Version 0.02
use WWW::3Taps::API;
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new();
my $results = $api->search( location => 'LAX', category => 'VAUT' );
# $results = {
# execTimeMs => 325,
# numResults => 141087,
# success => bless( do { \( my $o = 1 ) }, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' )
# results => [
# {
# category => "VAUT",
# externalURL =>
# "",
# heading =>
# "Ferrari : 360 Coupe 2000 Ferrari 360 F1 Modena Coupe 20k Fresh Timing Belts",
# location => "LAX",
# source => "EBAYM",
# timestamp => "2011/03/08 01:13:05 UTC"
# },
# ...
if ( $results->{success} ){
foreach my $result (@{$results->{results}}) {
print qq|<a href="$result->{externalURL}">$result->{heading}</a>\n|;
This module provides an Object Oriented interface to 3Taps( search API. See for a full description of the 3Taps API.
Search methods
use WWW::3Taps::API;
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $result = $api->search(
location => 'LAX+OR+NYC',
category => 'VAUT',
annotations => '{"make":"porsche"}'
my $results = $api->search(location => 'LAX', category => 'VAUT');
# {
# execTimeMs => 7,
# numResults => 0,
# results => [ ... ],
# success => 1
# }
The search method creates a new search request.
- rpp
The number of results to return for a synchonous search. If this is not specified, a maximum of ten postings will be returned at once. If this is set to -1, all matching postings will be returned at once.
- page
The page number of the results to return for a synchronous search, where zero is the first page of results. If this is not specified, the most recent page of postings will be returned.
- source
The 5-character source code a posting must have if is to be included in the list of search results.
- category
The 4-character category code a posting must have if it is to be included in the list of search results. Note that multiple categories can be searched by passing in multiple category codes, separated by +OR+.
- location
The 3-character location code a posting must have if it is to be included in the list of search results. Note that multiple locations can be searched by passing in multiple location codes, separated by +OR+.
- heading
A string which must occur within the heading of the posting if it is to be included in the list of search results.
- body
A string which must occur within the body of the posting if it is to be included in the list of search results.
- text
A string which must occur in either the heading or the body of the posting if it is to be included in the list of search results.
- poster
The user ID of the person who created the posts. If this is specified, only postings created by the specified user will be included in the list of search results
- externalID
A string which must match the "externalID" field for a posting if it is to be included in the list of search results.
- start
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) This defines the desired starting timeframe for the search query. Only postings with a timestamp greater than or equal to the given value will be included in the list of search results. Note: all times in 3taps are in UTC.
- end
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) This defines the desired ending timeframe for the search query. Only postings with a timestamp less than or equal to the given value will be included in the list of search results. Note: all times in 3taps are in UTC.
- annotations
A JSON encoded map of key/value pairs that a posting must have in annotations to be included in the list of search results
- trustedAnnotations
A JSON encoded map of key/value pairs that a posting must have in trusted annotations to be included in the list of search results
- retvals
A comma-separated list of the fields to return for each posting that matches the desired set of search criteria. The following field names are currently supported:
source category location longitude latitude heading body images externalURL userID timestamp externalID annotations postKey
These fields match the fields with the same name as defined in the Posting API. If no retvals argument is supplied, the following list of fields will be returned by default:
category location heading externalURL timestamp
A hashref containing a decoded JSON object with the following fields:
- success
If the search was a success, this will be true.
- numResults
The total number of results found for this search.
- execTimeMs
The amount of time it took 3taps to perform your search, in milliseconds.
- error
If success is false, error will contain the error message
- results
An array of posting objects, each containing the fields specified in retvals
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $result = $api->count( location => 'LAX', category => 'VAUT' );
# { count => 146725 }
Returns the number of items matching a given search. Note that this method accepts the same general parameters as the search method.
Same as search
A hashref with a single field, "count", holding the number of matches found for the given parameters.
best_match( $keyword )
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $result = $api->best_match('iPad');
# { category => undef, numResults => 50483160 }
Returns the 3taps category associated with the keywords, along with the number of results for that category in 3taps.
- keyword
One or more words to find the best match for.
A hashref with two fields: category and numResults, containing the 3taps category code and number of results found.
range(%search_params, fields => $fields)
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $result = $api->range( location => 'LAX', category => 'VAULT', fields => 'year,price');
# {
# price => { max => 15000, min => 200 },
# year => { max => 2011, min => 1967 },
# }
Returns the minimum and maximum values currently in 3taps for the given fields, that match the given search parameters. The basic idea here is to provide developers with a method of determining sensible values for range-based filters. Note that this method accepts the same query parameters as the search method.
- fields
A comma-separated list of fields to retrieve the min and max values for. The Search API will look for the min and max values in fields and annotations.
A hashref with the min and max values for each field.
summary( %search_params, dimension => $dimension)
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $result = $api->summary( text => 'toyota', dimension => 'source');
# {
# execTimeMs => 360,
# totals => {
# "37SIG" => 0,
# "3TAPS" => 0,
# "9-1-1" => 0,
# "AMZON" => 0,
# "CRAIG" => 184231,
# "E_BAY" => 5221,
# ...
# }
# }
Returns the total number of postings found in 3taps, across the given dimension, that match the given search query parameters. For example, searching for "text=toyota" across "dimension=source" would return a list of all sources in 3taps, along with the number of postings matching the search "text=toyota" in that source. All search query parameters are supported. You may currently search across dimensions source, category, and location. At this time, category will only search across top level categories, and location is limited to our top 10 metro areas.
- dimension
The dimension to summarize across: source, category, or location.
A hashref with the following fields:
- totals
A decoded JSON object with one field for each member of the dimension, along with the total found (matching the search query) in that dimension.
- execTimeMs
The number of milliseconds it took 3taps to retrieve this information for you.
Status methods
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $results = $api->status_update(
postings => [
source => "E_BAY",
externalID => "3434399120",
status => "sent",
timestamp => "2011/12/21 01:13:28",
attributes => { postKey => "3JE8VFD" }
source => "E_BAY",
externalID => "33334399121",
status => "sent",
timestamp => "2011/12/21 01:13:28",
attributes => { postKey => "3JE8VFF" }
Send in status updates for postings
- postings
An array containing a list of hashrefs representing the posting status updates. Each entry in this array must contain a key representing the following:
- status (required)
The status of the posting
- externalID (required)
The ID of the posting in the source system.
- source (required)
The 5 letter code of the source of this posting. (ex: CRAIG, E_BAY)
- timestamp (optional)
The time that this status occured, in format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:dd, in UTC.
- attributes (optional)
A hashref containing name/value pairs of attributes to associate with this status. (ex: postKey, errors)
The body of the response will consist of a hashref with two fields, code and message.
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $results = $api->get_status(
ids => [
{ source => 'CRAIG', externalID => 3434399120 },
{ source => 'CRAIG', externalID => 33334399121 }
# [
# {
# exists => bless( do { \( my $o = 0 ) }, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
# externalID => "3434399120",
# source => "CRAIG"
# },
# {
# exists => bless( do { \( my $o = 1 ) }, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
# externalID => "3434399121",
# history => {
# saved => [
# {
# attributes => {
# batchKey => "BDBBTHF500",
# postKey => "BDBBTXQ"
# },
# errors => undef,
# timestamp => "2011-02-25T18:24:41Z"
# }
# ]
# },
# source => "CRAIG"
# }
# ]
Get status history for postings
- ids
An array of hashrefs containing a key/value pair of two fields: "externalID" and "source". Each field will identify a posting to retrieve status for in this request.
An array of hashrefs, each representing a requested posting, each with the following fields
- exists (boolean)
If false, the Status API has no history of the posting.
- externalID (string)
The external ID of this requested posting.
- source (string)
The 5 letter code of the source of this posting. (ex: E_BAY, CRAIG)
- history (hashref)
The history hashref contains a number of fields, one for each "status" that has been recorded for the posting. Within each status field, the value is an array of status events for that status. For example, in the "found" status field, you would find a status event object for each time the posting was found. Each status event object can contain the following fields:
- timestamp
The date that this status event was recorded, in UTC.
- errors
An array of error hashrefs, each with two fields: "code" and "message".
- attributes
An hashref holding a number of key/value pairs associated with this status event (ex: postKey)
my $api = WWW::3Taps::API->new;
my $results = $api->status_system();
# { code => 200, message => "3taps is up and running!" }
Get the current system status.
A hashref with two fields, code and message.
Eden Cardim, <edencardim at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-3taps-api at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
For detailed developer info, see
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::3Taps::API
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Copyright 2011 Eden Cardim
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.