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WebService::Gitter - An interface to Gitter REST API via Perl 5.


version 2.0.0


use strict;
use warnings;
use WebService::Gitter;
use v5.10;

my $git = WebService::Gitter->new(api_key => 'secret');

# Get current authenticated user.

# List groups belonging to the authenticated user.

# List all rooms belonging to the group/community.

# List all rooms belonging to the searched user.
$git->rooms(q => $query);

# List room data via URI.
$git->room_from_uri(uri => $room_uri);

# Join a room.
$git->join_room($room_id, $user_id);

# Leave/remove user from a room.
$git->remove_user_from_room($room_id, $user_id);

# Delete room.

# List all users in a room.
$git->room_users($room_id, q => $query, skip => $skip_n, limit => $limit_n);

# List all messages in a room.
$git->list_messages($room_id, skip => $skip_n, beforeId => $beforeId,
afterId => $afterId, aroundId => $aroundId, limit => $limit_n,
q => $query);

# Get single message in a room using its message ID.
$git->single_message($room_id, $message_id);

# Send message/text to a room.
$git->send_message($room_id, text => $text);

# Update message/text in a room.
$git->update_message($room_id, $message_id, text => $new_text);



Description: Get current authenticated user.

Returns: Authenticated user data.


Description: List joined groups by the authenticated user.

Returns: Authenticated user joined groups data.


Description: List all rooms belonging to the group/community.

Parameter: REQUIRED$group_id - Group/community ID.

Returns: All rooms data belonging to the particular community.

rooms(q => $query)

Description: List all rooms belonging to the searched user.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$query - Search/query string.

Returns: All rooms data belonging to the user.

room_from_uri(uri => $room_uri)

Description: List room data via URI.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_uri - Room URI.

Returns: Room from URI response message.

join_room($room_id, $user_id)

Description: Join a room.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Parameter: REQUIRED$user_id - User ID.

Returns: Join room message response.

remove_user_from_room($room_id, $user_id)

Description: Remove a user from a room. This can be self-inflicted to leave the the room and remove room from your left menu.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Parameter: REQUIRED$user_id - User ID.

Returns: Remove user from a room response message.


Description: Delete room.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Returns: Delete room response message.

room_users($room_id, q => $query, skip => $skip_n, limit => $limit_n)

Description: List all users in a room.

Note: By default, it will skip 0 and return only 30 users data.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$query - User's search/query string.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$skip_n - Skip n users.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$limit_n - Set return limit.

Returns: All users data belonging to the room.

list_messages($room_id, skip => $skip_n, beforeId => $beforeId, afterId => $afterId, aroundId => $aroundId, limit => $limit_n, q => $query)

Description: List all messages in a room.

Note: By default, it will skip 0 and return only 30 users data.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$skip_n - Skip n messages (constrained to 5000 or less).

Parameter: OPTIONAL$beforeId - Get messages before beforeId.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$afterId - Get messages after afterId.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$aroundId - Get messages after aroundId.

Parameter: OPTIONAL$limit_n - Maximum number of messages to return (constrained to 100 or less).

Parameter: OPTIONAL$query - Search query.

Returns: List of messages in a room.

single_message($room_id, $message_id)

Description: Get single message in a room using its message ID.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Parameter: REQUIRED$message_id - Message ID.

Returns: Retrieve a single message using its ID.

send_message($room_id, text => $text)

Description: Send message/text to a room.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Parameter: REQUIRED$text - Text to send.

Returns: Retrieve send message response.

update_message($room_id, $message_id, text => $new_text)

Description: Update message/text in a room.

Parameter: REQUIRED$room_id - Room ID.

Paramater: REQUIRED$message_id - Message ID.

Parameter: REQUIRED$new_text - Text to replace old message.

Returns: Retrieve update message response.


Gitter API documentation




faraco <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2017-2018 by faraco.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007