CPAN::Testers::Report - Creates CPAN Testers test-report objects
use CPAN::Testers::Report;
my $test_report = CPAN::Testers::Report->new() || die CPAN::Testers::Report->errstr();
$test_report->comments('...This is a computer-generated test report...');
$test_report->dist('Test-Reporter-1.34') || die $test_report->errstr();
$test_report->from('Adam J. Foxson <>') || die $test_report->errstr();
$test_report->grade('pass') || die $test_report->errstr();
Welcome to CPAN::Testers::Report. This is the first distribution in the CPAN::Testers namespace. This module is designed to be part of the next-generation implementation of the CPAN Tester's stack. When complete, this distribution and its constituents will obsolete Test::Reporter.
This module provides an abstraction for test reports. An object of this type will encapsulate all data and information about a single, specific test report. This object can then be submitted to a user's transport of choice for delivery.
This is a developer's release. The interface is not stable; The API may change at any time without notice. This module is not yet recommended for general use.
These objects are generated specifically with serialization in mind.
Below, please find a sample test report in YAML:
--- !!perl/hash:CPAN::Testers::Report
__errstr: ~
_comments: |
Dear Adam J. Foxson,
This is a computer-generated report for CPAN-Testers-Report-0.03
on perl-5.8.8, created automatically by CPAN-Reporter-0.99_15 and sent
to the CPAN Testers mailing list.
If you have received this email directly, it is because the person testing
your distribution chose to send a copy to your CPAN email address; there
may be a delay before the official report is received and processed
by CPAN Testers.
Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN. Congratulations!
All tests were successful.
alignbytes: 8
archname: darwin-2level
byteorder: 1234
cc: /usr/bin/gcc-4.0
cccdlflags: ' '
ccdlflags: ' '
ccflags: -I/opt/local/include -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/opt/local/include
ccversion: ''
config_args: -des -Dprefix=/opt/local -Dccflags=-I'/opt/local/include' -Dldflags=-L/opt/local/lib -Dvendorprefix=/opt/local -Dcc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.0
cppflags: -no-cpp-precomp -I/opt/local/include -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wdeclaration-after-statement -I/opt/local/include
d_dlsymun: ~
d_longdbl: define
d_longlong: define
d_sfio: ~
d_sigaction: define
dlext: bundle
dlsrc: dl_dlopen.xs
doublesize: 8
gccosandvers: ''
gccversion: '4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)'
gnulibc_version: ''
hint: recommended
intsize: 4
ivsize: 4
ivtype: long
lddlflags: -L/opt/local/lib -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
ldflags: -L/opt/local/lib
libc: /usr/lib/libc.dylib
libperl: libperl.a
libpth: /opt/local/lib /usr/lib
libs: -ldbm -ldl -lm -lc
longdblsize: 16
longlongsize: 8
longsize: 4
lseeksize: 8
nvsize: 8
nvtype: double
optimize: -O3
osname: darwin
osvers: 8.10.1
perllibs: -ldl -lm -lc
prefix: /opt/local
prototype: define
ptrsize: 4
so: dylib
uname: uname
use5005threads: ~
use64bitall: ~
use64bitint: ~
useithreads: ~
uselargefiles: define
uselongdouble: ~
usemultiplicity: ~
usemymalloc: n
useperlio: define
useposix: true
useshrplib: false
usesocks: ~
usethreads: ~
vendorprefix: /opt/local
_dist: CPAN-Testers-Report-0.03
_dist_name: CPAN-Testers-Report
_dist_vers: 0.03
_from: 'Adam J. Foxson <>'
_grade: PASS
_interpreter: perl
_interpreter_vers_extra: ~
_interpreter_vers_float: 5.008008
_interpreter_vers_numeric: 5.8.8
_interpreter_version_extra: ''
_report_vers: 1
_rfc2822_date: 'Wed, 3 Oct 2007 23:30:13 -0400'
_via: 'CPAN::Testers::Report 0.03, CPAN::Reporter 0.99_15'
User-specified comments to include with the test report. This is oftentimes the output of a failed 'make test'. Optional.
Without an argument returns a list of all of the major configuration items (osname, osvers, archname, byteorder, cc, libs, et al...) If given an argument will return the value associated with one of those configuration items
Full distribution name and version of which this test report is about. For example 'Test-Reporter-1.34'. Mandatory. If this method returns undef, it failed. Attempts to call this method with anything resembling a distribution of perl itself will not be honored (use perlbug).
Automatically calculated but can be overridden. This represents the distribution's name only. For example 'Test-Reporter'.
Automatically calculated but can be overridden. This represents the distribution's version only. For example '1.34'.
Returns the error message from the last error that occurred.
Name and e-mail address of the tester. For example 'Adam J. Foxson <>'. Mandatory, and must be RFC 2822 compliant. Name may be omitted. If you ever need to parse this out to separate the name from the e-mail address, visit Email::Address. If this method returns undef, it failed (i.e., what was specified was not RFC 2822 compliant). This is metadata.
Grade for the result of 'make test'. Must be pass, fail, na, or unknown. 'Pass' indicates that all tests passed. 'Fail' indicates one or more tests failed. 'Na' indicates that the distribution will not work on this platform. 'Unknown' indicates that the distribution did not include tests. Mandatory. If this method returns undef, it failed.
At the moment always returns 'perl' but can be overridden.
Automatically calculated but can be overridden. This represents the interpreter's version. For example in the format of '5.8.8'.
Automatically calculated but can be overridden. This represents the interpreter's version. For example in the format of '5.008008'.
Automatically calculated but can be overridden. This usually represents the interpreter's patch/patchlevel, if available. For example 'patchlevel 12345'.
Constructor. Accepts no arguments at this time. If this method returns undef, it failed.
Revision of the internal test report object format.
Automatically calculated but can be overridden. This is the RFC2822-compliant datetime. This is metadata.
Accepts no arguments. Returns true if the object represents a valid test report. Returns false and sets errstr() if the object does not represent a valid test report. The ensures that that distribution specified is parseable into its name/version constituents, that the grade is one of 'pass', 'fail', 'na', or 'unknown', and that from is present and RFC 2822 compliant
Automatically calculated (based on the caller) but can be overridden. This represents the automation wrapping CPAN::Testers::Report. This is usually something like CPAN::Reporter, CPAN::YACSmoke. This is metadata.
Decide what to do about "interpreter"
The idea behind this is that CPAN modules might theoretically be able to be run under interpreters other than perl itself. Therefore, it might be a potentially valueable endeavor to test this. For example, in the past, ponie would have been an example of where this might have occurred. Nowadays, would pugs perhaps be a current example?
The question is whether or not we want to actually accomodate for this possibility. Or to restate, do we want to have support for testing CPAN distributions with interpreters that are "perl-like"?
Copyright (c) 2007 Adam J. Foxson and the CPAN Testers. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Adam J. Foxson <>
With many thanks to:
Richard Soderberg <>
Kirrily "Skud" Robert <>
Kurt Starsinic <>
Barbie <>
David Golden <>