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MOBY::Async - a set of tools for Asynchronous MOBY Services


This is a set of tools for providing and invoking Asynchronous MOBY Services.


Enrique de Andres Saiz ( - INB GNHC-1 (Madrid Science Park, Spain).


MOBY::Async package provides a set of modules for working with Asynchronous MOBY Services, both from client and server side. It consists of the following modules:


Provides a simple class that can be extended to build file based asynchronous services.


Provides a class to invoke asynchronous services.


Provides functionalities to work with LSAE analysis event blocks.


Extends WSRF::Lite perl module and provides everything required for MOBY::Async::SimpleServer class.


The following example implements the classic "Hello World" service with a delay of 60 seconds.

From the server side, an asynchronous service is very similar to the traditional synchronous BioMOBY services. It is composed by a cgi (dispatcher.cgi) and a Perl module wich extends MOBY::Async::SimpleServer class (


BEGIN { @INC = ("/path/to/my/libs", @INC); } 
use strict;
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use MOBY::Async::WSRF;
use HelloWorld;

my $server = new SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI;
  $WSRF::Constants::MOBY.'#sayHello'        => 'HelloWorld',
  $WSRF::Constants::MOBY.'#sayHello_submit' => 'HelloWorld',
  $WSRF::Constants::WSRL                    => 'HelloWorld',
  $WSRF::Constants::WSRP                    => 'HelloWorld',

package HelloWorld;
use strict;
use MOBY::CommonSubs qw(:all);
use MOBY::Async::SimpleServer;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(MOBY::Async::SimpleServer);

# This environment variable is necessary - it is used internally
# by MOBY::Async::SimpleServer class

# This variable is a subroutine which carry out the core of the service
my $sayHello = sub {
  my ($caller, $data) = @_;
  my $response = '';

  my @queries = getInputs($data);
  return responseHeader($ENV{AUTHURI}).responseFooter() unless (scalar(@queries));

  foreach my $query (@queries) {
    my $queryID = getInputID($query);
    $response .= simpleResponse('Hello, Asynchronous BioMOBY world!!!', 'message', $queryID);
    sleep 60;

  return SOAP::Data->value(responseHeader($ENV{AUTHURI}).$response.responseFooter())->type('string');

# This is the method that answers to synchronous requests
sub sayHello {
  my $self = shift @_;
  # Here you can choose between sync or error
  return $self->sync($sayHello, 180, @_);
  #return $self->error(@_);

# This is the method that answers to asynchronous requests
sub sayHello_submit {
  my $self = shift @_;
  return $self->async($sayHello, @_);


A client that wishes to run an asynchronous service as HelloWorld must carry out the following steps:

1. First we have a sayHello_submit (servicename_submit) invocation, which returns an EPR, that it is a "ticket" unique for all the async services of the service provider (or at least in that particular server). sayHello_submit is called with a normal BioMOBY input but it returns an EPR which will be included into the SOAP header of all the subsequent calls (to say which batch-call).

2. After this, a polling is done by invocating GetMultipleResourceProperties operation. GetMultipleResourceProperties retrieve the content of one or several properties. In this case, as we are trying to determine if a bach-call has finished, we ask all status properties (status_queryID). The status returned for each status property is in LSAE format. Unless all status properties represent that execution for its respective query identifier is finished, we sleep a time and we retry the polling again.

3. Once all status properties represent a finished execution, there is another GetMultipleResourceProperties invocation asking for the result properties. The content of the returned result properties are in BioMOBY format.

4. The client also explicitly calls the WSRF Destroy operation to clean the results at the service side.

To do this, a client relies on MOBY::Async::Service class, whoose use is very similar to MOBY::Client::Service class available for synchronous services:

# By default, silent is true, then no messages about the progress are reported
my $S = MOBY::Async::Service->new(service => $wsdl);
my $response = $S->execute(XMLinputlist => [
  ['myArtName00', '<String namespace="" id=""><![CDATA[Hey No. 0 !!!]]></String>'],
  ['myArtName01', '<String namespace="" id=""><![CDATA[Hey No. 1 !!!]]></String>']
print "$response\n";

Additionally, MOBY::Async::Service class provides methods to carry out individually the steps described previously:

my $S = MOBY::Async::Service->new(service => $wsdl);
my ($EPR, @queryIDs) = $S->submit(XMLinputlist => [
  ['myArtName00', '<String namespace="" id=""><![CDATA[Hey No. 0 !!!]]></String>'],
  ['myArtName01', '<String namespace="" id=""><![CDATA[Hey No. 1 !!!]]></String>']
my @status = $S->poll($EPR, @queryIDs);
my @response = $S->result($EPR, @queryIDs);


MOBY::Async::SimpleServer, MOBY::Async::Service, MOBY::Async::LSAE and MOBY::Async::WSRF Perl module documentation.

Asynchronous BioMOBY Services Specification.