Net::SMTP::IPMM - IronPort Mail-Merge interface


Version 0.01


use Net::SMTP::IPMM;
my $ipmm = Net::SMTP::IPMM->new( 'ipmmhost' );

# define parts
my $part1 = "From: me\\n" .
            "To: &*TO;\n" .
            "Subject: This is a message\n\n" .
            "Dear &FNAME;,\n";
my $part2 = "Your last name is &LNAME;.\n"; 

# from addresss
$self->xmrg( '' );

# first person, both parts
$self->xdfn( parts => "1,2", 
             fname => "Some",
             lname => "Guy", );
$self->to( '' );

# second person, first part only
$self->xdfn( parts => "1", 
             fname => "Another",
             lname => "Guy", );
$self->to( '' );

# send the parts.
$self->xprt( $part1, $part2 );


Constructor. Pass the hostname of the IronPort as the first parameter:

  my $ipmm = Net::SMTP::IPMM->new( '' );

For additional configuration options see the docs for L<Net::SMTP>.
ackrcpt( BOOL )
Turn RCPT acknowledgements on or off.  Off means less traffic and 
higher performance (which is probably why you bought an IronPort).
Pass any true value to turn RCPT acknowledgements on, false for off.
xmrg( ADDRESS )
This sends an XMRG FROM command (replacing MAIL FROM from regular SMTP.)
You must use this method to tell the IronPort that mail-merge data is coming.

  $ipmm->xmrg( '' );
xdfn( PARTS => PART_NUMBERS, key => value, key => value, ... )
This sends an XDFN command. XDFN is used to send each recipient's data to 
the IronPort. PART_NUMBERS is a string containing a comma-separated list
of "parts" for the recipient. The key/value pairs will be substituted
into the message by the IronPort. Note that message parts are not 
zero-indexed (the first one is "1".)

  $ipmm->xdfn( PARTS => "1,2,5",
               fname => 'Mike',
               lname => 'Friedman',
               zip   => '11106' );
  $ipmm->to( '' );
This sends all the message parts to the IronPort and begins the mailing.
MESSAGE_PARTS is a list of strings containing the message parts with
the appropriate variables in them.

  my $part1 = "From: sender\$CRLF" .
              "To: &*TO;$CRLF" .
              "Subject: message$CRLF$CRLF" .
              "Dear &FNAME;,$CRLF";

  my $part2 = "Your last name is &LNAME;.$CRLF";

  $ipmm->xprt( $part1, $part2 );


Thanks to Douglas Hunter for doing most of the work. :)


Mike Friedman <> Douglas Hunter, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2005 PlusThree LP, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.