FLAT::DFA::Minimal - Deterministic finite automata
A FLAT::DFA::Minimal object is a finite automata whose transitions are labeled with single characters. Furthermore, each state has exactly one outgoing transition for each available label/character. Additionally, it is meant to be created by first creating a FLAT::DFA, then running the as_min_dfa
In addition to implementing the interface specified in FLAT and FLAT::NFA, FLAT::DFA objects provide DFA-specific methods. In addition, it provides the following methods meant for use with a minimal DFA.
- $dfa->get_equivalence_classes
This method provides the set of states from the original DFA that are considered equivalent; this is returned as an ordered array ref of array refs.
- $dfa->set_equivalence_classes
Setter for the equivalence classes member. Meant to be used internally when constructing and finally returning the FLAT::DFA:Minimal obect.
FLAT is written by Mike Rosulek <mike at mikero dot com> and Brett Estrade <estradb at gmail dot com>.
The initial version (FLAT::Legacy) by Brett Estrade was work towards an MS thesis at the University of Southern Mississippi.
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