Changes for version 0.27 - 2024-07-03

  • all RDAP objects will keep track of the URL of the enclosing RDAP record, which can be accessed using the document_url() method.
  • the Net::RDAP::Link class now has a context() method, which returns a URI object representing the context URI (in the `value` property). This method uses the document URL as the base URL so that relative URLs resolve properly.
  • the href() method of Net::RDAP::Link will use the context URI as the base URL when constructing the link URL.


an interface to the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP).
base module for some Net::RDAP:: modules.
a module which provides a mapping between EPP and RDAP status values.
an RDAP object representing an error.
object representing an RDAP event.
an RDAP object representing a help response.
a module representing a public identifier in an RDAP response.
an object representing an RDAP jCard object.
a subclass of Net::RDAP::JCard::Property representing a postal address.
an object representing a property of a Net::RDAP::JCard object.
a module representing an RDAP link.
an RDAP notice
a module representing an RDAP object.
an RDAP object representing an autonymous system.
a module representing a domain name.
a module representing an entity (person or organization).
an RDAP object representing an IP address network.
a module representing a nameserver.
a module representing a redacted field in an RDAP response.
an interface to the IANA RDAP registries.
a class which represents an RDAP bootstrap registry.
a class which represents an RDAP service in an IANA bootstrap registry.
an RDAP remark
a module representing an RDAP search result.
an interface to an RDAP server.
an RDAP user agent, based on LWP::UserAgent.
interface to the RDAP values registry.