Changes for version 1.03 - 2019-10-14
- MongoDB's primary key (_id) is an object (BSON::OID) so ids of workers, jobs and so on are currently objects too. This is ambiguous because, when search for a specific id, Pg backend expected a string and also returned ids are strings (integers). To remove this ambiguity, now every external reference ids are strings as an hexadecimal rappresentation of internal BSON::OID object. If you need the id as an object, backend exports an experimental _oid method which converts a 24-length hexadecimal strings into a BSON::OID.
- Removed a memory leak while reading notifications table
- Solved bug in job->note when no arguments passed (issues/3)
- Optimization in job->note where now you can set/remove items at one time
MongoDB backend for Minion