Image::ExifTool::Plot - Plot tag values in SVG format
Output plots in SVG format based on ExifTool tag information.
Create a new Plot object.
$plot = Image::ExifTool::Plot->new;
Change plot settings.
- Inputs:
0) Plot object reference
1) Comma-delimited string of options
- Options:
"Type=Line" - plot type (Line, Scatter or Histogram) "Style=Line" - data style (Line, Marker and/or Fill) "NBins=20" - number of bins for histogram plot "Size=800 600" - width,height of output image "Margin=60 15 15 30" - left,top,right,bottom margins around plot area "Legend=0 0" - x,y offset to shift plot legend "TxtPad=10 10" - padding between text and x,y scale "LineSpacing=20" - spacing between text lines "Stroke=1" - plot stroke width and marker-size scaling factor Title, XLabel, YLabel - plot title and x/y axis labels (no default) XMin, XMax - x axis minimum/maximum (autoscaling if not set) YMin, YMax - y axis minimum/maximum Multi - flag to draw multiple plots, one for each dataset Split - flag to split strings of numbers into lists (> 1 to split into lists of N items) "Grid=darkgray" - grid color "Text=black" - color of text and plot border "Bkg=" - background color (default is transparent) "Cols=red green blue black orange gray fuchsia brown turquoise gold" - colors for plot data "Marks=circle square triangle diamond star plus pentagon left down right" - marker-shape names for each dataset
Add points to be plotted.
- Inputs:
0) Plot object reference
1) Tag information hash reference from ExifTool
2) List of tag keys to plot
Draw the SVG plot to the specified output file.
- Inputs:
0) Plot object reference
1) Output file reference
- Notes:
On return, the Plot Error and Warn members contain error or warning strings if there were any problems. If an Error is set, then the output SVG is invalid.
Copyright 2003-2025, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.