots/203523252.png

# providing any metadata uses that as the filename, and the basis
# for the diff filename
    png => $driver->screenshot,
    metadata => {
        key => 'value'
)->filename; # screenshots/value.png

    png => $driver->screenshot,
    metadata => {
        key => 'value'
)->difference($opponent); # screenshots/value-diff.png

# overriding the filename
    png => $driver->screenshot,
    metadata => {
        key => 'value'
    key => 'shadow'
); # screenshots/shadow.png


Returns a STRING using the "metadata" and "folder", but with -reference appended to the very end. This is the file that "compare" will look for automatically, if it is not passed any arguments.


Delegates to "write" in Imager, which it uses to write to the filename as calculated by "filename". Like "filename", you can pass in a HASH of overrides to the filename if you'd like to customize it.


Saves a file according to the "metadata" and "folder" options with -reference suffixed to the end of it. By default, "compare" will look for this file if it receives no arguments.


Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Daniel Gempesaw <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Daniel Gempesaw.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.