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File::Reader - Perl extension for Read and write easily text file


use File::Reader qw( Write Read ReadConf ReWrite );
@myArray = Read('/home/arnaud/.bashrc');
@mysArray = sRead('/home/arnaud/.bashrc',1,2);
$file = '/home/arnaud/write_by_File_Reader ;
$message = "Something to write\n" ;
Write($file, $message) ;
@message=("something", "to", "write", "\n");
Write($file, @message) ;
sWrite($file,"Something to write\n",1,2) ;
%conf_file = ReadConf('/etc/file.conf') ;

# A simple example for reading, using and writing config file
my %CONF = ReadConf('/etc/mysoft/soft.conf');
$CONF{'data-dir'} = '/tmp/'.$CONF{'data-dir'};


Write :

Write(file_to_write, data_to_write) : this function write some data in a file. You can call it like that : Write($file, @data) ;

WriteConf(file_to_write, %data_to_write) : this function write all data contains in %data_to_write into the file file_to_write in a format readable by ReadConf (key = value).

Read :

Read("file_to_read") : read all data in "file_to_read". B<IMPORTANT> file is read just as it is ! Don't forget to treat data incomming :-). 
Read() return B<undef> if the file that you try to open does not exist.

ReWrite :

ReWrite(file_to_write, data_to_write) : write data in the end of "file_to_write". If file does not exist ReWrite() create him. 
The function don't erase the original file. To really re-write a file (erase and write it) use Write().

ReadConf :

ReadConf("some_configuration_file") : Read a configuration file (wich is write like : key = value) and return a hash (usable by : $conf{key}). ReadConf() return B<undef> if the file that you try to read does not exist.

ReadConf2 :

ReadConf2("some_configuration_file","separator") : same as ReadConf() but you can specify the separator to use in the configuration file.

configuration file :

	key1 :: value1
	key2 :: value2

usable with the code :

	%conf = ReadConf2("configuration_file",'::') ;
	print "$conf{key1}\n" ;

ReadConfAdv :

ReadConfAdv($conf_fln,$conf_start,$conf_stop) : with this function you can use only one configuration file for several applications by putting separating beacons of section.

Ex : %conf = ReadConfAdv("conf_file",'<start-tag>','<stop-tag>') ;

work with a configuration file like :

	key1 = value1
	key2 = value2
	key3 = value3

ReadConfAdv2 :

ReadConfAdv2($conf_fln,$conf_start,$conf_stop,$level,$sep) : same options that ReadConfAdv() but you can specify, moreover,
 the separator of the pairs of keys/values in the configuration file (like ReadConf2() ).

listDir :

listDir("any_directory/" : return a table containing the contents of "any_directory/"

Ex : @dir = listDir("/etc/") ;
  • The following function (s*) are the "secure" version of previous functions. They make somes tests on files before reading and writing them.

sReWrite :

sReWrite($name,$data,$warning) : if you set $warning to 1 (default) File::Reader print test on STDERR. If $warning = 0, STDERR is redirected to file_reader_err.log.

sWrite :

sWrite($name,$data,$warning) : same as sReWrite() but with Write() functionality.

sRead :

sRead($name,$warning,$level) : see sReWrite() for explanations relating to $warning. $level can have several values :

	0 : (welcome hackers !) No real security on the $name variable
	1 : (Medium security) All escape shell characters are escaped (&|; etc.)
	2 : (paranoid) All escape shell caracters are deleted !
If you use File::Reader in CGI it's strongly recommended to use the lvl 2.
Default is 1

sReadConf :

sReadConf($conf_fln,$level) : see above for explanations relating to $level

sReadConfAdv :

sReadConfAdv($conf_fln,$conf_start,$conf_stop,$level) : see above for explanations relating to $level, $conf_start and $conf_stop


sReadConf2($conf_fln,$level,$sep) : see above for explanations relating to $level and $sep


sReadConfAdv2($conf_fln,$conf_start,$conf_stop,$level,$sep) : see above for explanations relating to $conf_start, $conf_stop, $level and $sep


generateConfFile("perl_source","conf_file_name") : Generate a configuration file (named "conf_file_name") for "perl_source". 
Moreover it re-write "perl_source" to support the new configuration file. 
The original source is not changed. A new file is created, named "perl_source_withconf".
The modified variables are those in upper case (as $VERSION).

Ex :  Perl source file ( :

	#!/usr/bin/perl -w
	$VERSION = 1.0 ;
	$ETC_DIR = '/etc/' ;
	$var_dir = '/var/' ;
	print "my Version -> $VERSION, my etc directory -> $ETC_DIR and my var directory -> $var_dir\n" ;

Now in another Perl script ( wich usable in this tarball) :
	#!/usr/bin/perl -w
	use File::Reader qw( generateConfFile ) ;
	generateConfFile("","donothing.conf") ;

And after execution (it may takesome time if the "perl_source" is important) you could see 2 new file in the directory : donothing.conf and do source code :

	#!/usr/bin/perl -w
	use File::Reader qw (ReadConf ) ;
	my %conf = ReadConf("donothing.conf");
	$VERSION = $conf{VERSION} ;
	$ETC_DIR = '$conf{ETC_DIR};
	$var_dir = '/var/' ;
	print "my Version -> $VERSION, my etc directory -> $ETC_DIR and my var directory -> $var_dir\n" ;

And donothing.conf :

	## Configuration file for generated by File::Reader version 0.6
	VERSION = 1.0
	ETC_DIR = '/etc/'


None by default.

use File::Reader qw ( sWrite sReadConf ) ; # Export the two functions sWrite() and sReadConf().


You can assume the compatibility with the old syntax of Battosai by :

use File::Reader qw ( ecrire ouvre reecrire lireConfAdv lireConf listRep sReecrire sOuvre sLireConf sLireConfAdv lireConfAdv2 sLireConf2 sLireConfAdv2 lireConf2 ) ;

But this method is deprecated. Moreover new function will never profit from binding for old syntax.

The old syntax is no longer support.


Arnaud DUPUIS, <>


Copyright (c) 2004 Arnaud DUPUIS <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

