HTML::Zoom::FilterBuilder - Add Filters to a Stream
Create an HTML::Zoom instance:
use HTML::Zoom;
my $root = HTML::Zoom
<title>Default Title</title>
<body bad_attr='junk'>
Default Content
Create a new attribute on the body
$root = $root
Add a extra value to an existing attribute:
$root = $root
Set the content of the title
$root = $root
->replace_content('Hello World');
Set content from another HTML::Zoom instance:
my $body = HTML::Zoom
<div id="stuff">
<p>Well Now</p>
<p id="p2">Is the Time</p>
$root = $root
Set an attribute on multiple matches:
$root = $root
Remove an attribute:
$root = $root
will produce:
<title>Hello World</title>
<body class="main one-column"><div id="stuff">
<p class="para">Well Now</p>
<p id="p2" class="para">Is the Time</p>
Given a HTML::Zoom stream, provide methods to apply filters which alter the content of that stream.
This class defines the following public API
Sets an attribute of a given name to a given value for all matching selections.
->set_attribute({name=>'class', value=>'divider'});
Overrides existing values, if such exist. When multiple "set_attribute" calls are made against the same or overlapping selection sets, the final call wins.
Adds a value to an existing attribute, or creates one if the attribute does not yet exist. You may call this method with either an Array or HashRef of Args.
Here's the 'long form' HashRef:
->add_to_attribute({name=>'class', value=>'divider'});
And the exact same effect using the 'short form' Array:
Attributes with more than one value will have a dividing space.
Removes an attribute and all its values.
Removes attributes from the original stream or events already added.
Transforms (or creates or deletes) an attribute by running the passed coderef on it. If the coderef returns nothing, the attribute is removed.
->transform_attribute( href => sub {
( my $a = shift ) =~ s/localhost/;
return $a;
Collects and extracts results of "select" in HTML::Zoom. It takes the following optional common options as hash reference.
Where to save collected events (selected elements).
$z1->select('#main-content') ->collect({ into => \@body }) ->run; $z2->select('#main-content') ->replace(\@body) ->memoize;
- filter [CODE]
Run filter on collected elements (locally setting $_ to stream, and passing stream as an argument to given code reference). Filtered stream would be returned.
$z->select('.outer') ->collect({ filter => sub { $_->select('.inner')->replace_content('bar!') }, passthrough => 1, })
It can be used to further filter selection. For example
$z->select('tr') ->collect({ filter => sub { $_->select('td') }, passthrough => 1, })
is equivalent to (not implemented yet) descendant selector combination, i.e.
$z->select('tr td')
- passthrough [BOOLEAN]
Extract copy of elements; the stream is unchanged (it does not remove collected elements). For example without 'passthrough'
HTML::Zoom->from_html('<foo><bar /></foo>') ->select('foo') ->collect({ content => 1 }) ->to_html
returns '<foo></foo>', while with
optionHTML::Zoom->from_html('<foo><bar /></foo>') ->select('foo') ->collect({ content => 1, passthough => 1 }) ->to_html
returns '<foo><bar /></foo>'.
- content [BOOLEAN]
Collect content of the element, and not the element itself.
For example
HTML::Zoom->from_html('<h1>Title</h1><p>foo</p>') ->select('h1') ->collect ->to_html
would return '<p>foo</p>', while
HTML::Zoom->from_html('<h1>Title</h1><p>foo</p>') ->select('h1') ->collect({ content => 1 }) ->to_html
would return '<h1></h1><p>foo</p>'.
See also "collect_content".
- flush_before [BOOLEAN]
event before collecting, to ensure that the HTML generated up to selected element being collected is flushed throught to the browser. Usually used in "repeat" or "repeat_content".
Collects contents of "select" in HTML::Zoom result.
->collect_content({ into => \@foo_body })
Equivalent to running "collect" with content
option set.
Given a "select" in HTML::Zoom result, add given content (which might be string, array or another HTML::Zoom object) before it.
->add_before(\ '<span class="warning">required field</span>');
Like "add_before", only after "select" in HTML::Zoom result.
You can add zoom events directly
->add_after([ { type => 'TEXT', raw => 'O HAI' } ]);
Similar to add_before, but adds the content to the match.
->prepend_content("Hello ")
## <p>Hello World</p>
Acceptable values are strings, scalar refs and HTML::Zoom objects
Similar to add_after, but adds the content to the match.
->from_html(q[<p>Hello </p>])
## <p>Hello World</p>
Acceptable values are strings, scalar refs and HTML::Zoom objects
Given a "select" in HTML::Zoom result, replace it with a string, array or another HTML::Zoom object. It takes the same optional common options as "collect" (via hash reference).
Given a "select" in HTML::Zoom result, replace the content with a string, array or another HTML::Zoom object.
->select('title, #greeting')
->replace_content('Hello world!');
For a given selection, repeat over transformations, typically for the purposes of populating lists. Takes either an array of anonymous subroutines or a zoom- able object consisting of transformation.
Example of array reference style (when it doesn't matter that all iterations are pre-generated)
map {
my $elem = $_;
sub {
} @list
Subroutines would be run with $_ localized to result of "select" in HTML::Zoom (of collected elements), and with said result passed as parameter to subroutine.
You might want to use CodeStream when you don't have all elements upfront
$zoom->select('.contents')->repeat(sub {
code => sub {
while (my $line = $fh->getline) {
return sub {
In addition to common options as in "collect", it also supports:
- repeat_between [SELECTOR]
Selects object to be repeated between items. In the case of array this object is put between elements, in case of iterator it is put between results of subsequent iterations, in the case of streamable it is put between events (->to_stream->next).
See documentation for "repeat_content"
Given a "select" in HTML::Zoom result, run provided iterator passing content of this result to this iterator. Accepts the same options as "repeat".
Equivalent to using contents
option with "repeat".
sub {
sub {
sub {
{ repeat_between => '.between' }
See HTML::Zoom for authors.
See HTML::Zoom for the license.