MIME-tools - modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities


For each of access, the MIME-tools manual has been split up into several sections:


     primer      Don't know what MIME is?  Learn the basics here.    
     overview    A quick tour of the toolkit and what it can do.
     changes     Change log for the toolkit.
     diag        Diagnostics used by the toolkit, for troubleshooting.
     faq         I try to answer all questions here.
     tips        Friendly words of wisdom before you begin coding.
     traps       Common pitfalls to avoid.
     tricks      Cool ways to do useful things.      

E.g., "perldoc MIME::Tools::overview".


MIME-tools is a collection of Perl5 MIME:: modules for parsing, decoding, and generating single- or multipart (even nested multipart) MIME messages. (Yes, kids, that means you can send messages with attached GIF files).


You will need the following installed on your system:

IPC::Open2              (optional)
IO::Scalar, ...         from the IO-stringy distribution
Mail::Internet, ...     from the MailTools distribution.

See the Makefile.PL in your distribution for the most-comprehensive list of prerequisite modules and their version numbers.


If you want to tweak the way this toolkit works (for example, to turn on debugging), use the routines in the MIME::Tools module.


Turn debugging on or off. Default is false (off).


Turn the reporting of warning/error messages on or off. Default is true, meaning that these message are silenced.


Return the toolkit version.

print MIME::Tools->version, "\n";


Eryq (, ZeeGee Software Inc (

Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by ZeeGee Software Inc (

All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See the COPYING file in the distribution for details.


Please email me directly with questions/problems (see AUTHOR below).

If you want to be placed on an email distribution list (not a mailing list!) for MIME-tools, and receive bug reports, patches, and updates as to when new MIME-tools releases are planned, just email me and say so. If your project is using MIME-tools, it might not be a bad idea to find out about those bugs before they become problems...


$Revision: 6.106 $


See MIME::Tools::changes for the full change log.


Primary maintainer

MIME-tools was created by:

  ___  _ _ _   _  ___ _
 / _ \| '_| | | |/ _ ' /    Eryq, (
|  __/| | | |_| | |_| |     President, ZeeGee Software Inc.
 \___||_|  \__, |\__, |__
           |___/    |___/

Released as MIME-parser (1.0): 28 April 1996. Released as MIME-tools (2.0): Halloween 1996. Released as MIME-tools (4.0): Christmas 1997. Released as MIME-tools (5.0): Mother's Day 2000.


This kit would not have been possible but for the direct contributions of the following:

Gisle Aas             The MIME encoding/decoding modules.
Laurent Amon          Bug reports and suggestions.
Graham Barr           The new MailTools.
Achim Bohnet          Numerous good suggestions, including the I/O model.
Kent Boortz           Initial code for RFC-1522-decoding of MIME headers.
Andreas Koenig        Numerous good ideas, tons of beta testing,
                        and help with CPAN-friendly packaging.
Igor Starovoitov      Bug reports and suggestions.
Jason L Tibbitts III  Bug reports, suggestions, patches.

Not to mention the Accidental Beta Test Team, whose bug reports (and comments) have been invaluable in improving the whole:

Phil Abercrombie
Mike Blazer
Brandon Browning
Kurt Freytag
Steve Kilbane
Jake Morrison
Rolf Nelson
Joel Noble
Michael W. Normandin
Tim Pierce
Andrew Pimlott
Dragomir R. Radev
Nickolay Saukh
Russell Sutherland
Larry Virden

Please forgive me if I've accidentally left you out. Better yet, email me, and I'll put you in.


At the time of this writing ($Date: 2003/06/04 17:54:01 $), the MIME-tools homepage was Check there for updates and support.

See "SYNOPSIS" for related documentation in this toolkit.

Users of this toolkit may also wish to see Mail::Header and Mail::Internet.

The MIME format is documented in RFCs 2045-2049.

The MIME header format is an outgrowth of the mail header format documented in RFC 822.

Enjoy. Yell if it breaks.