WWW::CNic::NG - a next generation interface to WWW:CNic.


use WWW::CNic::NG;
use strict;

my $cnic = WWW::CNic::NG->new(
	'username'	=> 'H12345',
	'password'	=> 'password',
	'test'		=> 1, # run against the test database

# $response is a WWW::CNic::Response submodule:
my $response = $cnic->whois('domain' => '');


WWW::CNIC::NG provides a simpler and more consistent interface to the WWW::CNIC module. It allows you to reuse the same object for multiple API calls, and provides Toolkit commands as methods of the object.

Executing Toolkit Commands

If you have used WWW:CNic you will be familiar with using it like so:

my $query = WWW::CNic->new(
	'command'	=> 'whois',
	'username'	=> 'H12345',
	'password'	=> 'password',
	'domain'	=> '',


# $response is a WWW::CNic::Response submodule:
my $response = $query->execute;

This is somewhat cumbersome compared to the earlier example. WWW::CNIC::NG serves to tidy up some of this mess.

Instead of specifying the desired command as a parameter supplied to the constructor, you simply call the method you want to use on the WWW::CNIC::NG object. The method's parameters are then used to prepare a query, and the response from the server is returned from the method.


This module is (c) 2010 CentralNic Ltd. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.