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Data::Printer::Object - underlying object for Data::Printer


Unless you're writing a plugin, you're probably looking for Data::Printer. Seriously!

use Data::Printer::Object;

my $ddp = Data::Printer::Object->new(
    colorized     => 1,
    show_refcount => 0,

my $data = 123;

say $ddp->parse( \$data );


This module implements the underlying object used by Data::Printer to parse, format and print Perl data structures.

It is passed to plugins so they can rely on contextual information from the caller like colors, spacing and other options.


new( %options )

Creates a new Data::Printer::Object instance. It may (optionally) receive a hash or hash reference with custom settings for any of its properties.


parse( $data_ref )

parse( $data_ref, %options )

This method receives a reference to a data structure to parse, and returns the parsed string. It will call each filter and colorize the output accordingly.

Use this inside filters whenever you want to use the result of a parsed data strucure.

my $ddp = Data::Printer::Object->new;

my $output = $ddp->parse( [3,2,1] );

An optional set of parameters may be passed:

  • force_type => $type - forces data to be treated as that type, where $type is the name of the Perl data strucuture as returned by Scalar::Util::reftype (e.g. 'HASH', 'ARRAY' etc). This is used when a filter wants to show the internals of blessed data. Otherwise parse would just call the same filter over and over again.

  • seen_override => 1 - Data::Printer::Object tries to remember if it has already seen a data structure before, so it can show the circular reference instead of entenring an infinite loop. However, there are cases when you wanto to print the same data structure twice, like when you're doing a second pass on a blessed object to print its internals, or if you're using the same object over and over again. This setting overrides the internal counter and prints the same data again.

parse_as( $type, $data_ref )

This is a convenience method to force some data to be interpreted as a particular type. It is the same as:

$ddp->parse( $data, force_type => $type, seen_override => 1 );




These methods are used to control the indentation level of the string being created to represent your data. While indent and outdent respectively increase and decrease the indentation level, newline will add a linebreak and position the "cursor" where you are expected to continue your dump string:

my $output = $ddp->newline . 'this is a new line';
$output .= $ddp->newline . 'this is indented';
$output .= $ddp->newline . 'back to our previous indentation!';

Unless multiline was set to 0, the code above should print something like:

this is a new line
    this is indentend
back to our previous indentation

maybe_colorize( $string, $label )

maybe_colorize( $string, $label, $default_color )

my $output = $ddp->maybe_colorize( 12.3, 'number');

Instead of simply adding raw content to your dump string, you should wrap it with this method, as it will look up colors on the current theme and print them (or not, depending on whether the terminal supports color or the user has explicitly turned them off).

If you are writing a custom filter and don't want to use the core labels to colorize your content, you may want to set your own label and pass a default color. For example:

my $output = $ddp->maybe_colorize( $data, 'filter_myclass', '#ffccb3' );

In the code above, if the user has colors.filter_myclass set either on the .dataprinter file or the runtime hashref, that one will be used. Otherwise, Data::Printer will use '#ffccb3'.


Most of them are described in Data::Printer.

  • align_hash - vertically align hash keys (default: 1)

  • array_max - maximum array elements to show. Set to 0 to show all (default: 50)

  • array_overflow - message to display once array_max is reached

  • array_preserve - which part of the array to preserve after array_max (default: 'begin')

  • caller_info - whether the user wants to prepend dump with caller information or not (default: 0)

  • caller_message - what to print when caller_info is true.

  • class - class properties to override.

  • class_method - function name to look for custom dump of external classes (default: '_dataprinter')

  • color_level - what the current color level is. Used by themes to approximate (or disable) colors.

  • colored - whether to colorize the output or not (default: 'auto')

  • current_depth - shows the current depth level.

  • current_name - gets/sets the name for the current posistion, to be printed when the parser visits that data again. E.g. var[0]{abc}[2].

  • deparse - whether the user wants to see deparsed content or not (default: 0)

  • end_separator - should we print the trailing comma? (default: 0)

  • escape_chars - which characters to escape when parsing strings ('nonascii', 'nonlatin1', 'all' or 'none' (the default))

  • extra_config - all given options that were not recognized by Data::Printer::Object are kept here. Useful to create custom options in filters. See Data::Printer::Filter.

  • hash_max - maximum hash pairs to show. Set to 0 to show all (default: 50)

  • hash_overflow - message to display once hash_max is reached

  • hash_preserve - which part of the (sorted) hash to preserve after hash_max (default: 'begin')

  • hash_separator - what to use to separate keys from values (default: ' ')

  • ignore_keys - arrayref of keys to ignore (default: [])

  • index - whether to show array index numbers or not (default: 1)

  • max_depth - how far inside the data strucuture should we go (default: 0 for infinite)

  • memsize_unit - show memory size as bytes (b), kbytes (k) or megabytes (m). Default is 'auto'

  • multiline - set to 0 to disable linebreaks, disable index and use ':' as hash separator.

  • output - where the user wants the output to be printed. Defaults to 'stderr', could be 'stdout', \$string or $filehandle.

  • output_handle - stores the proper handle for the given output so you can print to it.

  • print_escapes - whether to print invisible characters in strings, like \b, \n and \t (default: 0)

  • quote_keys - whether to quote hash keys or not (default: 'auto')

  • return_value - whether the user wants the return value to be a pass-through of the source data ('pass'), the dump content itself ('dump') or nothing at all ('void'). Defaults to 'pass'.

  • scalar_quotes - which quotation character to use when printing strings (default: ")

  • separator - what separator character to use for arrays/hashes (default: ,)

  • show_dualvar - whether to label dual-variables (default: 1)

  • show_lvalue - whether to label lvalues (default: 1)

  • show_memsize - whether to show memory size of data structure. Requires Devel::Size (default: 0)

  • show_readonly - whether label readonly data (default: 1)

  • show_refcount - whether to show data refcount it's above 1 (default: 0)

  • show_tainted - whether to label tainted data (default: 1)

  • show_unicode - whether to label data with the unicode flag set (default: 1)

  • show_weak - whether to label weak references (default: 1)

  • sort_keys - whether to sort hash keys (default: 1)

  • string_max - maxumum number of characters in a string. Set to 0 to show all (default: 1024)

  • string_overflow - message to display once string_max is reached

  • string_preserve - which part of the string to preserve after string_max (default: 'begin')

  • theme - points to the current theme object

  • unicode_charnames - whether to use the character's names when escaping unicode (e.g. SNOWMAN instead of \x{2603}) (default: 0)

  • write_label - returns the proper label string, as parsed from caller_message.

