koha-ark - Manage ARK identified in a Koha Catalog


version 0.056


Process biblio record from a Koha Catalog in order to update its ARK identifiers. See The ARK Identifier Scheme. The procession is driven by ARK_CONF Koha system preference. It's a json variable. For example:

  "NMHA": "",
  "NAAN": "12345",
  "ARK": "http://{NMHA}/arh:/{NAAN}/idkoha{biblionumber}",
  "field": "003"

ARK_CONF system preference must contain 4 variables :

  • NMHA — Name Mapping Authority Hostport. Usually it's a hostname, the hostname of the Koha system itself, or the hostname of a proxy server (or link resolver).

  • NAAN — Name Assigning Authority Number. It's a number identifying the institution, ie the Library using Koha. This number is provided for example by the California Digital Library (CDL),

  • ARK — It's a placeholder used to build the ARK. Three variables can be used: NMHA, NAAN, and biblionumber (Koha biblio record unique identifier).

  • field — The biblio record field used to store the ARK. It could be a control or standard field. For example, 003 or 099a.

There are two commands: clear and update


koha-ark clear clears the ARK field (field variable) in all biblio records of the Catalog.


koha-ark update processes all biblio that have an empty ARK field. The ARK field is created with the appropriate ARK identifier. The ARK is build based on ARK variable from ARK_CONF. For the above ARK_CONF, the biblio record that has 9877 biblionumber will have this in 003 field:


koha-ark clear --doit
koha-ark update --verbose --doit


koha-ark clear|update [--doit] [--verbose] [--help]



Without this parameter biblio records are not modified in Koha Catalog.


Enable script verbose mode. Biblio records are displayed before/after processing.


Print this help page.


Frédéric Demians <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Fréderic Démians.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007