X11::Terminal::Konsole - Create customised gnome-terminal windows
This module provides an object interface to launching gnome-terminal windows.
use X11::Terminal::Konsole;
my $t1 = X11::Terminal::Konsole->new();
my $t2 = X11::Terminal::Konsole->new(host => "remoteserver");
my $t3 = X11::Terminal::Konsole->new(profile => "special");
for ( $t1, $t2, $t3 ) {
- X11::Terminal::Konsole->new(%attr);
Create a new Konsole object, optionally with the specified attributes (see below).
Each of the following attributes provide an accessor method, but they can also be set in the constructor.
- host
Specifies the remote host to log in to (using ssh).
- agentforward
If the host has been specified, and agentforward is true, the login to that host will use SSH Agent Forarding.
- xforward
If the host has been specified, and xforward is true, the login to that host will use SSH X Forarding.
- profile
Set the Konsole profile name
- launch($debug);
Calculates (and returns) the command that will launch your gnome-terminal. It also runs that command in a child process - unless $debug is specified.
- terminalArgs();
Return the arguments that will be passed to the gnome-terminal. This will provide the customisations. There should be no reason to call this method directly.
Copyright 2010 Evan Giles.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.