nuggit [user-defined] [args]

FUTURE: 'nuggit alias' command will enable listing and editing of defined nuggit aliases.


Nuggit now supports user-defined aliases. These alises will always be executed by nuggit from the project's root directory, or a user-specified folder relative to it.

Aliases are defined in .nuggit/config.json as the "aliases" object. At present, this file must be edited by hand.

The key in the aliases array is the command given to nuggit, such as 'ngt foo'. The value is either a string defining the command to be executed, or an object defining 'cmd' and any of the additional options listed below.


The command to be executed


The directory for the command to be executed from, relative to the top of the root repository. If omitted, the command will always be executed in that root directory.

log_file namePrefix

If specified, all output will be saved to log files of the form $namePrefix.stdout.log and $namePrefix.stderr.log in the working directory for this command. This prefix may specify an alternate relative or absolute path for log files to be saved.

If the command exits with an error code, only the contents of STDERR will be output to the shell. This is often useful when viewing output to build commands.

At this time, when logging is enabled, ngt is unable to combine stdout and stderr messages.

log level

This enables logging of the command with the main nuggit logs. A value of 1 is typical for standard logginc. A value of 0 will disable logging, while also suppressing output from the shell if the command exits without an error.


Define a .nuggit.config.json file containing

{ "aliases" : { "dkrbuild" : "docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/src:delegated -w /foo/simbar/build gcc make", "build" : { "cmd" : "make", "dir" : "foo/bar/build", "log_file" : "make" } } }

Using the above example, one could run 'ngt dkrbuild' from any place in the project tree to execute the specified build command through Docker. In this non-logged form, all command output will be echoed in the shell.

Alternatively, "ngt build" would run a simple 'make' command in the specified folder and output the results to 'make.stdout.log' and 'make.stderr.log'. In the event of an error, stderr will be output to the shell, otherwise only a status message will be shown indicating the command that has been executed and it's successful completion.