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Data::Printer::Filter::DB - pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx::Class, etc)


In your .dataprinter file:

    filters = DB

You may also customize the look and feel with the following options:

    filter_db.expand_dbh = 1

    # you can even customize your themes:
    colors.filter_db_connected    = #00cc00
    colors.filter_db_disconnected = #cc0000

That's it!


This is a filter plugin for Data::Printer that displays (hopefully) more relevant information on database objects than a regular dump.

Parsed Modules


If it's a database handle, for example, this filter may show you something like this:

    SQLite Database Handle (connected) {
        dbname: file.db
        Auto Commit: 1
        Statement Handles: 2 (1 active)
        Last Statement: SELECT * FROM some_table

And if you have a statement handler like this (for example):

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ?');

    use DDP; p $sth;

This is what you'll get:

    SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ?  (42)

Note that if your driver does not support holding of parameter values, you'll get a bindings unavailable message instead of the bound values.


