GnuPG::Handles - GnuPG handles bundle
use IO::Handle;
my ( $stdin, $stdout, $stderr,
$status_fh, $logger_fh, $passphrase_fh )
= ( IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(),
IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new() );
my $handles = GnuPG::Handle->new
( stdin => $stdin,
stdout => $stdout,
stderr => $stderr,
status => $status_fh,
logger => $logger_fh,
passphrase => $passphrase_fh );
GnuPG::Handles objects are generally instantiated to be used in conjunction with methods of objects of the class GnuPG::Interface. GnuPG::Handles objects represent a collection of handles that are used to communicate with GnuPG.
Initialization Methods
- new( %initialization_args )
This methods creates a new object. The optional arguments are initialization of data members; the initialization is done in a manner according to the method created as described in "new_hash_init" in Class::MethodMaker.
- hash_init( %args ).
This method works as described in "new_hash_init" in Class::MethodMaker.
Note that these data members are interacted with via object methods created using the methods described in "get_set" in Class::MethodMaker, or "object" in Class::MethodMaker. Please read there for more information.
- stdin
This handle is generally connected to the standard input of a GnuPG process.
- stdout
This handle is generally connected to the standard output of a GnuPG process.
- stderr
This handle is generally connected to the standard error of a GnuPG process.
- status
This handle is generally connected to the status output handle of a GnuPG process.
- logger
This handle is generally connected to the logger output handle of a GnuPG process.
- passphrase
This handle is generally connected to the passphrase input handle of a GnuPG process.
See also GnuPG::Interface and Class::MethodMaker.