WWW::Txodds - API Perl interface.
Version 0.68
Working with API.
my $tx = WWW::Txodds->new(
ident => 'ident',
passwd => 'password'
my $tx = WWW::Txodds->new(
ident => 'ident',
passwd => 'password'
This method work with Standard XML Feed and Full Service Feed odds.
The Full Service Feed provides the same request options as the standard feed but supports the following additional options. For more information see Standard XML Feed and Full Service Feed description in PDF documentation (
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed();
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(%params);
%params is a HASH with API request options:
Sport - Master ID Groups
TXODDS provides a list of specific Master ID Groups to allow you to request just the content for the sport and country that you require. For a full list of codes please see mgroups() or Appendix 2 - Master ID group codes in PDF doc.
mgid => 'code1,code2,code3'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgid => '1072');
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgid => '1018,1022');
Sport - Master ID Groups by name
mgstr => 'name1,name2'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgstr => 'FB%');
# This will request all Master ID names that start with FB% (all socker)
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgid => 'FBENG,FBFRA');
# English and France socker
Sport - Bookmakers
If you made the above requests you would have received all bookmakers quoted prices. For popular events there can be well over a hundred bookmaker odds on the TXODDS XML Feed. See books() for information about requesting bookmaker codes.
bid => 'code1,code2,code3'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(bid => '17,42,110,126');
# Only selected bookmakers
Sport - Odds type
The Odds Type parameter allows you to select single or multiple odds types. For example you may only be interested in Asian Handicap odds for your chosen sport or league or you may wish to process different odds types separately to keep your program code less complex. See odds_types() for information about requesting offer codes.
ot => 'code1,code2,code3'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(ot => '0,5');
# Only three way and Asian Handicap odds (0 and 5)
Sport - League/Event - Minor ID Groups
pgid is for selecting groups such as Premier League-06 by giving group number as a parameter. See groups() for information about requesting Minor ID group codes.
pgid => 'code1,code2,code3'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(pgid => '2760,2761');
# FBENG 2006 Premier League and Coca Cola Championship
Odds order
The TXODDS feed allows you also to specify which order of quoted odds you require for a particular purpose. Please refer to the table below for a detailed explanation
all_odds => 'code'
- 0
(first/last) You will receive both the first odds (oldest) and last odds ( youngest or most recent) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
- 1
(all) You will receive all odds quoted from the first odds (oldest) to the last odds (most recent) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
- 2
(last) You will receive the last odds ( youngest or most recent) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
- 3
(first) You will receive the first odds (oldest) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(all_odds => 2);
Timed requests
When any request is made the returned XML document provides a timestamp at the top of the feed which shows the current TXODDS feed server time for that request. If you want to receive odds updates rather than refresh all the odds then you can store this value and use it in your next request.
The timestamp is in standard Unix timestamp format For more information please see
last => 'timestamp'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(last => '1215264420');
# To request all changes after 1215264420 (19th May 2007 13:27:00)
Active Price
TXODDS selects and extracts bookmakers odds (scanning) by a variety of methods. Should the bookmakers website or server be unable and therefore TXODDS cannot verify that the odds are either the same or have changed during the current scanning process then those odds are flagged as inactive.
The timestamp is in standard Unix timestamp format For more information please see
active => 0 # It will return the last odds from the master database regardless of age
active => 1 # It will return only the odds that have been found during the last scan i.e. verified as the latest and most recent odds This option should be used if you require verifiable prices
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(active => 1);
Match ID
The peid option is for selecting a single match by its matchid attribute as a parameter.
peid => xxxxxxx
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(peid => 789701);
Bet Offer ID
The boid option is for selecting a single offer via the offer_id attribute as a parameter.
The default odds type is ot=0 ( Match Odds ). If the bet offer is not ot=o then you will also need to add the odds type to the request.
ot => 1
boid => 63087469
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(peid => 789701);
Team ID
The pid option is for selecting a single teams odds using the team id ( hteam or ateam id) attribute as a parameter.
pid => xxxx
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(pid => 1592);
# This will return all odds for Birmingham City English Soccer team
Date search
The required date range to search
%options = (
date => 'StartDate,EndDate'
date => '2007-06-01,2007-06-30',
The date parameter accepts also the following values: yesterday - Yesterdays results; today - Todays results; tomorrow - Tomorrows results; now - Current time + 24 hours; next xxx - Specific day i.e. where xxx is day e.g. Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.
Note: You can also do date arithmetic using the following operators: -+ day / month / year
date => 'today',
date => 'today,tomorrow +1 day',
date => 'now + 1 day',
date => 'next saturday',
date => '2009-3-24'
Day search
A simpler way to search uses the days option
days => number
Use the &days= feature to separate full odds loads easily (and therefore cutting down on file sizes). The xml days-parameter simplifies data loading. It now accepts the following format:
days => 'n,r',
where: n is the starting day relative to the current date and r is range (in days) so for example. If the r parameter is not specified it works like before.
days => '0,1', # To return all of today’s odds
days => '0,2', # To return odds for the next 2 days
days => '1,1' # To return tomorrow's odds
days => '0,-1' # To return yesterday's odds
days => '1' # Today
days => '3' # Next 3 days
days => '-1' # Yesterday
days => '-3' # Last 3 days
Hours Search
Hours parameter - now you can request any upcoming info within an hour range. To get all matches/odds for any given time range by using the date parameter. For example this returns all soccer fixtures for the next 24 hours:
date => 'now,now+24hour',
Fixtures & results
To choose between fixtures or final results you can use the result option
%options = (
result => code
0 - FIXTURE (To request FIXTURES only);
1 - RESULT (To request RESULTS only).
result => 0
odds_feed function return a HASH object with data about matches, odds etc.
'timestamp' => '1316685278',
'time' => '2011-09-22T09:54:38+00:00',
'match' => {
'1576137' => {
'xsid' => '0',
'bookmaker' => {
'BETDAQ' => {
'bid' => '109',
'offer' => {
'77732329' => {
'n' => '1',
'last_updated' => '2011-09-22T06:19:06+00:00',
'flags' => '0',
'ot' => '0',
'bmoid' => '2309781',
'odds' => [
'o2' => '0',
'o1' => '0',
'starting_time' => '2011-09-20T11:00:00+00:00',
'time' => '2011-09-20T22:52:17+00:00',
'o3' => '0',
'i' => '0'
'group' => {
'8932' => {
'content' => 'GOLF Austrian Golf Open-11'
'hteam' => {
'25541' => {
'content' => 'Forsyth, Alastair'
'time' => '2011-09-22T06:20:00+00:00',
'ateam' => {
'25949' => {
'content' => 'Drysdale, David'
'results' => '',
Standart Feed and Full Service Feed XML document structure
Basic XML document structure
The basic TXODDS XML document is structurally rather simple. Each element may have multiple sub-elements based upon your request. The XML document is made up of the following six elements:
* XML Declaration
* Matches Container
* Match Element
* Bookmaker Element
* Offer Element
* Odds Element
These are all comprehensively described below.
The Full Service Feed XML document is an extension of the Standard Feed to provide the additional information for fixtures, live scoring and final results information so please refer to the Standard XML Feed description for the base structure details. In this section we will just document the additional elements in the feed.
The XML document is made up of the following ten elements:
* XML Declaration
* Matches Container
* Match Element
o Bookmaker Element
o Offer Element
o Odds Element
o Results Element
o Result Element
o Periods Element
o Scorer Element
Odds XML Schema Definition (XSD)
Please see xml_schema function description
Fixtures & Results Feed description can be read in PDF documentation
my $results = $tx->results_feed(%options);
Date search
The required date range to search
%options = (
date => 'StartDate,EndDate'
date => '2007-06-01,2007-06-30',
The date parameter accepts also the following values: yesterday - Yesterdays results; today - Todays results; tomorrow - Tomorrows results; now - Current time + 24 hours; next xxx - Specific day i.e. where xxx is day e.g. Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.
Note: You can also do date arithmetic using the following operators: -+ day / month / year
date => 'today',
date => 'today,tomorrow +1 day',
date => 'now + 1 day',
date => 'next saturday',
date => '2009-3-24'
Day search
A simpler way to search uses the days option
days => number
Use the &days= feature to separate full odds loads easily (and therefore cutting down on file sizes). The xml days-parameter simplifies data loading. It now accepts the following format:
days => 'n,r',
where: n is the starting day relative to the current date and r is range (in days) so for example. If the r parameter is not specified it works like before.
days => '0,1', # To return all of today’s odds
days => '0,2', # To return odds for the next 2 days
days => '1,1' # To return tomorrow's odds
days => '0,-1' # To return yesterday's odds
days => '1' # Today
days => '3' # Next 3 days
days => '-1' # Yesterday
days => '-3' # Last 3 days
Sport - Master ID Groups
TXODDS provides a list of specific Master ID Groups to allow you to request just the content for the sport and country that you require. For a full list of codes please see mgroups() or Appendix 2 - Master ID group codes in PDF doc.
mgid => 'code1,code2,code3'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgid => '1072');
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgid => '1018,1022');
Sport - Master ID Groups by name
mgstr => 'name1,name2'
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgstr => 'FB%');
# This will request all Master ID names that start with FB% (all socker)
my $obj = $tx->odds_feed(mgid => 'FBENG,FBFRA');
# English and France socker
Results XML Schema Definition (XSD)
An XML Schema definition is available that describes the Results XML. This can be used by various development tools to simplify code generation/testing/feed parsing.
Half-time & Correct Score feed (more info in PDF doc)
my $data = $tx->htcs_feed();
Requesting specific information
This feed can be searched using all the same request options as per the Standard feed.
See the Average feed description in PDF documentation (
my $data = $tx->average_feed();
League/Event - Minor ID Groups The pgid is for selecting different groups such as Champions League -07 by giving the group number as a parameter.
pgid => 'code1,code2,code3'
Bookmakers If you made the above requests you would have received all bookmakers quoted prices. For popular events there can be well over a hundred bookmaker odds on the TXODDS XML Feed.
bid => 'code1,code2,code3'
Match ID The peid option is for selecting a single match by its matchid attribute as a parameter.
peid => xxxx
Team ID The pid option is for selecting a single teams odds using the team id ( hteam or ateam id) attribute as a parameter.
pid => xxxxxxx
Average type The how option returns one of two averages. The default ( how=0 ) returns the current average as calculated based on all bookmakers ( or selected bookmakers ) The default ( how=1 ) returns the initial average and can be used to compare with the current average to see how prices have changed over time.
how => code
# O - Provides the current average price ( default );
# 1 - Provides the initial average price;
Show bookmakers odds The showbookdata option can be used to stop the display of the bookmakers odds ‘expectations’ element. If you simply want the averages and don’t want all the bookmakers odds then use this option for greater efficiency.
showbookdata => code
# O - Suppresses the bookmakers odds from being returned;
# 1 - Provides the bookmakers odds as normal ( default );
A separate webservice provides outright lines for major Soccer leagues and events.
my $data = antepost_feed();
League/Event - Minor ID Groups The pgid is for selecting different groups such as Champions League -07 by giving the group number as a parameter.
pgid => 'code1,code2,code3'
Bookmakers If you made the above requests you would have received all bookmakers quoted prices. For popular events there can be well over a hundred bookmaker odds on the TXODDS XML Feed.
bid => 'code1,code2,code3'
Odds order The Antepost feed allows you also to specify which order of quoted odds you require for a particular purpose. Please refer to the table below for a detailed explanation
all_odds => code1,code2,code3
# 0 - (first/last) You will receive both the first odds (oldest) and last odds ( youngest or most recent) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
# 1 - (all) You will receive all odds quoted from the first odds (oldest) to the last odds (most recent) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
# 2 - (last) You will receive the last odds ( youngest or most recent) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
# 3 - (first) You will receive the first odds (oldest) quoted by the bookmaker(s);
Tracking OTB (Off-the-board) Offers
For clients who want to know each offers current validity in real time we have created a new webservice specifically for this purpose.
There are two options within this webservice as follows:
* type=change ( default );
* type=update;
Offer state changes ( type=change)
This webservice provides details of offers ‘state changes’ i.e. an offer that currently cannot be verified is marked as ‘inactive’, and if subsequently it is re-verified it is then marked as ‘active’ again. The reasons for offers becoming invalid are down to 2 main reasons:
* the offer has been removed/taken down by the bookmaker (hence OTB);
* we cannot establish a connection with the bookmakers and hence cannot read the odds;
Note: If all odds for a bookie are OTB, then most likely it's a connection/network problem.
In the XML odds element we already have the "flags=" and "last_updated" attributes which show if the offer is active or inactive for a particular offer and the time it was last verified. However, unless all offers are refreshed then this information is soon out of date, and refreshing all the offers each time is very inefficient. As offers are verified frequently if we updated the offers element with this new data then you’d be getting all the data refreshed all the time, so we have built the OTB feed to provide this functionality in a much more efficient manner.
Active->Inactive->Active state changes
With this feed we you can monitor any offers that go from active->inactive and then inactive->active The first request always returns just the header, and the timestamp. Use the timestamp on your next request, in the same way as you would for odds updates. You should check that the offer id exists in your database or application, and then updates it accordingly with the new "last_updated" and "flags" values. Your database or application will now be fully up to date with which offers are verified as currently valid, so you can be assured that your applications and/or traders can use them wioth confidence.
my $data = $tx->boid_states(last => 1235383825);
Offer last updated time ( type => 'update') This webservice provides details of the time when each offer was last verified as correct. As an example usage on the TXODDS website we have colours showing when offers where "last updated" or "verified as correct".
my $data = $tx->boid_states( type => 'update', last => 1235383825 );
Please note that as offers are verified every few seconds, to every few minutes depending on the bookmaker, so then there will naturally be a lot of data sent via this webservice. You can then use the "last_updated" time to update your database/application using the bet offer Id (boid) and the "last_updated" , "last_changed" and "flags" values as appropriate. Your database or application will now be fully up to date with the last time offers have been verified, or changed as currently valid, so you can be assured that your applications and/or traders can use them with confidence.
See the Tracking OTB (Off-the-board) Offers description in PDF documentation (
Bookmakers Starting Times
This webservice provides details of the starting times of events as posted by individual online bookmakers. It is very common for conflicting data to be posted by bookmakers in relation to the starting time of events, therefore this service was created to allow customers to find make informed choices when selecting the time they use for their own purposes.
If the request returns no data (i.e. no updates have been received) or it is invalid for some reason you will still receive an XML document with valid XML Declaration and matches container as above but it will of course not contain any data.
It is also a good idea to provide XML document verification in your processing code to ensure that the entire document has arrived successfully and is not malformed due to any transmission errors.
my $data = $tx->starting_times();
This feed can be searched using the last timestamp to get changes for example every minute.
This web service allows you to see which odds are moving and identifies trends you may want to bring to the attention of your traders and/or show to your customers as an added value service.
my $data = $tx->moves();
spid - by sport id
spid => 1
An XML Schema definition is available that describes the Odds XML. This can be used by various development tools to simplify code generation/testing/feed parsing.
my $schema = $tx->xml_schema();
This function returns XML Schema from
This service provides a complete list of sports used within the feeds.
my %sports = $tx->sports();
sportid => 'sport name',
This method request all master groups from
my %mgroups = $tx->mgroups();
name => 'sportid',
active - (boolean) request only active master groups;
spid - select by spid (sport identifier).
my %mgroups = $tx->mgroups(
active => 1,
spid => 1
# select only soccer active groups
This method return all odds types. For more information see Appendix 13 in PDF documentation (
my %types = $tx->odds_types();
'1' => 'money line',
'0' => 'three way',
'3' => 'points',
'4' => 'totals',
'5' => 'asian handicap'
any option will return full response
my %types = $tx->odds_types('full');
#return full response
'sname' => '1x2',
'name' => 'three way',
'ot' => '0'
This servise is resersed for including exchange matched amounts for standard odds. For more information see Appendix 12 in PDF documentation (
my %oa = $tx->offer_amounts(date => '2011-04-02');
YYYY-MM-DD - For a cpecific date;
YYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD - For a cpecific date range;
today - Just for today;
today+7 - For today plus 7 days;
spid (Sport Id):
1 - soccer;
2 - hockey;
Please see sports() for all sport id codes;
boid (Bet Offer Id):
xxxxxxx - Single bet offer id;
xxxxxxx, yyyyyyy, zzzzzzz - multiple bet offer id;
%boid% => %amount%,
Antepost Exchange Mathed Amounts Servise. This servise is resersed for including exchange matched amounts. For more information see Appendix 11 in PDF documentation (
my $oa = $tx->ap_offer_amounts();
'amount' => %amount%,
'bid' => %BookmakerId%,
'pgid' => %pgid%
'amount' => %amount%,
'bid' => %BookmakerId%,
'pgid' => %pgid%
if amount is single.
%amount% - monetary value of amounts of matched bets on exchanges;
%BookmakerId% - bookmaker (exchange) identify code;
%pgid% - offer id code. This maps directly to the offer id specified in the offer element section.
This servise allows a search for deleted offers on Antepost feed. An offer refers to market/bookie/team combination. When an offer for team is no longer 'valid' the offer id is available on this webservise ths providing a complete audit trail of what has been available.
my $offers = $tx->deleted_ap_offers();
Country codes
$countries = $tx->countries();
'cc' => 'IRI',
'name' => 'Iran',
'id' => '361'
Competitors webservice This webservice provides a comprehensive list of team and players names used by the feed. For more information see Appendix 6 in PDF documentation (
my $competitors = $tx->competitors();
pid - by participant id i.e. the unique competitor number;
pgrp - by participant group name a combination of the sport and country (or league for US Sports) e.g. fbjpn is football Japan;
cid - by country id all competitors or teams within a particular country;
spid - by sport id – every sport has a unique identifier;
name - by alias name selection – shows all competitors that include a particular string.
'group' => 'fbeng',
'name' => 'Liverpool',
'id' => '2452'
'group' => 'fbeng',
'name' => 'Liverpool B',
'id' => '7965'
When a match is longer ‘valid’ its id is available on this webservice. For example when a match has finished then it may need to be removed from any monitoring application or database.
For more information see Appendix 5 in PDF documentation (
my $peids = $tx->deleted_peids();
last - select by timestamp;
'peid' => {
'345819' => {
'time' => '2008-02-13T06:57:48+00:00'
'345816' => {
'time' => '2008-02-13T05:57:07+00:00'
'345810' => {
'time' => '2008-02-13T00:57:48+00:00'
'timestamp' => '1202887315',
'time' => '2008-02-13T07:21:55+00:00'
When an extraction or verification of odds fails the unique odds id is available on this webservice. For example if a bookmaker takes down their website for maintenance their odds are no longer valid they may need to be removed from any monitoring application or database.
For more information see Appendix 4 in PDF documentation (
my $boids = $tx->deleted_boids();
last - select by timestamp;
'timestamp' => '1202887171',
'time' => '2008-02-13T07:19:31+00:00',
'boid' => {
'23674997' => {
'time' => '2008-02-13T00:27:18+00:00'
'23674994' => {
'time' => '2008-02-13T00:27:18+00:00'
'23675000' => {
'time' => '2008-02-13T00:27:18+00:00'
This method request league or event names. See Appendix 3 in PDF documentation (
) for more info.
my $groups = $tx->groups();
sid - select by year / season:
sid => '08,09'
# To find the leagues or events starting in 2008 and 2009;
mgid - Select by master group:
mgid => 1027
# To find the International soccer;
my $groups = $tx->groups({sid => '08,09', mgid => 1027});
'sid' => '08',
'date2' => '2009-01-01 00:00:00',
'date1' => '2007-01-05 00:00:00',
'fullname' => 'FBINT UEFA U21 Championship-08',
'name' => 'UEFA U21 Championship',
'mgroup' => {
'content' => 'FBINT',
'id' => '1027'
'id' => '3220'
'sid' => '08',
'date2' => '2008-12-12 00:00:00',
'date1' => '2008-01-01 00:00:00',
'fullname' => 'FBINT Africa Cup of Nations-08',
'name' => 'Africa Cup of Nations',
'mgroup' => {
'content' => 'FBINT',
'id' => '1027'
'id' => '3690'
'sid' => '08',
'date2' => '2008-12-23 00:00:00',
'date1' => '2008-01-01 00:00:00',
'fullname' => 'FBINT Pan-Pacific Champions-08',
'name' => 'Pan-Pacific Champions',
'mgroup' => {
'content' => 'FBINT',
'id' => '1027'
'id' => '3751'
id - TXODDS group id code;
mgroup - master group. See mgroups();
name - league or event text name;
sid - season ID or year of the event / league;
fullname - full description including the league / event name and the season / year information;
date1 - start date for this event / league;
date2 - end date for this event / league.
Bookmaker codes. More info in Appendix 3 of PDF documentation (
my $bookmakers = $tx->books();
active - request all active bookmakers:
active => 1,
ot - the odds type to search for:
ot => 5,
# or
ot => '3,4',
'flags' => '19',
'name' => 'Centrebet',
'id' => '2'
'flags' => '19',
'name' => 'Admiral',
'id' => '4'
'flags' => '19',
'name' => 'Expekt',
'id' => '5'
Send GET request and return response content.
my $data = $tx->get( $url, \%params );
my $url = ''
my %params = (
user => 'vasya',
pass => 'paswd',
data => 'sometxt'
my $data = $tx->get( $url, \%params );
my $obj = $tx->parse_xml($xml_string, [Parser options]);
Function is use XML::LibXML::Simple module. See options of parser in documentation of this module.
Method create GET request with URI. Used by get().
my $request = $tx->create_get_request( $url, \%params );
Method for clean "bad" API data object, returned odds_feed(): delete unnecessary nodes, add sport node etc.
my $BadObj = $tx->odds_feed();
my $GoodObj = $tx->clean_obj($BadObj);
'timestamp' => '%Timestamp%',
'time' => '%Time%',
'sport' => {
%SportName% => {
%GroupName% => {
%MatchName% => {
'bookmaker' => {
%BookmakerName% => {
'offer' => {
%OfferCode% => {
'1' => %Odd%,
'x' => %Odd%,
'2' => %Odd%
'Home' => %HomeTeam%,
'MatchTime' => %MatchTime%,
'Away' => %AwayTeam%
%Timestamp% - Unix timestamp;
%Time% - Current time 'hh:mm dd-mm-yyyy' (13:04 22-09-2011);
%SportName% - Name of sport. See sports() method description;
%GroupName% - Group, League, Division, etc.;
%MatchName% - Name of match ('First comand\player' - 'Second comand\player');
%BookmakerName% - Name of bookmaker;
%OfferCode% - Offer code;
%Odd% - Odd factor;
%HomeTeam% - First comand, home comand, first player, or favorite etc.;
%AwayTeam% - Second comand, home comand, second player etc.
Return ident and passwd
my %params;
@params{ 'ident', 'passwd' } = get_ident_passwd();
"Alexander Babenko"
CONTRIBUTORS "Sergey Romanov"
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-txodds at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::Txodds
You can also look for information at:
API documentation PDF:
RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
Search CPAN
Copyright 2011 "Alexander Babenko".
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
3 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 444:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 448:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 452:
Expected text after =item, not a number