prolix - trim chatty command outputs


version 0.01


# Run spammy_command and log its output, but week out some output
prolix -s '(spam)' -l auto -- spammy_command cmd_opt1 cmd_opt2

# While it's running, hit enter and add another ignore term at the
# interactive prompt
prolix> ignore_substring (more spam)

# Weed uninteresting fields out of a log file
tail -f error.log | prolix -s 's/^\[(.*?\] ){3}//'


prolix launches a command and captures its standard output and error. It suppresses uninteresting lines. Unlike grep -v, it is an interactive program; hit enter to add suppression patterns as new anoyances come up on your terminal. You can weed out by full or substring line matches, as well as regexp. You can also apply substitutions to lines, for example shorten overly chatty fields.

prolix can be configured to automatically store a filtered log of output from the commands that it captures.

[Planned] You can have prolix remember different profiles for different command invocations, so that if you often debug a server, prolix (which knows your command line) will identify what ignore/snippet patterns to apply to it.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc App::Prolix

You can also contact the maintainer at the address above or look for information at:


Gaal Yahas <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Google, Inc.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License