NAME -- Command-line interface to connect to
SYNOPSIS [general options] [operation] [parameters]
General Options
- -help
Print a brief help message and exits.
- -man
Prints the manual page and exits.
- -v,-verbose
Be verbose about something. Specify it more than once to be even more verbose.
- -conf
Specify the location of a configuration file. Otherwise, defaults to location specified in the DRIP_CLIENT_CONF environment variable or ~/.drip.conf. Data in the configuration file must be encoded in YAML format. See "CONFIGURATION" in API::Drip::Request for the specific data that may be stored.
Each configuration item may also be overriden by setting an environment variable with the same name.
- getsub
Get a list of all subscribers.
- addsub
Add a subscriber. At a minimum, must also specify -email, or -id.
Accepts: -email, -id, -new_email, -user_id, -time_zone, -lifetime_value, -ip_address
- delsub
Delete a subscriber. Must specify -email, or -id.
- getwork
Get a list of all workflows.
- startwork
Start a user on a workflow
Requires: -workflow
Accepts: -email, -id, -user_id, -time_zone, -prospect
- event
Record that an event happened.
Requires: -email or -id, -action
Accepts: -prospect
Additional Parameters
The parameters -email, -id, -new_email, -user_id, -time_zone, -lifetime_vaule, -ip_address, -prospect, -action are documented at and may be used with the above operations.
- workflow
Integer ID of a workflow.
DESCRIPTION is a command-line interface to the API::Drip library. It's a handy way to verify your connection to Drip is working as expected, and possibly to do some light-weight manipulation of your data.