Frost::Cookbook - How to deep-freeze a Moose
A little shell script named frosttest is shipped with the package. Moreover a series of recipes taken from the Frost test suite is explained here.
The Frost cookbook is a series of recipes taken from the Frost test suite. Each recipe presents some code, which demonstrates some of the features of Frost, and then proceeds to explain the details of the code.
Moreover you can fine-tune the test suite or your own Frost-based application runs by setting special environment parameters.
We also provide a Glossar and an Inquisition for common questions and problems people may have with Frost.
You should be familiar with the cooking of a Moose before trying to frost it ;-) See Moose::Cookbook.
For your convenience a little shell script named frosttest is shipped with the package.
It expects prove to be installed in /usr/bin/prove
- options
Option Action Default -d switch on debugging no debugging output -l run lock test no lock tests -m make_mutable make_immutable -p px path expression empty -s run speed tests no speed tests -t pt path to test root ../t -v be verbose be quiet -w do not die warnings die on warnings
By default the speed and lock tests are not run during installation. Moreover all test are using immutable mode by default - many tests will fail, if mutable is choosen, because mutable is VERBOTEN.
The option
takes the same expression as prove, run all test in t/400_recipes say frosttest -p 400* to run test t/400_recipes/003_loop.t say frosttest -p 400*/003*
With option
you can tell frosttest, where to look for tests, if it was not started from the shipped location.So instead of
machine:~# cd /your/build/path/of/frost/scripts machine:/your/build/path/of/frost/scripts# ./frosttest
you can say
machine:~# /your/build/path/of/frost/scripts/frosttest -t /your/build/path/of/frost/t
- Examples
- Enviroment
The script frosttest exports following environment vars:
Frost_DEBUG=1 if option -d Frost_LOCK=1 if option -l Frost_MAKE_MUTABLE=1 if option -m Frost_SPEED=1 if option -s Frost_NO_DIE_ON_WARNINGS=1 if option -w
For now, please have a look at the sources in t/, especially in t/000_moose_examples, t/000_moose_recipes and t/400_recipes.
t/000_moose_examples and t/000_moose_recipes provides the same examples and recipes as Moose::Cookbook, some already decorated with Frost's persistence voodoo, while t/400_recipes shows homebrewed stuff like circles, loops, trees and meshes.
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Copyright (C) 2010 by Dienstleistung Kultur Ltd. & Co. KG
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.