Changes for version 1.03 - 2015-05-20

  • 1. Add option --fop-param to so that the program can compute the metric Fop. 2. Reformat the 'usage' information of the scripts in the 'bin' directory. 3. Add a tutorial file Tutorial.pod.


a program to calculate CAI for each codon
a program to calculate tAI of each codon
a program to calculate sequence codon usage bias metrics and other sequence parameters.
A tutorial on using the programs of Bio-CUA


Codon Usage Analyzer.
This is the parent class for all classs processing codon usage bias (CUB).
A module to calculate codon usage bias (CUB) metrics at codon level and other parameters
A module to calculate codon usage bias (CUB) indice for protein-coding sequences
A package processing genetic codon table
a module processing sequence object
a package to parse sequence file if module Bio::SeqIO is unavailable in the system.
a class to summarize features of sequences.