Games::Roguelike::World::Daemon - roguelike game telnet daemon
# for an extended example with move overrides, see the scripts/netgame included
use strict;
package myWorld; # always override
use base 'Games::Roguelike::World::Daemon';
my $r = myWorld->new(w=>80,h=>50,dispw=>40,disph=>18); # create a networked world
$r->area(new Games::Roguelike::Area(name=>'1')); # create a new area in this world called "1"
$r->area->genmaze2(); # make a cavelike maze
while (1) {
sub readinput { # called when input is available
my $self = shift;
if (my $c = $self->getch()) { # returns undef on failure
if ($self->{vp}->kbdmove($c, 1)) { # '1' in second param means "test only"
$r->queuemove($self->{vp}, $c); # if the move is good, queue it
sub newconn { # called when someone connects
my $self = shift;
my $char = mychar->new($self->area(1), # create a new character
$self->{vp} = $char; # viewpoint is a connection state obect
$self->{state} = 'MOVE'; # set state (another state object)
package mychar;
use base 'Games::Roguelike::Mob';
This module uses the Games::Roguelike::World object as the basis for a finite-state based network game engine.
* uses Games::Roguelike::Console::ANSI library to draw the current area
* currently assumes Games::Roguelike::Mob's as characters in the game
* currently assumes Games::Roguelike::Item's as items in the game
The module provides th eservice of accepting connections, maintainting he association between the connection and a "state" and "viewpoint" for each connection, managing "tick" times, and rendering maps for each connection.
- new ()
Similar to ::World new, but with arguments: host, port, and addr
This begins listening for connections, and sets up some signal handlers for graceful death.
- proc ()
Look for waiting input and calls:
newconn() - for new conneciton readinput() - when input is available tick() - to process per-turn moves drawallmaps() - to render all the maps
When those functions are called the class {vp} and {state} variables are set to the connection's "viewpoint" (character) and "state".
Also, the special scalar state 'QUIT' gracefully removes a connection.
(It might be interesting to use code refs as states)
- getstr ()
Reads a string from the active connection.
Returns undef if the string is not ready.
- getch ()
Reads a character from the active connection.
Returns undef if no input is ready.
- charmsg ($char)
Calls showmsg on the console contained in $char;
- readinput ()
Must override and call getch() or getstr().
The {vp}, {state}, and {con} vars are set on this call, can be changed, and will be preserved.
Actual action/movement by a charcter should be queued here, then processed according to a random sort and/or a sort based on the speed of the character.
For example: If a tank and a motorcycle move during the same tick, the motorcycle would always go first, even if the tank's player has a faster internet connection. Queueing the moves allows you to do this.
Remember never to do something that blocks or waits for input, game is single-threaded.
- newconn ()
Must override and either create a character or show an intro screen, or something.
The {vp}, {state}, and {con} vars are set on this call, can be changed, and will be preserved.
- setfocuscolor ()
Change the display color/symbol of the {vp} character here in order to distinguish it from other (enemy?) characters.
- queuemove ($char, $move[, $msg])
Pushes a "move" for char $char showing message $msg. By default will not queu if a move has been set. The "move" variabe is set in the "char" object to record whether a move has occured.
- tick ()
Override for per-turn move processing. This is called for each game turn, which defaults to a half-second. Default behavior is to sort all the queued moves and execute them.
A good way to handle this might be to make the "moves" be code references, which get passed "char" as the argument.
Currently this fails on Win32
Erik Aronesty
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See or the included LICENSE file.