sqitch-plan-usage - Sqitch plan usage statement
sqitch plan [options] [<database>]
Search options:
-t --target <target> database target specifying the plan
--event type of event
--change-pattern --change match regex against change names
--planner-pattern --planner match regex against committer names
-n --max-count show only specified number of events
--skip skip the specified number of events
--reverse show events in reverse order
--no-reverse don't show events in reverse order
-f --format show events in the specified format
--date-format --date show dates in the specified format
--color use ANSI colors
--no-color never use ANSI colors
--abbrev abbreviate change IDs
--oneline shorthand for --format oneline --abbrev 6
--headers show headers for plan file and project
--no-headers don't show plan headers