Net::XMPP2::Event - A event handler class


package foo;
use Net::XMPP2::Event;

our @ISA = qw/Net::XMPP2::Event/;

package main;
my $o = foo->new;
$o->reg_cb (foo => sub { ...; 1 });
$o->event (foo => 1, 2, 3);


This module is just a small helper module for the connection and client classes.

You may only derive from this package.


reg_cb ($eventname1, $cb1, [$eventname2, $cb2, ...])

This method registers a callback $cb1 for the event with the name $eventname1. You can also pass multiple of these eventname => callback pairs.

The return value will be an ID that represents the set of callbacks you have installed. Call unreg_cb with that ID to remove those callbacks again.

To see a documentation of emitted events please take a look at the EVENTS section in the classes that inherit from this one.

unreg_cb ($id)

Removes the set $id of registered callbacks. $id is the return value of a reg_cb call.

event ($eventname, @args)

Emits the event $eventname and passes the arguments @args.

add_forward ($obj, $forward_cb)

This method allows to forward or copy all events to a object. $forward_cb will be called everytime a event is generated in $self. The first argument to the callback $forward_cb will be <$self>, the second will be $obj, the third will be the event name and the rest will be the event arguments. (For third and rest of argument also see description of event).


Robin Redeker, <elmex at>, JID: <elmex at>


Copyright 2007 Robin Redeker, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.