exiftool - Read/write meta information in image files


exiftool [OPTIONS] [-TAG[[+-<]=[VALUE]] or --TAG...] FILE ...


Read or write meta information in image files. FILE may be an image file name, a directory name, or - for the standard input. Information is read from the specified file and output in readable form to the console (or written to an output text file with the -w option).

To write information in an image file, specify new values using either the -TAG=VALUE syntax or the -AllTagsFromFile option. This causes exiftool to rewrite FILE with the specified information, preserving the original file by renaming it to FILE_original. (Note: Be sure to verify that the new file is OK before erasing the original.)

Below is a list of meta information formats and file types supported by exiftool (r = read support, w = write support):

 Meta Information                   File Types
------------------          --------------------------
EXIF           r/w          JPEG   r/w      NEF    r/w
GPS            r/w          JP2    r        ORF    r
IPTC           r/w          TIFF   r/w      PEF    r/w
XMP            r/w          GIF    r/w
MakerNotes     r/w          THM    r/w
GeoTIFF        r            CRW    r/w
ICC Profile    r            CR2    r/w
Photoshop IRB  r            DNG    r/w
PrintIM        r            MRW    r


Note: Case is not significant for any command-line option (including tag and group names), except for certain single-character options where the corresponding upper case option is defined.


Extract information for specified tag. See Image::ExifTool::TagNames for documentation on available tag names. The tag name may begin with an optional group name followed by a colon. (ie. -TAG:GROUP, where GROUP is any valid family 0 or 1 group name. Use the -group option to list valid group names.) If no tags are specified, all available information is extracted.


Exclude specified tag from extracted information. Same as the -x option.


Writes a new value for the specified tag, or deletes the tag if VALUE is not specified. Use += to add a value to a list without replacing existing values, and -= to delete a specific value from a list. Use <= to set the value of a tag from the contents of a file with name VALUE. (Note: Quotes are required around the argument in this case to prevent shell redirection.)


Allow duplicate tag names in the output (otherwise duplicates are suppressed).

-AllTagsFromFile SRCFILE

Set the value of all writable tags from information in the specified source file.


Output requested data in binary format. Mainly used for extracting embedded images.

-d FMT

Set date/time format (consult strftime man page for FMT syntax).


Show tag ID number in Decimal.


Print existing tags only -- don't calculate composite tags.


Escape characters in output values for HTML.


Force printing of tags even if their values are not found.


Organize output by tag group (-g0 assumed if # not specified).


Same as -g but print Group name for each tag.


Show tag ID number in Hexadecimal.


List all tag groups for family #. Family 0 assumed if # not specified.


Use HTML formatting for output (implies -E option).

-i DIR

Ignore specified directory name. May be multiple -i options.


Use long output format (2-line Canon-style output).


Convert Unicode characters in output to Windows Latin1 (cp1252) instead of the default UTF8.


List all valid tag names.


List all writable tag names.


Ignore minor errors (allows writing if some minor errors occur, or extraction of embedded images that aren't in standard JPG format).


Do not apply print conversion to displayed tag values.


Set output file or directory name when writing information (otherwise the source file is renamed to FILE_original and the output file is FILE).


Print output in the format specified by the given file (and ignore other format options). Tag names in the format file begin with a $ symbol and may contain an optional group name. Case is not significant. Lines beginning with # are ignored. For example, this format file:

# this is a comment line
File $FileName was created on $DateTimeOriginal
(f/$Aperture, $ShutterSpeed sec, ISO $EXIF:ISO)

produces output like this:

File test.jpg was created on 2003:10:31 15:44:19
(f/5.6, 1/60 sec, ISO 100)

Preserve date/time of original file when writing.


Recursively scan subdirectories (only meaningful if FILE is a directory name).


Use short output format (add up to 3 -s options for even shorter formats).


Print tag names instead of descriptions (very short format, same as two -s options).


Output a tab-delimited list of description/values (useful for database import).


Extract values of unknown tags (add another -u to also extract unknown information from binary data blocks).


Extract values of unknown tags as well as unknown information from binary data blocks (same as two -u options).


Print verbose messages (# may be 1-4, higher is more verbose).


Print version number and exit.

-w EXT

Write console output to a file with name ending in EXT for each source file. The output file name is obtained by replacing the source file extension (including the .) with the specified extension.

-x TAG

Exclude specified tag (may be many -x options). Same as --TAG.


Extract information from .gz and .bz2 compressed images.


exiftool -g a.jpg

Print all EXIF information sorted by group (for family 0).

exiftool -common dir

Print common EXIF information for all images in dir.

exiftool -S -ImageSize -ExposureTime b.jpg

Print ImageSize and ExposureTime tag names and values.

exiftool -l -canon c.jpg d.jpg

Print standard Canon information from 2 image files.

exiftool -r -w .txt -common pictures

Recursively save common EXIF information for files in pictures directory into files with the same names as the images but with a .txt extension.

exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg > thumbnail.jpg

Save thumbnail image from image.jpg to a file called thumbnail.jpg.

exiftool -b -JpgFromRaw -w _JFR.JPG -r .

Recursively extract JPG image from all Canon RAW files in the current directory, adding '_JFR.JPG' for the name of the output JPG files.

exiftool -b -PreviewImage 118_1834.JPG > preview.jpg

Extract preview image from JPG file and write it to preview.jpg.

exiftool -d '%r %a, %B %e, %Y' -DateTimeOriginal -S -s *.jpg

Print formatted date/time for all JPG files in a directory.

exiftool -IFD1:XResolution -IFD1:YResolution

Extract image resolution from IFD1.


exiftool -comment='This is a new comment' dst.jpg

Set comment in file (replaces any existing comment).

exiftool -comment= *.jpg

Remove comment from all JPG files.

exiftool -keywords=EXIF -keywords=editor dst.jpg

Replace existing keyword list with two new keywords (EXIF and editor).

exiftool -keywords+=word dst.jpg

Add a keyword (word) to the current list of keywords.

exiftool -category-=xxx dir

Delete only the specified category (xxx) from all files in directory.

exiftool -AllTagsFromFile src.crw dst.jpg

Set the values of all writable tags from information in src.crw, and update dst.jpg with this new information.

exiftool '-ThumbnailImage<=thumb.jpg' dst.jpg

Set the thumbnail image from specified file (Note: The quotes are neccessary to prevent shell redirection).

exiftool -xmp:city=Kingston dst.jpg

Write a tag to the XMP group (otherwise in this case the tag would get written to the IPTC group since City exists in both, and IPTC has priority).

exiftool -Canon:ISO=100 dst.jpg

Set ISO only in the Canon maker notes.

exiftool -LightSource-='Unknown (0)' dst.tiff

Delete LightSource tag only if it is unknown with a value of 0.

exiftool -whitebalance-=auto -WhiteBalance=tung dst.jpg

Set WhiteBalance to Tungsten only if it was previously Auto.


cat a.jpg | exiftool -

Extract information from stdin.

cat a.jpg | exiftool -iptc:keywords+=fantastic - > b.jpg

Add an IPTC keyword in a pipeline, saving output to a new file.


Copyright 2003-2005, Phil Harvey

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Image::ExifTool, ExifTool Tag Names, Shortcut Tags