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MOBY::Client::Central - a client side wrapper for MOBY Central


 use MOBY::Client::Central;
 my $Central = MOBY::Client::Central->new();

 my ($Services, $REG) = $Central->findService(
	    input =>[
              [DNASequence => ['NCBI_gi', 'NCBI_Acc']],
		expandObjects => 1
 unless ($Services){
	 print "Service discovery failed with the following errror: ";
	 print $REG->message;
 foreach my $SERVICE(@{$Services}){
    print "Service Name: ", $SERVICE->name, "\n";
    print "Service Provider: ", $SERVICE->authority,"\n";



Client side "wrapper" for communicating with the MOBY::Central registry.

Used to do various read-only transactions with MOBY-Central. Parses MOBY::Central XML output into Perlish lists, hashes, and objects. This should be sufficient for most or all MOBY Client activities written in Perl.


Mark Wilkinson (

BioMOBY Project:



Usage     :	my $MOBY = MOBY::Client::Central->new(Registries => \%regrefs)
Function  :	connect to one or more MOBY-Central
               registries for searching
Returns   :	MOBY::Client::Central object

ENV & PROXY : you can set environment variables to change the defaults.
            By default, a call to 'new' will initialize MOBY::Client::Central
            to connect to the default MOBY Central registry.  The location of
            this registry can be determined by examining the redirect from:
            If you wish to chose another registry by default, or if you need
            to set up additional connection details (e.g. PROXY) then you may
            set the following environment variables to whatever you
            MOBY_SERVER  (default
            MOBY_URI     (default
            MOBY_PROXY   (no default)

Args      :    user_agent - optional.  The name of your software application
               Registries - optional.
                          - takes the form
                             {$NAME1 => {
                                   URL => $URL,
                                   URI => $URI,
                                   PROXY => $proxy_server},
                              $NAME2 => {
                                   URL => $URL,
                                   URI => $URI,
                                   PROXY => $proxy_server},
                           - by default this becomes
                           {mobycentral => {
                                URL => '',
                                URI => ''}
Discussion:    Each registry must have a different
               NAME.  If you have more than one
               registry with the same NAME, only
               one will be used.  You can NAME them
               however you please - this is for
               internal reference only.  You will
               make subsequent calls on one or more
               of these registries by NAME, or by
               default on all registries.
               NAMED!  If you do not host a MOBY::Central
               database locally, or don't know
               better,then don't use any arguments
               at all, and everything should work 

registerObject a.k.a registerObjectClass

Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->registerObject(%args)
Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->registerObjectClass(%args)
Function  :	register a new type of MOBY Object
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	objectType => "the name of the Object"
               description => "a human-readable description of the object"
               contactEmail => "your@email.address"
               authURI => "URI of the registrar of this object"
               Relationships => {
                   relationshipType1 => [
                       {object      => Object1, 
                        articleName => ArticleName1},
                       {object      => Object2,
                        articleName => ArticleName2}
                   relationshipType2 => [
                       {object      => Object3, 
                        articleName => ArticleName3}

deregisterObject a.k.a. deregisterObjectClass

Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->deregisterObject(%args)
Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->deregisterObjectClass(%args)
Function  :	deregister a MOBY Object
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	objectType => $objectName (from Object ontology)


Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->registerServiceType(%args)
Function  :	register a new MOBY Service type
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	serviceType        => $serviceType
               description => "human readable description"
               Relationships => {$relationshipType1 => \@services,
                                 $relationshipType2 => \@services}
               contactEmail => ""
               authURI => ""


Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->deregisterServiceType(%args)
Function  :	deregister a deprecated MOBY Service Type
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	serviceType => $serviceType (from ontology)


Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->registerNamespace(%args)
Function  :	register a new Namespace
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	namespaceType => $namespaceType (required)
               authURI => your.authority.URI (required)
               description => "human readable description of namespace" (required)
               contactEmail => "" (required)


Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->deregisterNamespace(%args)
Function  :	deregister a deprecated MOBY Namespace
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	namespaceType => $mynamespaceType (from ontology)


 Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->registerService(%args)
 Function  :	register a new MOBY Service instance
 Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
 Common Required Args :

     serviceName  => $serviceName,  
     serviceType  => $serviceType,  
     authURI      => $authURI,      
     contactEmail => "your@mail.address",      
     description => $human_readable_description, 
     category  =>  "moby" | "cgi-async" | "cgi" | "moby-async" | "doc-literal" | "doc-literal-async"
     URL    =>  $URL_TO_SERVICE  (or URL to WSDL document for wsdl-type services)

    input:	listref; (articleName may be undef) 
            input =>[
                     [articleName1,[objType1 => \@namespaces]], # Simple
                     [articleName2,       [[objType2 => \@namespaces]]], # collection of one object type
                     [articleName3,[[objType3 => \@namespaces],
                                    [objType4 => \@namespaces]]] # collection of multiple object types

    output:  listref; (articleName may be undef)
            output =>[
                 [articleName1,[objType1 => \@namespaces]], # Simple
                 [articleName2,[[objType2 => \@namespaces]]], # collection of one object type
                 [articleName3,[[objType3 => \@namespaces],
                                [objType4 => \@namespaces]]] # collection of multiple object types

    secondary: hashref
            secondary => {parametername1 => {
                           datatype => TYPE,
			   description => "cutoff value",
                           default => DEFAULT,
                           max => MAX,
                           min => MIN,
                           enum => [one, two]},
                          parametername2 => {
                           datatype => TYPE,
			   description => "e-value",
                           default => DEFAULT,
                           max => MAX,
                           min => MIN,
                           enum => [one, two]}


Usage     :	Needs documentation


Usage     :	$REG = $MOBY->deregisterService(%args)
Function  :	deregister a registered MOBY Service
Returns   :	MOBY::Registration object
Args      :	serviceName => $serviceID, authURI => $authority


 Usage     :	($ServiceInstances, $RegObject) = $MOBY->findService(%args)
 Function  :	Find services that match certain search criterion
 Returns   :	ON SUCCESS: arrayref of MOBY::Client::ServiceInstance objects, and undef
				ON FAILURE: undef, and a MOBY::Registration object indicating the reason for failure
 Args      :	
	 Registry  => which registry do you want to search (optional)
     serviceName  => $serviceName,  (optional)
     serviceType  => $serviceType,  (optional)
     authURI      => $authURI,      (optional)
     authoritative => 1,    (optional)
     category  =>  "moby" | "cgi" | "moby-async"  (optional)
     expandObjects => 1,    (optional)
     expandServices => 1,    (optional)
     URL    =>  $URL_TO_SERVICE    (optional)
     keywords => [kw1, kw2, kw3]    (optional)
     input =>[    (optional)
              [objType1 => [ns1, ns2...]], # Simple
              [[objType2 => [ns3, ns4...]]], # collection of one object type
              [[objType3 => [ns3, ns4...]],
               [objType4 => [ns5, ns6...]]], # collection of multiple object types
     output =>[    (optional)
               [objType1 => [ns1, ns2...]], # Simple
               [[objType2 => [ns3, ns4...]]], # collection of one object type
               [[objType3 => [ns3, ns4...]],
                [objType4 => [ns5, ns6...]]], # collection of multiple object types


Usage     :	$WSDL = $MOBY->retrieveService($ServiceInstance)
Function  :	get the WSDL definition of the service with this name/authority URI
Returns   :	a WSDL string
Args      :	The ServiceInstance object for that service (from findService call)


Usage     :	$names = $MOBY->retrieveResourceURLs()
Function  :	get a hash of the URL's for each of the MOBY ontologies
Returns   :	hashref to the following hash
               $names{Ontology} = [URL1, URL2,...]
Args      :	none


Usage     :	$names = $MOBY->retrieveServiceNames(%args)
Function  :	get a (redundant) list of all registered service names
               (N.B. NOT service types!)
Returns   :	hashref to the following hash
               $names{$AuthURI} = [serviceName_1, serviceName_2, serviceName3...]
Args      :	registry => $reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional)
               as_lsid => $boolean: return service names as their corresponding LSID's (default off)


Usage     :	@URIs = $MOBY->retrieveServiceProviders([$reg_name])
Function  :	get the list of all provider's AuthURI's
Returns   :	list of service provider URI strings
Args      :	$reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional) 


Usage     :	$types = $MOBY->retrieveServiceTypes(%args)
Function  :	get the list of all registered service types
Returns   :	hashref of $types{$type} = $definition
Args      :	registry => $reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional)
               as_lsid  => $boolean:  return the $type as its corresponding LSID (defualt off)


 Usage     :	$types = $MOBY->retrieveServiceTypesFull(%args)
 Function  :	get all details of all service types
 Returns   :	hashref of $types{$type} = {Description => "definition",
                                            authURI  => "",
					    contactEmail => "",
					    ISA => "parentType", # possibly empty string ""
					    ISA_LSID => "urn:lsid...parentLSID"} # possibly empty string ""
 Args      :	registry => $reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional)
                as_lsid  => $boolean:  return the $type as its corresponding LSID (defualt off)


Usage     :	$names = $MOBY->retrieveObjectNames(%args)
Function  :	get the list of all registered Object types
Returns   :	hashref of hash:
               $names{$name} = $definition
Args      :	registry => $reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional)
               as_lsid  => $boolean:  return $name as its correspnding LSID (optional default off)


Usage     : $DEF = $MOBY->retrieveObjectDefinition(objectType => $objectType)
Function  : retrieve the $XML that was used to register an object and its relationships
Returns   : hashref, identical to the hash sent during Object registration, plus
            an additional XML hash key that contains the actual XML containing
            the object definition as sent by MOBY Central (used for a visual
            overview, rather than parsing all of the hash keys)
            objectType => "the name of the Object"
            objectLSID => "urn:lsid:..."
            description => "a human-readable description of the object"
            contactEmail => "your@email.address"
            authURI => "URI of the registrar of this object"
            Relationships => {
              relationshipType1 => [
                {object      => Object1,
                 articleName => ArticleName1, 
                 lsid        => lsid1},
                {object      => Object2,
                 articleName => ArticleName2, 
                 lsid        => lsid2}
              relationshipType2 => [
                {object      => Object3,
                 articleName => ArticleName3, 
                 lsid        => lsid3}
            XML => <....XML of object registration.../>

Args      : objectType =>  the name or LSID URI for an object


Usage     :	$ns = $MOBY->retrieveNamespaces(%args)
Function  :	get the list of all registered Namespace types
Returns   :	hashref of hash:
               $ns{$namespace} = $definition
Args      :	registry => $reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional)
               as_lsid  => $boolean:  retrieve $namespace as its corresponding LSID (default off)


 Usage     :	$ns = $MOBY->retrieveNamespaces(%args)
 Function  :	get all details about all namespaces
 Returns   :	hashref of hash:
                $ns{$namespace} = {Definition => $definition,
		                   authURI => $authority,
				   contactEmail => $email} 
 Args      :	registry => $reg_name:  name of registry you wish to retrieve from (optional)
                as_lsid  => $boolean:  retrieve $namespace as its corresponding LSID (default off)


 Usage     :	$objects = $MOBY->retrieveObjectNames(%args)
 Function  :	get the object xsd
 Returns   :	hashref of hash:
                $objects{$name} = $W3C_XML_Schema_string
 Args      :	registry => $reg - name of MOBY Central you want to use (must pass undef otherwise)
                objectType => $name - object name (from ontology) or undef to get all objects
		as_lsid => $boolean - return $name as its corresponding LSID (default off)


 Usage     :	$def = $MOBY->Relationships(%args)
 Function  :	traverse and return the relationships in the ontology
 Returns   :    hashref of
                FOR SERVICES:
		        $hash{'isa'}=[{lsid => $lsid, term => 'termy'},...]
		        $hash{relationship_type}=[{lsid => $lsid, articleName => 'thingy', term => 'termy'},...]
 Args      :	EITHER serviceType => $term_or_lsid
                OR     objectType => $term_or_lsid
                Relationships => \@relationship_types (optional, 'all' if parameter is missing)
                Registry => $registry_name  (optional)
                expandRelationships => [1/0] (optional)
                direction => ['root'/'leaves'] (optional)


Usage     :	$def = $MOBY->ISA($class1, $class2)
Function  :	a pre-canned use of the Relationships function
               to quickly get an answer to whether class1 ISA class2
Returns   :    Boolean
Args      :	$class1  - an Object ontology term or LSID
               $class2 - an Object ontology term or LSID


Usage     :	($mobycentral, $mobyobject, $mobyservice, $mobynamespace, $mobyrelationship) = $MOBY->DUMP(['registry'])
Function  :	DUMP the mysql for the current MOBY Central database
Returns   :	text
Args      :	$reg - name of MOBY Central you want to use if not default



Usage     :	$lsid = $MOBY->LSID_CACHE($term, $lsid)
Function  :	get/set LSID from the cache
Returns   :	lsid as a scalar
Args      :	the term for which you have/want an lsid,
               and optionally the lsid to set.


Usage     : @lsids = $MOBY->ISA_CACHE($lsid, \@isas)
Function  : get/set the ISA relationships in the cache
Returns   : list of ISA relationships.  The ISA list
            is IN ORDER from, excluding the term itself, to
            root Object. Base Object returns an empty list.
Args      : The LSID for which you have/want the ISA parentage,
            and optionally the parentage listref to set.