Games::Roguelike::Console - platform-neutral console handling
use Games::Roguelike::Console;
$con = Games::Roguelike::Console->new();
$con->attron('bold yellow');
Attempts to figure out which Games::Roguelike::Console subclass to instantiate in order to provide console support.
- new ([type=>$stype], [noinit=>1])
create a new console, optionally specifying the subtype (currently: win32, ansi or curses), and the noinit flag (which suppresses terminal init)
- addch ([$y, $x], $str);
- addstr ([$y, $x], $str);
prints a string at the y, x positions or at the current cursor position (also positions and advances the cursor to y, x+length(str))
- attron ($attr)
turns on color attributes ie: bold blue, white, white on black, black on bold blue
- attroff ()
turns off color attributes
- refresh ()
draws the current screen
- redraw ()
redraws entire screen (if out of sync)
- move ($y, $x)
moves the cursor to y, x
- getch ()
reads a character from input
- nbgetch ()
reads a character from input, non-blocking
- parsecolor ()
helper function for subclass, parses an attribute then calls "nativecolor($fg, $bg, $bold)", caching the results
moves the cursor to x/y and writes the string $str, which can contain <color> tags
- xymove ($x,$y)
moves the cursor to x/y
- xych ($x,$y)
moves the cursor to x/y, and writes a character
- xystr ($x,$y)
moves the cursor to x/y, and writes a string
Games::Roguelike::Console::ANSI, Games::Roguelike::Console::Win32, Games::Roguelike::Console::Curses