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Muldis::D::Dialect::PTMD_STD - How to format Plain Text Muldis D


This document is Muldis::D::Dialect::PTMD_STD version 0.106.0.


This document is part of the Muldis D language specification, whose root document is Muldis::D; you should read that root document before you read this one, which provides subservient details.


This document outlines the grammar of the Plain Text Muldis D standard dialect named PTMD_STD. The fully-qualified name of this Muldis D standard dialect is Muldis_D:"":"0.106.0":PTMD_STD.

This dialect is designed to exactly match the Muldis D system catalog (the possible representation of Muldis D code that is visible to or updateable by Muldis D programs at runtime) as to what non-critical meta-data it explicitly stores; so code in the PTMD_STD dialect should be round-trippable with the system catalog with the result maintaining all the details that were started with. Since it matches the system catalog, this dialect should be able to exactly represent all possible Muldis D base language code (and probably all extensions too), rather than a subset of it. That said, the PTMD_STD dialect does provide a choice of multiple syntax options for writing Muldis D value literals and DBMS entity (eg type and routine) declarations, so several very distinct PTMD_STD code artifacts may parse into the same system catalog entries. There is even a considerable level of abstraction in some cases, so that it is easier for programmers to write and understand typical PTMD_STD code, and so that this code isn't absurdly verbose.

This dialect is designed to be as small as possible while meeting the above criteria, and is designed such that a parser that handles all of this dialect can be fairly small and simple. Likewise, a code generator for this dialect from the system catalog can be fairly small and simple.

A significant quality of the PTMD_STD dialect is that it is designed to work easily for a single-pass parser, or at least a single-pass lexer; all the context that one needs to know for how to parse or lex any arbitrary substring of code is provided by prior code, or any required lookahead is just by a few characters in general. Therefore, a PTMD_STD parser can easily work on a streaming input like a file-handle where you can't go back earlier in the stream. Often this means a parser can work with little RAM.

Also the dialect is designed that any amount of whitespace can be added or omitted next to most non-alphanumeric characters (which happen to be next to alphanumeric tokens) without that affecting the meaning of the code at all, except obviously for within character string literals. And long binary or character or numeric or identifier strings can be split into arbitrary-size substrings, without affecting the meaning. And many elements are identified by name rather than ordinal position, so to some degree the order they appear has no effect on the meaning. So programmers can easily format (separate, indent, linewrap, order) code how they like, and making an automated code reformatter shouldn't be difficult. Often, named elements can also be omitted entirely for brevity, in which case the parser would use context to supply default values for those elements.

Given that plain text is (more or less) universally unambiguously portable between all general purpose languages that could be used to implement a DBMS, it is expected that every single Muldis D implementation will natively accept input in the PTMD_STD dialect, which isn't dependent on any specific host language and should be easy enough to process, so it should be considered the safest official Muldis D dialect to write in by default, when you don't have a specific reason to use some other dialect.

See also the dialects HDMD_Perl6_STD and HDMD_Perl5_STD, which are derived directly from PTMD_STD, and represent possible Perl 6 and 5 concrete syntax trees for it; in fact, most of the details in common with those other dialects are described just in the current file, for all 3 dialects.


A PTMD_STD Muldis D code file consists just of a Muldis D depot definition, which begins with a language name declaration, and then has a Database value literal defining the depot's catalog, and finally has, optionally, a Database value literal defining the depot's data. This is conceptually what a PTMD_STD file is, and it can even be that literally, but PTMD_STD provides a canonical further abstraction for defining the depot's catalog, which should be used when doing data-definition. And so you typically use syntax resembling routine and type declarations in a general purpose programming language, where simply declaring such an entity will cause it to be part of the system catalog. Fundamentally every Muldis D depot is akin to a code library, and a Muldis D "main program" is nothing more than a depot having a procedure that is designated to execute automatically after a mount event of its host depot.

As a special extension feature, a PTMD_STD Muldis D code file may alternately consist just of a (language-qualified) Muldis D value literal, which mainly is intended for use in mixed-language environments as an interchange format for data values between Muldis D and other languages.

The grammar in this file is formatted as a hybrid between various BNF flavors and Perl 6 rules (see for details on the latter) with further changes. It is only meant to be illustrative and human readable, and would need significant changes to actually be a functional parser, which are different for each parser toolkit.

The grammar consists mainly of named tokens which define matching rules. Loosely speaking, each parser match of a token corresponds to a capture node or node element in the concrete syntax tree resulting from the parse; in practice, the parser may make various alterations to the match when generating a node, such as adding guide keywords corresponding to the token name, or by merging series of trivial tokens or doing escaped character substitutions. No explicit capture syntax such as parenthesis is used in the grammar.

To help understand the grammar in this file, here are a few guidelines: 1. The grammar is exactly the same as that of a Perl 6 rule except where these guidelines state otherwise; this includes that square brackets mean grouping not optionality, and that when multiple sub-pattern alternatives match, the one that is the longest wins. 2. The grammar portion that actually declares a token, that is what associates a token name with its definition body, is formatted like EBNF, as <footok> ::= ... rather than the Perl 6 way like token footok { ... } or rule footok { ... }. 3. All non-quoted whitespace is not significant and just is formatting the grammar itself; rather, whitespace rules in the grammar are spelled out explicitly such as with \s* (optional whitespace) and \s+ (mandatory whitespace).

The root grammar token for the entire dialect is Muldis_D.



<Muldis_D> ::=
    <language_name> \s+ [<value> | <depot>]

A Muldis_D node has 2 ordered elements where the first element is a language_name node and the second element is either a value node or a depot node.

See the pod sections in this file named "LANGUAGE NAME", "VALUE LITERALS AND SELECTORS", and "DEPOT SPECIFICATION", for more details about the aforementioned tokens/nodes.

When Muldis D is being compiled and invoked piecemeal, such as because the Muldis D implementing virtual machine (VM) is attached to an interactive user terminal, or the VM is embedded in a host language where code in the host language invokes Muldis D code at various times, many value may be fed to the VM directly for inter-language exchange, and not every one would then have its own language_name. Usually a language_name would be supplied to the Muldis D VM just once as a VM configuration step, which provides a context for further interaction with the VM that just involves Muldis D code that isn't itself qualified with a language_name.



<language_name> ::=
    \s* ':' <ln_base_authority>
    \s* ':' <ln_base_version_number>
    \s* ':' <ln_dialect>
    \s* ':' <ln_extensions>

<ln_base_name> ::=

<ln_base_authority> ::=

<ln_base_version_number> ::=

<ln_dialect> ::=

<ln_extensions> ::=
    '{' \s*
        catalog_abstraction_level \s* '=>' \s* <cat_abstr_level>
        [\s* ',' \s* standard_syntax_extensions
            \s* => \s* <std_syn_ext_list>]?
    \s* '}'

<cat_abstr_level> ::=
    | code_as_data
    | plain_rtn_inv
    | rtn_inv_alt_syn

<std_syn_ext_list> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [<std_syn_ext_list_item> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

<std_syn_ext_list_item> ::=

As per the VERSIONING pod section of Muldis::D, code written in Muldis D must start by declaring the fully-qualified Muldis D language name it is written in. The PTMD_STD dialect formats this name as a language_name node having 5 ordered elements:


This is the Muldis D language base name; it is simply the bareword character string Muldis_D.


This is the base authority; it is a character string formatted as per a specific-context Name value literal; it is typically the delimited character string


This is the base version number; it is a character string formatted as per ln_base_authority; it is typically a character string like 0.106.0.


This is the dialect name; it is simply the bareword character string PTMD_STD.


This is a set of chosen pragma/parser-config options, which is formatted similarly to a Tuple SCVL. The only mandatory pragma is catalog_abstraction_level (see the "CATALOG ABSTRACTION LEVELS" pod section). The only optional pragma is standard_syntax_extensions (see the "STANDARD SYNTAX EXTENSIONS" pod section). Other pragmas may be added later, which would likely be optional.


    catalog_abstraction_level => rtn_inv_alt_syn

    catalog_abstraction_level  => rtn_inv_alt_syn,
    standard_syntax_extensions => {date_time}


The catalog_abstraction_level pragma determines with a broad granularity how large the effective Muldis D grammar is that a programmer may employ with their Muldis D code.

The catalog abstraction level of some Muldis D code is a measure of how much or how little that code would resemble the system catalog data that the code would parse into. The lower the abstraction level, the smaller and simpler the used Muldis D grammar is and the more like data structure literals it is; the higher the abstraction level, the larger and more complicated the Muldis D grammar is and the more like general-purpose-language typical code it is.

There are currently 4 specified catalog abstraction levels, which when arranged from lowest to highest amount of abstraction, are: the_floor, code_as_data, plain_rtn_inv, rtn_inv_alt_syn. Every abstraction level has a proper superset of the grammar of every other abstraction level that is lower than itself, so for example any code that is valid code_as_data is also valid plain_rtn_inv, and so on.

Choosing an abstraction level to write Muldis D code against is all a matter of trade-offs, perhaps mainly between advantages for Muldis D implementors and advantages for Muldis D users. Lower levels have benefits such as that it takes less programmer effort to create a Muldis D code parser or generator that just has to support that level, and such a parser/generator could be made more quickly and occupy a smallar resource footprint. On the other side, higher levels have benefits such that any Muldis D code itself can be immensely more terse and readable (and writable), as well as have a much stronger resemblence to typical general-purpose programming languages, which also caries the benefit that a lot more of a programmer's preconceptions about what they should be able to write in a language is more likely to just work in Muldis D, and users can adopt it with less re-training. Essentially, lower abstraction levels are more like machine code while higher levels are more like human language. It may not need to be said that while a lower level may be for a Muldis D implementer an easier thing to make run, it would conversely tend to be more difficult for them to write a test suite for, being more verbose.

It should be emphasized that all catalog abstration levels are completely expressive, and everything a user can do with one, they can do with the others, and code is round-trippable between all of them without loss of behaviour. The choice is simply about the syntax to accomplish something.

Specifying this pragma in a language_name node is mandatory, since there is no obvious abstraction level to use implicitly when one isn't specified.


When the catalog_abstraction_level pragma is the_floor, then the following grammar definitions are in effect:

<value> ::=

<catalog> ::=

<expr> ::=

This abstraction level exists more as an academic exercise and is not intended to actually be used. It is meant to be analogous to those academic programming languages whose main design goal, in addition to still being programmatically complete, is to have the absolute smallest grammar at all costs, also analogous to an extreme-RISC machine. This level is like code_as_data except that it has the absolute minimum of value literal syntaxes rather than all of them, essentially just having a single node kind apiece to cover all scalars, tuples, relations. This level is also so minimal that many representation alternatives of the system catalog itself are being ignored, such as the more concise alternatives the system catalog itself provides to represent selectors of set/array/bag values or any system-defined scalar types not in terms of possreps.


    catalog_abstraction_level => the_floor
        food => Scalar:Text:nfd_codes;{
            "" => Scalar:String."<67><97><114><114><111><116><115>":{}
        qty => Scalar:Int:{ "" => Scalar:String."<100>":{} }
        food => Scalar:Text:nfd_codes;{
            "" => Scalar:String."<75><105><119><105><115>":{}
        qty => Scalar:Int:{ "" => Scalar:String."<30>":{} }


When the catalog_abstraction_level pragma is code_as_data, then the following grammar definitions are in effect:

<value> ::=

<catalog> ::=

<expr> ::=

This abstraction level is the best one for when you want to write code in exactly the same form as it would take in the system catalog, and at the same time use all the relatively consise alternatives the system catalog itself provides for value literals and selectors. With this abstraction level, a depot consists simply of a language name plus one or two database value literals. The format for specifying a system catalog is exactly the same as the format for specifying the user data of a database. All a Muldis D parser/generator has to know is how to parse static Muldis D value literals and its done. That said, code_as_data includes all of the special grammar dealing with value literals, including those for many specific scalar or nonscalar types. This level is analagous to a high-level assembly language in a way; what you say in code is exactly what you get in the system catalog, but your code would be too verbose for the tastes of someone preferring normal high-level language code.

Code written to the code_as_data level can employ all of the language grammar constructs described in these main pod sections: "VALUE LITERALS AND SELECTORS", "OPAQUE VALUE LITERALS", "COLLECTION VALUE SELECTORS".


    catalog_abstraction_level => code_as_data
    { food => 'Carrots', qty => 100 },
    { food => 'Kiwis', qty => 30 }

   catalog_abstraction_level => code_as_data
depot-catalog Database:Depot:{
   functions => Relation:{
         name => Name:cube,
         material => Tuple:Function:{
            result_type => PNSQNameChain:Int,
            params => Relation:NameTypeMap:{
               { name => Name:topic, type => PNSQNameChain:Int }
            expr => Database:ExprNodeSet:{
               sca_val_exprs => Relation:{
                  { name => Name:INT_3, value => 3 }
               func_invo_exprs => Relation:{
                     name => Name:"",
                     function => PNSQNameChain:Integer.power,
                     args => Relation:NameExprMap:{
                        { name => Name:radix, expr => Name:topic },
                        { name => Name:exponent, expr => Name:INT_3 }


When the catalog_abstraction_level pragma is plain_rtn_inv, then the following grammar definitions are in effect:

<value> ::=

<catalog> ::=

<expr> ::=

This abstraction level is the lowest one that can be recommended for general use, and every Muldis D implementation that is expected to be directly used by programmers (in contrast to its main use just being by way of wrapper APIs or code generators) should support at least this level, even if that implementation is being touted as "minimal". This abstraction level has the simplest grammar that could reasonably be considered as like that of a general purpose programming language. Unlike the code_as_data level, the plain_rtn_inv level makes everything that isn't conceptually a value literal or selector look like typical routine or type declarations or value expressions or statements, just as programmers typically expect.

One of Muldis D's primary features is that, as much as possible, the system-defined language features are defined in terms of ordinary types and routines. This means for one thing that users are empowered to create their own types and routines with all of the capabilities, flexibility, and syntax as the language's built-in features have. This also means that it should be relatively simple to parse Muldis D code because the vast majority of language features don't have their own special syntax to account for, and the "Generic Function Invocation Expressions" syntax covers most of them, in terms of the common prefix/polish notation that in practice most invocations of user-defined routines are formatted as anyway.

The plain_rtn_inv abstraction level is all about having code that looks like general purpose programming language code but that everything looks like user-defined routines and types. The code is mostly just nested invocations of functions or procedures in basic polish notation, and both that code and material declarations have a C-language-like syntax.

Code written to the plain_rtn_inv level can employ all of the language grammar constructs that code_as_data can, plus all of those described in these main pod sections: "GENERIC VALUE EXPRESSIONS".


    catalog_abstraction_level => plain_rtn_inv
depot-catalog {
    function cube (Int <-- $topic : Int) {
        Integer.power( radix => $topic, exponent => 3 )


When the catalog_abstraction_level pragma is rtn_inv_alt_syn, then the following grammar definitions are in effect:

<value> ::=

<catalog> ::=

<expr> ::=

This abstraction level is the highest one and is the most recommended one for general use, assuming that all the Muldis D implementations you want to use support it. The expectation is that, in general, minimal Muldis D implementations won't support it but non-minimal ones would, so code written to it may not be the most universally portable as-is but should be portable in most common environments.

In practice a huge payoff of improved user code brevity and readability (and writability) is gained by the rtn_inv_alt_syn abstraction level over the plain_rtn_inv level by adding special syntax for a lot of commonly used built-in routines, such as infix syntax for common math operators or postcircumfix syntax for attribute accessors. The tradeoff for this user code brevity is a significant amount of extra complexity in parsers, due to all the extra special cases, though this complexity can be mitigated somewhat by standardizing these additions in format where possible. These 2 highest levels both look like a general purpose programming language, but rtn_inv_alt_syn is a lot more concise.

In particular, rtn_inv_alt_syn is probably the only Muldis D dialect that conceivably can match or beat the conciseness of a majority of general purpose programming languages, and would probably be the most preferred abstraction level for developers. This fact would also help to drive a majority of implementations to support this greatest complexity level. And even then, this most complex of standard Muldis D grammars still generally has simpler grammar rules than a lot of general languages, even if this difference is more subtle. It certainly is simpler and more easier to parse grammar than SQL in its general case.

Code written to the rtn_inv_alt_syn level can employ all of the language grammar constructs that plain_rtn_inv can, plus all of those described in these main pod sections: "FUNCTION INVOCATION ALTERNATE SYNTAX EXPRESSIONS".


    catalog_abstraction_level => rtn_inv_alt_syn
depot-catalog {
    function cube (Int <-- $topic : Int) {
        $topic I^ 3


The standard_syntax_extensions pragma declares which optional portions of the Muldis D grammar a programmer may employ with their Muldis D code.

There is currently 1 specified standard syntax extension: date_time. These are all mutually independent and any or all may be used at once.

While each standard syntax extension is closely related to a Muldis D language extension, you can use the latter's types and routines without declaring the former; you only declare you are using a standard syntax extension if you want the Muldis D parser to recognize special syntax specific to those types and routines, and otherwise you just use them using the generic syntax provided for all types and routines.

The standard_syntax_extensions pragma is generally orthogonal to the catalog_abstraction_level pragma, so you can combine any value of the latter with any value-list of the former. However, in practice all standard syntax extensions will have no effect when the catalog abstraction level is the_floor, and some of their features may only take effect when the catalog abstraction level is rtn_inv_alt_syn, as is appropriate.

Specifying the standard_syntax_extensions pragma is optional, and when omitted it defaults to the empty set, meaning no extensions may be used.


The date_time standard syntax extension is closely related to the Muldis::D::Ext::DateTime language extension, and it constitutes special syntax for its data types; in the future it may improve the type syntax or add syntax for operators.

When the standard_syntax_extensions pragma includes date_time in its list, then the following grammar extensions are in effect:

<value__code_as_data> ::=
    | <value__sse_date_time>

<value_kind> ::=
    | <value_kind__sse_date_time>

<value_payload> ::=
    | <value_payload__sse_date_time>



<value__the_floor> ::=
    | <Tuple>
    | <Relation>

<value__code_as_data> ::=
    | <coll_value_selector>

<opaque_value_literal> ::=
    | <Order>
    | <RatRoundMeth>
    | <Int>
    | <Rat>
    | <Blob>
    | <Text>
    | <Name>
    | <NameChain>
    | <PNSQNameChain>
    | <Comment>
    | <Instant>
    | <Duration>
    | <RatRoundRule>
    | <String>

<coll_value_selector> ::=
    | <Tuple>
    | <Database>
    | <Relation>
    | <Set>
    | <Maybe>
    | <Array>
    | <Bag>
    | <SPInterval>
    | <MPInterval>

A value node is a Muldis D value literal, which is a common special case of a Muldis D value selector.

Unlike value selectors in general, which must be composed beneath a depot because they actually represent a Muldis D value expression tree of a function or updater or type definition, a value node does not represent an expression tree, but rather a value constant; by definition, a value can be completely evaluated at compile time. A Muldis_D node with a value second element is hence just a serialized Muldis D value.

The PTMD_STD grammar subsection for value literals (having the root grammar token value) is completely self-defined and can be used in isolation from the wider grammar as a Muldis D sub-language; for example, a hosted-data Muldis D implementation may have an object representing a Muldis D value, which is initialized using code written in that sub-language.

Every grammar token, and corresponding capture node, representing a Muldis D value literal is similarly formatted and has 1-3 elements; the following pod section "Value Literal Common Elements" describes the similarities once for all of them, in terms of an alternate value token definition which is called x_value. And then the other pod sections specific to each kind of value literal then just focus on describing their unique aspects, namely their payloads.

An opaque_value_literal node represents a conceptually opaque Muldis D value, such that every one of these values is defined with its own literal syntax that is compact and doesn't look like a collection of other nodes; this includes the basic numeric and string literals.

A coll_value_selector node represents a conceptually transparent Muldis D value, such that every one of these values is defined visibly in terms of a collection of other nodes; this includes the basic tuple and relation selectors.

Value Literal Common Elements

A generic context value literal (or GCVL) is a value literal that can be properly interpreted in a context that is expecting a value but has no expectation that said value belongs to a specific data type; in the general case, a GCVL includes explicit value kind meta-data (such as, "this is an Int" or "this is a Name"); but with a few specific data types (see the value_kind node description for details) that meta-data may be omitted for brevity because the main literal has mutually uniquely identifying characteristics. For example, each element of a generic Muldis D collection value, such as a member of an array or tuple, could potentially have any type at all. In contrast, a specific context value literal (or SCVL) is a value literal that does not include explicit value kind meta-data, even when the main literal doesn't have uniquely identifying characteristics, because the context of its use supplies said meta-data. For example, in a tuple value literal it is assumed that a value literal in an attribute name position must denote a Name. The grammar token value|x_value denotes a GCVL, as do most short-named grammar tokens, like Int or Name; in contrast, a grammar token containing value_payload denotes a SCVL, like Int_payload or Name_payload.

Every GCVL has 1-3 elements, illustrated by this grammar:

<x_value> ::=
        <value_kind> ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<value_kind> ::=
    | Order
    | RatRoundMeth
    | Int | NNInt | PInt
    | Rat | NNRat | PRat
    | Blob | OctetBlob
    | Text
    | Name
    | NameChain
    | PNSQNameChain
    | Comment
    | Instant
    | Duration
    | RatRoundRule
    | String | BString | OString | UCPString
    | DH? Scalar
    | DH? Tuple
    | Database
    | DH? Relation
    | DH? Set
    | DH? [Maybe | Single]
    | DH? Array
    | DH? Bag
    | DH? SPInterval
    | DH? MPInterval

<type_name> ::=

<value_payload> ::=
    | <Order_payload>
    | <RatRoundMeth_payload>
    | <Int_payload>
    | <Rat_payload>
    | <Blob_payload>
    | <Text_payload>
    | <Name_payload>
    | <NameChain_payload>
    | <PNSQNameChain_payload>
    | <Comment_payload>
    | <Instant_payload>
    | <Duration_payload>
    | <RatRoundRule_payload>
    | <String_payload>
    | <Scalar_payload>
    | <Tuple_payload>
    | <Database_payload>
    | <Relation_payload>
    | <Set_payload>
    | <Maybe_payload>
    | <Array_payload>
    | <Bag_payload>
    | <SPInterval_payload>
    | <MPInterval_payload>

So a x_value|value node has 1-3 elements in general:


This is a character string of the format <[A..Z]> <[ a..z A..Z ]>+; it identifies the data type of the value literal in broad terms and is the only external meta-data of value_payload generally necessary to interpret the latter; what grammars are valid for value_payload depend just on value_kind.

For all values of just the 8 data types [Bool, Order, RatRoundMeth, Int, Rat, Blob, Text, Comment], the value_kind portion of a GCVL may be omitted for brevity, but the code parser should still be able to infer it easily by examining the first few characters of the value_payload, which for each of said 8 data types has a mutually uniquely identifying format, which is also distinct from all possible value_kind. Note that omission of value_kind is only allowed when the GCVL doesn't include a type_name element.

For just these certain special values of other data types, the same option of omitting the value_kind (and type_name) applies: Tuple:d0, Relation:d0c0, Relation:d0c1, Maybe:nothing.


This is a Muldis D data type name, for example sys.std.Core.Type.Int; it identifies a specific subtype of the generic type denoted by value_kind, and serves as an assertion that the Muldis D value denoted by value_payload is a member of the named subtype. Iff value_kind is [|DH]Scalar then type_name is mandatory; otherwise, type_name is optional for all value, except that type_name must be omitted when value_kind is one of the 2 [Bool, Order]; this isn't because those 2 types can't be subtyped, but because in practice doing so isn't useful.

How a Muldis D parser treats a value node with a type_name element depends on the wider context. In the general case where the value is an expr beneath the context of a depot node, the value is treated as if it had an extra parent func_invo node that invokes the treated function and whose 2 argument nodes are as follows: topic gets the value without the type_name element, and as gets the type_name element. This means that in general the type_name assertion is done at runtime. In the common special case where both value is an opaque_value_literal and type_name refers to a system-defined type, then the type_name assertion is done at compile time, and then the type_name element is simply eliminated, so the value ends up simply as itself with no new func_invo parent.


This is mandatory for all value.

For GCVL and SCVL examples, see the subsequent documentation sections.


See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.OVLScaValExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what every kind of opaque_value_literal node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.

Boolean Literals


<Bool> ::=
    [Bool ':' \s*]?

<Bool_payload> ::=
    false | ⊥ | true | ⊤

A Bool node represents a logical boolean value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Bool value as follows: The Bool_payload is a bareword character string formatted as per a Name SCVL, and it maps directly to the name possrep of the Bool type.






Order-Determination Literals


<Order> ::=
    [Order ':' \s*]?

<Order_payload> ::=
    increase | same | decrease

An Order node represents an order-determination. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Order value as follows: The Order_payload is a bareword character string formatted as per a Name SCVL, and it maps directly to the name possrep of the Order type.




Rational Rounding Method Literals


<RatRoundMeth> ::=
        RatRoundMeth ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<RatRoundMeth_payload> ::=
      half_down | half_up
    | half_even
    | to_floor | to_ceiling
    | to_zero | to_inf

A RatRoundMeth node represents a rational rounding method. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.RatRoundMeth value as follows: The RatRoundMeth_payload is a bareword character string formatted as per a Name SCVL, and it maps directly to the only possrep of the RatRoundMeth type.




General Purpose Integer Numeric Literals


<Int> ::=
        [Int | NNInt | PInt] ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Int_payload> ::=
      <num_max_col_val> ';' \s* <int_body>
    | <d_int_body>

<num_max_col_val> ::=

<int_body> ::=
    [0 | \-?<pint_body>]

<nnint_body> ::=
    [0 | <pint_body>]

<pint_body> ::=
    <pint_head> <pint_tail>?

<pint_head> ::=
    <[ 1..9 A..Z ]>

<pint_tail> ::=
    [[_?<[ 0..9 A..Z ]>+]+] ** [\s* '~' \s*]

<d_int_body> ::=
    [0 | \-?<d_pint_body>]

<d_nnint_body> ::=
    [0 | <d_pint_body>]

<d_pint_body> ::=
    <d_pint_head> <d_pint_tail>?

<d_pint_head> ::=
    <[ 1..9 ]>

<d_pint_tail> ::=
    [[_?<[ 0..9 ]>+]+] ** [\s* '~' \s*]

An Int node represents an integer numeric value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Int value as follows:

If the Int_payload is composed of a num_max_col_val plus int_body, then the int_body is interpreted as a base-N integer where N might be between 2 and 36, and the num_max_col_val says which possible value of N to use. Assuming all int_body column values are between zero and N-minus-one, the num_max_col_val contains that N-minus-one. So to specify, eg, bases [2,8,10,16], use num_max_col_val of [1,7,9,F].

If the Int_payload is a d_int_body, then it is interpreted as a base 10 integer.

Fundamentally the body part of an Int node consists of a string of digits and uppercased (but not lowercased) letters, where each digit (0..9) represents its own number and each letter (A..Z) represents a number in [10..35]. A body may optionally contain underscore characters (_), which exist just to help with visual formatting, such as for 10_000_000, and these are ignored/stripped by the parser. A body may optionally be split into 1..N segments where each segment is separated by a tilde token (~); this segmenting ability is provided to support code that contains very long numeric literals while still being well formatted (no extra long lines); the tilde tokens are also ignored/stripped by the parser, and the body is interpreted as if all its alphanumeric characters were contiguous.

If the value_kind of a value node is NNInt or PInt rather than Int, then the value node is interpreted simply as an Int node whose type_name is NNInt or PInt, and the allowed body is appropriately further restricted.


Int:1;11001001 # binary #

7;0 # octal #

7;644 # octal #

-34 # decimal #

42 # decimal #

F;DEADBEEF # hexadecimal #

Z;-HELLOWORLD # base-36 #

3;301 # base-4 #

B;A09B # base-12 #

General Purpose Rational Numeric Literals


<Rat> ::=
        [Rat | NNRat | PRat] ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Rat_payload> ::=
      <num_max_col_val> ';' \s* <rat_body>
    | <d_rat_body>

<rat_body> ::=
    | <int_body> \s* \/ \s* <pint_body>
    | <int_body> \s* \* \s* <pint_body> \s* \^ \s* <int_body>

<d_rat_body> ::=
    | <d_int_body> \s* \/ \s* <d_pint_body>
    | <d_int_body> \s* \* \s* <d_pint_body> \s* \^ \s* <d_int_body>

A Rat node represents a rational numeric value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Rat value as follows:

Fundamentally a Rat node is formatted and interpreted like an Int node, and any similarities won't be repeated here. The differences of interpreting a Rat_payload being composed of a num_max_col_val plus rat_body versus the Rat_payload being a d_rat_body are as per the corresponding differences of interpreting an Int_payload. Also interpreting a NNRat or PRat is as per a NNInt or PInt.

If the body part of a Rat node contains a radix point (.), then it is interpreted as is usual for a programming language with such a literal.

If the body part of a Rat node contains a solidus (/), then the rational's value is interpreted as the leading integer (a numerator) divided by the trailing positive integer (a denominator); that is, the two integers collectively map to the ratio possrep of the Rat type.

If the body part of a Rat node contains a asterisk (*) plus a circumflex accent (^), then the rational's value is interpreted as the leading integer (a mantissa) multiplied by the result of the middle positive integer (a radix) taken to the power of the trailing integer (an exponent); that is, the three integers collectively map to the float possrep of the Rat type.



-1.5 # same val as prev #











General Purpose Binary String Literals


<Blob> ::=
        [Blob | OctetBlob] ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Blob_payload> ::=
    <blob_max_col_val> ';' \s* <blob_body>

<blob_max_col_val> ::=

<blob_body> ::=
            <[ 0..9 A..F ]>*
    ] ** [\s* '~' \s*]

A Blob node represents a general purpose bit string. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Blob value as follows: Fundamentally the body part of a Blob node consists of a delimited string of digits and uppercased (but not lowercased) letters, where each digit (0..9) represents its own number and each letter (A..F) represents a number in [10..15]; this string is qualified with a blob_max_col_val character ([137F]), similarly to how an int_body is qualified by a num_max_col_val. Each character of the delimited string specifies a sequence of one of [1,2,3,4] bits, depending on whether blob_max_col_val is [1,3,7,F]. If the value_kind of a value node is OctetBlob rather than Blob, then the value node is interpreted simply as a Blob node whose type_name is OctetBlob, and the delimited string is appropriately further restricted.


Blob:1;'00101110100010' # binary #


F;'A705E' # hexadecimal #


General Purpose Character String Literals


<Text> ::=
        Text ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Text_payload> ::=
            [<-[\\\'\t\n\f\r]> | <escaped_char>]*
    ] ** [\s* '~' \s*]

<escaped_char> ::=
      '\b' | '\a' | '\q' | '\g' | '\h'
    | '\s'
    | '\t' | '\n' | '\f' | '\r'
    | '\c<' [
          [<[ A..Z ]>+] ** ' '
        | [0 | <[ 1..9 ]> <[ 0..9 ]>*]
        | <[ 1..9 A..Z ]> ';' [0 | <[ 1..9 A..Z ]> <[ 0..9 A..Z ]>*]
      ] '>'

A Text node represents a general purpose character string. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Text value as follows:

The Text_payload is interpreted generally as is usual for a programming language with such a delimited character string literal.

A Text_payload may optionally be split into 1..N segments where each segment is delimited by apostrophes/single-quotes (') and separated by a tilde token (~); this segmenting ability is provided to support code that contains long string literals while still being well formatted (no extra long lines); the tilde tokens and adjoining string delimiters are ignored/stripped by the parser, and the Text_payload is interpreted as if it just consisted of a single delimited string.

All Muldis D delimited character string literals (generally the 3 Text, Name, Comment) may contain some characters denoted with escape sequences rather than literally. The Muldis D parser would substitute the escape sequences with the characters they represent, so the resulting character string values don't contain those escape sequences. Currently there are 2 classes of escape sequences, called simple and complex.

The meanings of the simple escape sequences are:

Esc | Unicode   | Unicode         | Chr | Literal character used
Seq | Codepoint | Character Name  | Lit | for when not escaped
\b  | F;5C      | REVERSE SOLIDUS | \   | esc seq lead (aka backslash)
\a  | F;27      | APOSTROPHE      | '   | delim Text literals
\q  | F;22      | QUOTATION MARK  | "   | delim quoted Name literals
\g  | F;60      | GRAVE ACCENT    | `   | delim as-val Comment literals
\h  | F;23      | NUMBER SIGN     | #   | dlm no-val Comment (aka hash)
\s  | F;20      | SPACE           |     | space char
\t  | F;9       | CHAR... TAB...  |     | control char horizontal tab
\n  | F;A       | LINE FEED (LF)  |     | ctrl char line feed / newline
\f  | F;C       | FORM FEED (FF)  |     | control char form feed
\r  | F;D       | CARR. RET. (CR) |     | control char carriage return

One design decision of PTMD_STD that is distinct from typical other languages is that an escape sequence for any character used as a delimiter never contains that literal character. For example, while in SQL or Perl character strings delimited by ', they typically escape literal apostrophes/single-quotes as '' or \'; while this is unambiguous, the task of parsing such code is considerably more difficult than it could be. In contrast, while in PTMD_STD character strings delimited by ', a literal of the same is escaped with \a; so parsing such code is an order of magnitude easier because the parser doesn't have to understand the internals of any character string literal in order to separate out the character string from its surrounding code.

Another design decision of PTMD_STD that is distinct at least from Perl is that non-"space" whitespace characters in character string literals must never appear literally, but must instead be denoted with escape sequences. The main reason for this is to ensure that the actual values being selected by the string literals were not variable per the kind of linebreaks used to format the Muldis D source code itself.

There is currently just one complex escape sequence, of the format \c<...>, that supports specifying characters in terms of their Unicode abstract codepoint name or number. If the ... consists of just uppercased (not lowercased) letters and the space character, then the ... is interpreted as a Unicode character name. If the ... looks like an Int_payload, sans that underscores and tilde segmentation aren't allowed here, then the ... is interpreted as a Unicode abstract codepoint number. One reason for this feature is to empower more elegant passing of Unicode-savvy PTMD_STD source code through a communications channel that is more limited, such as to 7-bit ASCII.






'\c<LATIN SMALL LETTER OU>\c<F;263A>\c<65>'

DBMS Entity Name Literals


<Name> ::=
    Name ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Name_payload> ::=
    <nonquoted_name_str> | <quoted_name_str>

<nonquoted_name_str> ::=
    <[ a..z A..Z _ ]><[ a..z A..Z 0..9 _ - ]>*

<quoted_name_str> ::=
            [<-[\\\"\t\n\f\r]> | <escaped_char>]*
    ] ** [\s* '~' \s*]

<NameChain> ::=
    NameChain ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<NameChain_payload> ::=
    <nc_nonempty> | <nc_empty>

<nc_nonempty> ::=
    <Name_payload> ** [\s* '.' \s*]

<nc_empty> ::=

<PNSQNameChain> ::=
    PNSQNameChain ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<PNSQNameChain_payload> ::=
    ['.' \s*]? <nc_nonempty>

A Name node represents a canonical short name for any kind of DBMS entity when declaring it; it is a character string type, that is disjoint from Text. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Name value as follows:

Fundamentally a Name node is formatted and interpreted like a Text node, and any similarities won't be repeated here. Unlike a Text_payload literal which must always be delimited, a Name_payload has 2 variants, one delimited (quoted_name_str) and one not (nonquoted_name_str). The delimited Name_payload form differs from Text_payload only in that each string segment is delimited by double-quotes rather than apostrophes/single-quotes.

A nonquoted_name_str is composed of a single alphabetic or underscore character followed by zero or more characters that are each alphanumeric or underscore or hyphen. It can not be segmented, so you will have to use the quoted_name_str equivalent if you want a segmented string. The definitions of alphabetic and numeric should include appropriate Unicode characters, but at the moment this isn't reflected in the grammar; TODO: fix this.

A NameChain node represents a canonical long name for invoking a DBMS entity in some contexts; it is conceptually a sequence of entity short names. This node is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.NameChain value as follows: A NameChain_payload has 2 variants, one that defines a nonempty chain (nc_nonempty) and one that defines an empty chain (nc_empty). A nc_nonempty consists of a sequence of 1 or more Name_payload where the elements of the sequence are separated by period (.) tokens; each element of the sequence, in order, defines an element of the array possrep's attribute of the result NameChain value. A nc_empty consists simply of the special syntax of [].

Fundamentally a PNSQNameChain node is exactly the same as a NameChain node in format and interpretation, with the primary difference being that it may only define NameChain values that are also values of the proper subtype sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.PNSQNameChain, all of which are nonempty chains. Now that distinction alone wouldn't be enough rationale to have these 2 distinct node kinds, and so the secondary difference between the 2 provides that rationale; the PNSQNameChain node supports a number of chain value shorthands while the NameChain node supports none.

Strictly speaking, a Muldis D PNSQNameChain value is supposed to have at least 1 element in its sequence, and the first element of any sequence must be one of these 6 Name values, which is a top-level namespace: sys, mnt, fed, nlx, rtn, lex. (Actually, type is a 6th option, but that will be treated separately in this discussion.) In the general case, a PNSQNameChain_payload must be written out in full, so it is completely unambiguous (and is clearly self-documenting), and it is always the case that a PNSQNameChain value in the system catalog is written out in full. But the PTMD_STD grammar also has a few commonly used special cases where a PNSQNameChain_payload may be a much shorter substring of its complete version, such that a simple parser, with no knowledge of any user-defined entities besides said shorter PNSQNameChain_payload in isolation, can still unambiguously resolve it to its complete version; exploiting these typically makes for code that is a lot less verbose, and much easier to write or read.

The first special case involves any context where a type or routine is being referenced by name. In such a context, when the referenced entity is a standard system-defined type or routine, programmers may omit any number of consecutive leading chain elements from such a PNSQNameChain_payload, so long as the remaining unqualified chain is distinct among all standard system-defined (sys.std-prefix) DBMS entities (but that as an exception, a non-distinct abbreviation is allowed iff exactly 1 of the candidate entities is in the language core, sys.std.Core-prefix, in which case that 1 is unambiguously the entity that is resolved to). For any system-defined entities whose names have trailing empty-string chain elements, those elements are ignored when determining a match for a PNSQNameChain_payload, similarly to how specifying those elements is not required in a fully-qualified PNSQNameChain to resolve it. This feature has no effect on the namespace prefixes like type or tuple_from or array_of; one still writes those as normal prepended to the otherwise shortened chains. When a PNSQNameChain_payload, whose context indicates it is a type or routine invocation, is encountered by the parser, and its existing first chain element isn't one of the other 6 top-level namespaces, then the parser will assume it is an unqualified chain in the sys namespace and lookup the best / only match from the known sys.std DBMS entities, to resolve to. So for example, one can just write Int rather than sys.std.Core.Type.Int, Array rather than sys.std.Core.Type.Array."", is_identical rather than sys.std.Core.Universal.is_identical, Tuple.attr rather than sys.std.Core.Tuple.attr, UTCInstant.fetch_curr_datetime rather than sys.std.DateTime.UTCInstant.fetch_curr_datetime, array_of.Rat rather than array_of.sys.std.Core.Type.Rat, and so on. In fact, the Muldis D spec itself uses such abbreviations frequently.

The second special case involves any context where a value expression (including a parameter) or a variable is being referenced by name, such as with an expr_name node. In such a context, any leading lex element may be omitted; when a PNSQNameChain_payload, whose context indicates it is a value expression / etc reference, is encountered by the parser, and its existing first chain element isn't one of the other 6 top-level namespaces, then the parser will assume it is an unqualified chain in the lex namespace and will prepend a lex element to it. So for example a $foo is treated as being $ while a $ is treated as itself. Furthermore, if such an unqualified chain has more than exactly 1 element in it, it is further assumed that the chain is referring to an attribute of a tuple (or database) typed value expression / etc.

The third special case is an extension to the second special case that involves any context where a referenced-by-name value expression / etc has the declaration name topic, and topic is tuple (or database) typed. In only such a context, a PNSQNameChain_payload may be prefixed with a chain-element-separator / period token instead of having a leading (post lex omission) topic element; a parser encountering a chain with a leading period will assume the chain sans that period is unqualified and will prepend both a lex and topic element to it. So for example a $.foo is treated as being $ Note that PTMD_STD doesn't confuse this with the use of an empty string chain element because those must always be delimited, so $"".foo is still treated as $lex."".foo. Note that the third special case may only be used to reference attributes of $lex.topic (or attributes of those, etc), not $lex.topic itself; you still have to use $topic for that.

The fourth special case involves any context where a type is being referenced using the type namespace prefix feature described in "Referencing Data Types" in Muldis::D::Basics. In such a context, when the namespace prefix contains either of the optional chain elements [|dh_]tuple_from or [|dh_][set|maybe|single|array|bag|[s|m]p_interval]_of, programmers may omit the single prefix-leading type chain element. So for example, one can just write array_of.Rat rather than type.array_of.Rat, or tuple_from.var.lex.myrelvar rather than type.tuple_from.var.lex.myrelvar. This fourth special case is completely orthogonal to which of the 6 normal top-level namespaces is in use (implicitly or explicitly) by the chain being prefixed, and works for all 5 of them.



Name:"First Name"


NameChain:stats."samples by order"

NameChain:[]"samples by order"

PNSQNameChain:.attr  # same as PNSQNameChain:lex.topic.attr #

Code Comment Literals


<Comment> ::=
        Comment ':' \s*
        [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Comment_payload> ::=
            [<-[\\\`\t\n\f\r]> | <escaped_char>]*
    ] ** [\s* '~' \s*]

<non_value_comment> ::=
        '#' ** 2..*
      | '#' ' '*
            [<-[\\\#\t\n\f\r]> | <escaped_char>]*
        ' '* '#'
    ] ** \s+

A Comment node represents the text of a Muldis D code comment; it is a character string type, that is disjoint from both Text and Name. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Comment value as follows:

Fundamentally a Comment node is formatted and interpreted like a Text node, and any similarities won't be repeated here. The Comment_payload differs from Text_payload only in that each string segment is delimited by backticks/grave-accents (`) rather than apostrophes/single-quotes.

A non_value_comment node is also interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Comment value in essentially the same way as a Comment, but for a few formatting differences described further below. The primary reason for both Comment and non_value_comment to exist is so that code comments can be placed in Muldis D code in very different ways without there being any confusion on interpretation.

A Comment node is used when the comment is normal data that is an integral part of the Muldis D code proper, same as every part of the code that isn't a comment, such as when the comment is an expr or value node.

A non_value_comment node, in contrast, is strictly not part of the code proper; Muldis D code can contain these almost anywhere as meta-data for the code, and in large part it is treated as if it were part of the insignificant whitespace; that all being said, generally speaking any non_value_comment is retained in the parse tree adjusted to live in the contextually nearest place where a resulting system catalog node has a comment attribute. Details of determining the contextually nearest place for these comments to go is pending.

Syntactically, a non_value_comment node differs from Comment_payload only in that each string segment is delimited by number-signs/hash-marks rather than backticks/grave-accents, and also that:

Note that any leading or trailing space (F;20) characters inside the # delimiters of a non_value_comment are also part of the delimiters, and are not part of the selected Comment value; if you want to denote a Comment value with leading or trailing space chars, you must write those space chars in an escaped form such as with \s.

Note that a run of 3+ # is equivalent to exactly 2 adjacent ones, which denotes an empty comment segment. This feature exists to empower things like making visual dividing lines in the code just out of hash-marks.

Note that the hash-mark does have other uses in PTMD_STD code besides delimiting comments, so since non_value_comment may conceptually be placed almost anywhere in code, the other parts of the grammar that specifically enable this need to ensure appropriate measures are taken to avoid ambiguity, for example mandating that the comments are bounded by whitespace.

Examples (the first 2 are as values, the third is not as a value):

Comment:`This does something.`

`So does this.`

# And also this. #

TAI Temporal Literals


<Instant> ::=
    Instant ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Instant_payload> ::=

<Duration> ::=
    Duration ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Duration_payload> ::=

An Instant node represents a single point in time which is specified in terms of atomic seconds; it is a rational numeric type, that is disjoint from both Rat and Duration. This node is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Instant value as follows: An Instant_payload is formatted and interpreted in the same way as a Rat_payload.

A Duration node represents a single amount of time (the difference between two instants) which is specified in terms of atomic seconds; it is a rational numeric type, that is disjoint from both Rat and Instant. This node is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Duration value as follows: A Duration_payload is formatted and interpreted in the same way as a Rat_payload.









Rational Rounding Rule Literals


<RatRoundRule> ::=
    RatRoundRule ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<RatRoundRule_payload> ::=
    '[' \s*
        <radix> \s* ',' \s* <min_exp> \s* ',' \s* <round_meth>
    \s* ']'

<radix> ::=

<min_exp> ::=

<round_meth> ::=

A RatRoundRule node represents a rational rounding rule. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.RatRoundRule value whose attributes are defined by the RatRoundRule_payload. A RatRoundRule_payload consists mainly of a bracket-delimited sequence of 3 comma-separated elements, which correspond in order to the 3 attributes: radix (a PInt2_N), min_exp (an Int), and round_meth (a RatRoundMeth). Each of radix and min_exp must qualify as a valid Int_payload, and round_meth must qualify as a valid RatRoundMeth_payload.




Low Level Integer String Literals


<String> ::=
    [String | BString | OString | UCPString] ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<String_payload> ::=
      <num_max_col_val> ';' \s* <string_body>
    | <d_string_body>

<string_body> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<int_body> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* ']'

<d_string_body> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<d_int_body> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* ']'

A String node represents an integer string value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.String value as follows: A String_payload consists mainly of a bracket-delimited sequence of 0..N elements, where each element must qualify as a valid body part of an Int node, and the new String is conceptually that sequence of integers. Fundamentally each String node element is formatted and interpreted like an Int node, and any similarities won't be repeated here.


String:[80,101,114,109] # Unicode abstract codepoints = 'Perl' #

String:F;[50,65,72,6C] # same thing #


Note that, with each of the main value selector nodes documented in this main POD section (members of coll_value_selector etc), any occurrences of child expr nodes should be read as being value nodes instead in contexts where instances of the main nodes are being composed beneath value nodes. That is, any expr node options beyond what value options exist are only valid within a depot node.

Scalar Selectors


<Scalar> ::=
    DH? Scalar ':' \s*
    <type_name> ':' \s*

<Scalar_payload> ::=
      <possrep_name> ';' \s* <possrep_attrs>
    | <possrep_attrs>

<possrep_name> ::=

<possrep_attrs> ::=

A Scalar node represents a literal or selector invocation for a scalar subtype value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Scalar subtype value whose declared type is specified by the node's (mandatory for Scalar) type_name and whose attributes are defined by the Scalar_payload. If the Scalar_payload is just a possrep_attrs, then it is interpreted as if it also had an explicit possrep_name that is the empty string. The possrep_attrs is interpreted specifically as attributes of the declared type's possrep which is specified by the possrep_name. Each name+expr pair of the possrep_attrs defines a named possrep attribute of the new scalar; the pair's name and expr specify, respectively, the possrep attribute name, and the possrep attribute value. If the value_kind of a value node is DHScalar rather than Scalar, then the value node is interpreted simply as a Scalar node that is appropriately further restricted; the type_name must name a DHScalar subtype, and the possrep_attrs must specify only deeply homogeneous typed attribute values.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.ScaSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Scalar node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.


Scalar:sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Name:{ "" => 'the_thing' }

    mantissa => 45207196,
    radix    => 10,
    exponent => 37

    year   => 2003,
    month  => 10,
    day    => 26,
    hour   => 1,
    minute => 30,
    second => 0.0

    "" => "monday"

    "" => 5

Scalar:Int:{ "" => Scalar:String."<42>":{} }

Scalar:Text:nfd_codes;{ "" => Scalar:String."<80><101><114><109>":{} }

Tuple Selectors


<Tuple> ::=
    DH? Tuple ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Tuple_payload> ::=
    <tuple_list> | <tuple_d0>

<tuple_list> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [[<nonord_atvl> | <same_named_nonord_atvl>] ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

<nonord_atvl> ::=
    <attr_name> \s* '=>' \s* <expr>

<attr_name> ::=

<same_named_nonord_atvl> ::=
    <data_sigil> <pair_cosigil> <attr_name>

<pair_cosigil> ::=

<tuple_d0> ::=

A Tuple node represents a literal or selector invocation for a tuple value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Tuple value whose attributes are defined by the Tuple_payload.

Iff the Tuple_payload is a tuple_list then each name+expr pair (nonord_atvl) of the Tuple_payload defines a named attribute of the new tuple; the pair's name and expr specify, respectively, the attribute name, and the attribute value. If the value_kind of a value node is DHTuple rather than Tuple, then the value node is interpreted simply as a Tuple node that is appropriately further restricted; the Tuple_payload must specify only deeply homogeneous typed attribute values.

Iff the Tuple_payload is a tuple_d0 then the Tuple node is interpreted as the special value Tuple:d0 aka d0, which is the only Tuple value with exactly zero attributes. Note that this is just an alternative syntax, as tuple_list can select that value too.

A special shorthand for nonord_atvl also exists, same_named_nonord_atvl, which may be used only if the expr of the otherwise-nonord_atvl is an expr_name and that expr_name is identical to the attr_name. In this situation, the identical name can be specified just once, which is the shorthand; for example, the attribute foo => $foo may alternately be written out as $>foo (the > being meant to evoke the =>). This shorthand is to help with the possibly common situation where attributes of a tuple (or relation or scalar) selection are being valued from same-named expression nodes / etc. (This shorthand is like Perl 6's :$a being short for a => $a.)

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.TupSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Tuple node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.



Tuple:d0  # same as previous #

d0  # same as previous #{
    login_name => 'hartmark',
    login_pass => 'letmein',
    is_special => true

    name => 'Michelle',
    age  => 17

Tuple:{ w => 'foo', $>x, y => 4, $>z }

Database Selectors


<Database> ::=
    Database ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Database_payload> ::=

A Database node represents a literal or selector invocation for a 'database' value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Database value whose attributes are defined by the Database_payload. Each name+relation pair of the Database_payload defines a named attribute of the new 'database'; the pair's name and relation specify, respectively, the attribute name, and the attribute value. While this grammar mentions that Database_payload is a Tuple_payload, it is in fact significantly further restricted, such that every attribute value of the Database can only be a DHRelation.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.TupSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Database node distills to same as when Tuple does.

Relation Selectors


<Relation> ::=
    DH? Relation ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Relation_payload> ::=
    | <r_nonordered_attr_payload>
    | <r_ordered_attr_payload>
    | <relation_d0>

<r_empty_body_payload> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [<attr_name> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

<r_nonordered_attr_payload> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [<tuple_list> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

<r_ordered_attr_payload> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<attr_name> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* ']'
    ';' \s*
    '{' \s*
        [<ordered_tuple_attrs> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

<ordered_tuple_attrs> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<expr> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* ']'

<relation_d0> ::=
    d0c0 | d0c1

A Relation node represents a literal or selector invocation for a relation value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Relation value whose attributes and tuples are defined by the Relation_payload, which is interpreted as follows:

Iff the Relation_payload is composed of just a nonord_list_[open|close] pair with zero elements between them, then it defines the only relation value having zero attributes and zero tuples.

Iff the Relation_payload is a r_empty_body_payload with at least one attr_name element, then it defines the attribute names of a relation having zero tuples.

Iff the Relation_payload is a r_nonordered_attr_payload with at least one tuple_list element, then each element defines a tuple of the new relation; every tuple_list must define a tuple of the same degree and have the same attribute names as its sibling tuple_list; these are the degree and attribute names of the relation as a whole, which is its heading for the current purposes.

Iff the Relation_payload is a r_ordered_attr_payload, then: The new relation value's attribute names are defined by the attr_name elements, and the relation body's tuples' attribute values are defined by the ordered_tuple_attrs elements. This format is meant to be the most compact of the generic relation selector formats, as the attribute names only appear once for the relation rather than repeating for each tuple. As a trade-off, the attribute values per tuple from all of the ordered_tuple_attrs elements must appear in the same order as their corresponding attribute names appear in the collection of attr_name elements, as the names and values in the relation literal are matched up by ordinal position here.

Iff the Relation_payload is a relation_d0 then the Relation node is interpreted as one of the 2 special values Relation:d[0|1] aka d[0|1], which are the only Relation values with exactly zero attributes. Note that this is just an alternative syntax, as other Relation_payload formats can select those values too.

If the value_kind of a value node is DHRelation rather than Relation, then the value node is interpreted simply as a Relation node that is appropriately further restricted; the Relation_payload specify only deeply homogeneous typed attribute values.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.RelSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Relation node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.


Relation:{}  # zero attrs + zero tuples #

Relation:d0c0  # same as previous #

Relation:{ x, y, z }  # 3 attrs + zero tuples #

Relation:{ {} }  # zero attrs + 1 tuple #

d0c1  # same as previous #

        login_name => 'hartmark',
        login_pass => 'letmein',
        is_special => true
}  # 3 attrs + 1 tuple #

Relation:fed.lib.the_db.gene.Person:[ name, age ];{
    [ 'Michelle', 17 ]
}  # 2 attrs + 1 tuple #

Set Selectors


<Set> ::=
    DH? Set ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Set_payload> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [<expr> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

A Set node represents a literal or selector invocation for a set value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Set value whose elements are defined by the Set_payload. Each expr of the Set_payload defines a unary tuple of the new set; each expr defines the value attribute of the tuple. If the value_kind of a value node is DHSet rather than Set, then the value node is further restricted.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.SetSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Set node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.




Maybe Selectors


<Maybe> ::=
    DH? [Maybe | Single] ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Maybe_payload> ::=
    <maybe_list> | <maybe_nothing>

<maybe_list> ::=
    '{' \s* <expr> \s* '}'

<maybe_nothing> ::=
    nothing | '∅'

A Maybe node represents a literal or selector invocation for a maybe value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Maybe value whose elements are defined by the Maybe_payload.

Iff the Maybe_payload is a maybe_list then it defines either zero or one expr; in the case of one, the expr defines the unary tuple of the new maybe, which is a 'single'; the expr defines the value attribute of the tuple. If the value_kind of a value node is DHMaybe or [|DH]Single rather than Maybe, then the value node is further restricted, either to having only deeply homogeneous resulting expr or to having exactly one expr, as appropriate.

Iff the Maybe_payload is a maybe_nothing then the Maybe node is interpreted as the special value Maybe:nothing, aka nothing, aka empty set, aka , which is the only Maybe value with zero elements. Note that this is just an alternative syntax, as set_expr_list can select that value too. As a further restriction, the value_kind must be just one of [|DH]Maybe when the Maybe_payload is a maybe_nothing.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.SetSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Maybe node distills to same as when Set does.


Maybe:{ 'I know this one!' }





Array Selectors


<Array> ::=
    DH? Array ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Array_payload> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<expr> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* ']'

An Array node represents a literal or selector invocation for a array value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Array value whose elements are defined by the Array_payload. Each expr of the Array_payload defines a binary tuple of the new sequence; the expr defines the value attribute of the tuple, and the index attribute of the tuple is generated such that the first expr gets an index of zero and subsequent ones get consecutive higher integer values. If the value_kind of a value node is DHArray rather than Array, then the value node is further restricted.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.ArySelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what an Array node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.




Bag Selectors


<Bag> ::=
    DH? Bag ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<Bag_payload> ::=
    | <bag_payload_repeated_values>

<bag_payload_counted_values> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [[<expr> \s* '=>' \s* <count>] ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

<count> ::=
      <num_max_col_val> ';' \s* <pint_body>
    | <d_pint_body>

<bag_payload_repeated_values> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [<expr> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

A Bag node represents a literal or selector invocation for a bag value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Bag value whose elements are defined by the Bag_payload, which is interpreted as follows:

Iff the Bag_payload is composed of just a nonord_list_[open|close] pair with zero elements between them, then it defines the only bag value having zero elements.

Iff the Bag_payload is a bag_payload_counted_values with at least one expr/count-pair element, then each pair defines a binary tuple of the new bag; the expr defines the value attribute of the tuple, and the count defines the count attribute.

Iff the Bag_payload is a bag_payload_repeated_values with at least one expr element, then each expr contributes to a binary tuple of the new bag; the expr defines the value attribute of the tuple. The bag has 1 tuple for every distinct (after normalization or evaluation) expr and expr-derived value in the Bag_payload, and the count attribute of that tuple says how many instances of said value there were.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.BagSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what a Bag node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.

Further concerning bag_payload_counted_values, because of how BagSelExprNodeSet is defined, a count has to be a compile time constant, since an integer is stored in the system catalog rather than the name of an expression node like with value; if you actually want the bag value being selected at runtime to have runtime-determined count values, then you must use a Relation node rather than a Bag node.


    'Apple'  => 500,
    'Orange' => 300,
    'Banana' => 400


Interval Selectors


<SPInterval> ::=
    DH? SPInterval ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<SPInterval_payload> ::=
    '{' \s*
    \s* '}'

<interval> ::=
    <min> \s* <interval_boundary_kind> \s* <max>

<min> ::=

<max> ::=

<interval_boundary_kind> ::=
    '..' | '..^' | '^..' | '^..^'

<MPInterval> ::=
    DH? MPInterval ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<MPInterval_payload> ::=
    '{' \s*
        [<interval> ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* '}'

An SPInterval node represents a literal or selector invocation for a single-piece interval value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.SPInterval value whose attributes are defined by the SPInterval_payload. Each of min and max is an expr node that defines the min and max attribute value, respectively, of the new single-piece interval. Each of the 4 interval_boundary_kind values .., ..^, ^.., ^..^ corresponds to one of the 4 possible combinations of excludes_min and excludes_max values that the new single-piece interval can have, which in order are: [false,false], [false,true], [true,false], [true,true].

An MPInterval node represents a literal or selector invocation for a multi-piece interval value. It is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.MPInterval value whose elements are defined by the MPInterval_payload. Each interval of the MPInterval_payload defines a 4-ary tuple, representing a single-piece interval, of the new multi-piece interval.

See also the definition of the 2 catalog data types sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.[S|M]PIvlSelExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what an [S|M]PInterval node distills to, respectively, when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.





SPInterval:{UTCInstant:[2002,12,6,,,] ^..^ UTCInstant:[2002,12,20,,,]}

MPInterval:{}  # zero elements #

MPInterval:{1..10}  # 10 elements #

MPInterval:{1..3,6..6,8..9}  # 6 elements #



<depot> ::=
    [\s+ <depot_data>]?

<depot_catalog> ::=
    'depot-catalog' \s+ <catalog>

<depot_data> ::=
    'depot-data' \s+ <Database>

<catalog__code_as_data> ::=

<catalog__plain_rtn_inv> ::=
    | <depot_catalog_payload>

<depot_catalog_payload> ::=
    '{' \s*
            | <material>
            | <self_local_dbvar_type>
        ] ** \s+]?
    \s* '}'

<subdepot> ::=
    subdepot \s+ <subdepot_declared_name> \s+ <depot_catalog_payload>

<subdepot_declared_name> ::=

<self_local_dbvar_type> ::=
    'self-local-dbvar-type' \s+ <PNSQNameChain_payload>

A depot node specifies a single complete depot, which is the widest scope user-defined DBMS entity that is a completely self-defined, and doesn't rely on any user-defined entities external to itself to be unambiguously understood. A depot node defines a (possibly empty) system catalog database, holding user material (routine and type) definitions, plus optionally a normal-user-data database.

A depot_catalog_payload node in the PTMD_STD grammar is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Depot value (which is also a Database value) whose attributes are defined by its child elements.

A subdepot node specifies a single public entity namespace under a depot and all of the subdepot nodes under a depot comprise a hierarchy of such namespaces.

But a subdepot node doesn't have a corresponding data type for its entire content like with a depot_catalog_payload; rather, a subdepot node hierarchy is stored flattened in the system catalog, such that each tuple of the subdepot attribute from the parent Depot names one subdepot that exists, and all the subdepot's materials are flattened into tuples of the materials-defining attributes of the Depot.

A self_local_dbvar_type node specifies what the normal-user-data database has as its declared data type. The value of the data attribute of the parent Depot is determined from this node. Iff self_local_dbvar_type is not specified then depot_data must be omitted; iff self_local_dbvar_type is specified then depot_data must be present. The most liberal value of self_local_dbvar_type is simply Database, meaning depot_data may define any database value at all. A depot_catalog_payload may have at most 1 self_local_dbvar_type.


# A completely empty depot that doesn't have a self-local dbvar. #
depot-catalog {}

# Empty depot with self-local dbvar with unrestricted allowed values. #
depot-catalog {
    self-local-dbvar-type Database
depot-data Database:{}

# A depot having just one function and no dbvar. #
depot-catalog {
    function cube (Int <-- $topic : Int) {
        $topic I^ 3



<material> ::=
    | <updater>
    | <procedure>
    | <scalar_type>
    | <tuple_type>
    | <relation_type>
    | <domain_type>
    | <subset_type>

A material node specifies a new material (routine or type) that lives in a depot or subdepot.

A material node in the PTMD_STD grammar corresponds directly to a tuple of a (routine or type defining) attribute of a value of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.Depot, which is how a material specification is actually represented in Muldis D's nonsugared form, which is as a component of the system catalog. Or more specifically, an entire tree of PTMD_STD material nodes corresponds to a set of said attribute tuples, one attribute tuple per material node. In the nonsugared form, every material node has an explicitly designated name, and all child nodes are not declared inline with their parent nodes but rather are declared in parallel with them, and the parents refer to their children by their names. A feature of the PTMD_STD grammar is that material nodes may be declared without explicit names, such that the parser would generate names for them when deriving system catalog entries, and that is why PTMD_STD supports, and encourages the use of for code brevity/readability, the use of inline-declared material nodes, especially so when the material in question is a simple function or type that is only being used in one place, such as a typical value-filter function or a typical subset type.

When a material node is contained within another material node, the first material is conceptually part of the implementation of the second material; the first material is hereafter referred to as an inner material for this inter-material relationship. When a material node is not contained within any other material node, but rather is directly contained within a depot_catalog_payload node, then this material is hereafter referred to as an outer material. Both inner and outer material nodes may contain 0..N other (inner) material nodes.

When a material node defines an outer material foo directly within a subdepot (or depot) bar, and foo has no child inner materials, then the material definition will be stored in the system catalog exactly as conceived, as a new material named foo directly in the subdepot bar. For example, the outer material will have the name

In contrast, when said material node has at least one child inner material baz, then what happens in the system catalog instead is that a new subdepot named foo is created directly in the subdepot bar and every one of the whole hierarchy of said material nodes is stored directly in the subdepot foo; the outer material is stored under the name that is the empty string, and its inner materials are stored under their own names. For example, the outer material will have the name"" and the inner will be named Such a material hierarchy is stored in a flat namespace so it is required for all inner materials having a common outer material to have distinct declaration names, none of which are the empty string, regardless of whether any of them was declared inside another inner material node or directly inside the common outer node.

It is mandatory for outer material nodes to have explicitly specified declaration names, because they are expected to be invoked by name in the general case, like any public routine or type. An inner material may optionally have an explicitly specified declaration name, for either self-documentation purposes or in case it might be invoked by name; however an inner material may also be anonymous, in which case it may only be used inline with its declaration, or by way of an AbsPathMaterialNC value which is defined inline with the material's declaration. When an inner material is declared as anonymous, it still actually has a name in the system catalog (all materials in the system catalog are named), but that name is generated by the PTMD_STD parser; strictly speaking this material could still be invoked by that name like an explicitly named one, but that would not be a good practice; use explicit names if you want to invoke by name. Strictly speaking, the algorithm to generate material names should be fully deterministic, but the names would be non-descriptive so akin to random.

Material Specification Common Elements

Every material has 2-3 elements, illustrated by this grammar:

<x_material> ::=
    <named_material> | <anon_material>

<named_material> ::=
    <material_kind> \s+ <material_declared_name> \s+ <material_payload>

<anon_material> ::=
    <material_kind> \s+ <material_payload>

<material_kind> ::=
        | 'named-value'
        | 'value-map'
        | 'value-map-unary'
        | 'value-filter'
        | 'value-constraint'
        | 'transition-constraint'
        | 'value-reduction'
        | 'order-determination'
    | updater
    | procedure
        | recipe
        | 'system-service'
    | 'scalar-type'
    | 'tuple-type'
    | 'relation-type'
    | 'domain-type'
    | 'subset-type'

<material_declared_name> ::=

<material_payload> ::=
    | <updater_payload>
    | <procedure_payload>
    | <scalar_type_payload>
    | <tuple_type_payload>
    | <relation_type_payload>
    | <domain_type_payload>
    | <subset_type_payload>

So a x_material|material node has 2-3 elements in general:


This is a character string of the format [<[ a..z ]>+] ** '-'; it identifies the kind of the material and is the only external meta-data of material_payload generally necessary to interpret the latter; what grammars are valid for material_payload depend just on material_kind.


This is the declared name of the material within the namespace defined by its subdepot (or depot). It is explicitly specified iff the material is a named_material


This is mandatory for all material. It specifies the entire material sans its name. Format varies with material_kind.

For material examples, see the subsequent documentation sections.

Function Specification


Updater Specification


Procedure Specification


Scalar Type Specification


Tuple Type Specification


Relation Type Specification


Domain Type Specification


Subset Type Specification




<expr__plain_rtn_inv> ::=

<expr__rtn_inv_alt_syn> ::=
    | <func_invo_alt_syntax>

<expr_core_options> ::=
    | <expr_name>
    | <named_expr>
    | <value>
    | <accessor>
    | <func_invo>
    | <if_else_expr>
    | <given_when_def_expr>
    | <lib_entity_ref_selector>

<delim_expr> ::=
    '(' \s* <expr> \s* ')'

<expr_name> ::=
    <data_sigil> <Name_payload>

<data_sigil> ::=

<named_expr> ::=
    <expr_name> \s+ <infix_bind_op> \s+ <expr>

<infix_bind_op> ::=

An expr node is the general case of a Muldis D value expression tree (which normally denotes a Muldis D value selector), which must be composed beneath a depot, or specifically into a function or updater or type or constraint (etc) definition, because in the general case an expr can not be completely evaluated at compile time.

An expr node is a proper superset of a value node, and any occurrences of expr nodes in this document may optionally be substituted with value nodes on a per-instance basis.

An expr node in the PTMD_STD grammar corresponds directly to a tuple of an attribute of a value of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.ExprNodeSet, which is how a value expression node is actually represented in Muldis D's nonsugared form, which is as a component of the system catalog. Or more specifically, an entire tree of PTMD_STD expr nodes corresponds to a set of said attribute tuples, one attribute tuple per expr node. In the nonsugared form, every expr node has an explicitly designated name, as per a PTMD_STD named_expr node, and all child nodes are not declared inline with their parent nodes but rather are declared in parallel with them, and the parents refer to their children by their names. A feature of the PTMD_STD grammar is that expression nodes may be declared without explicit names, such that the parser would generate names for them when deriving system catalog entries, and that is why PTMD_STD supports, and encourages the use of for code brevity/readability, the use of inline-declared expression nodes, especially so when the expr in question is an opaque_value_literal.

Iff an expr is a delim_expr, then it is interpreted simply as if it were its child expr element; the only reason that the delim_expr grammar element exists is to assist the parser in determining the boundaries of an expr where code otherwise might be ambiguous or be interpreted differently than desired due to nesting precedence rules (see "NESTING PRECEDENCE RULES" for more about those). There is never a distinct node in a parser's output for a delim_expr itself.

Iff an expr is an expr_name, then this typically means that the parent expr is having at least one of its children declared with an explicit name rather than inline, same as the corresponding system catalog entry would do, and then the expr_name is the invocation name of that child. Alternately, the expr_name may be the invocation name of one of the expression-containing routine's parameters, in which case the expr in question represents the current argument to that parameter; this also is exactly the same as a corresponding catalog entry for using an argument.

Iff an expr is a named_expr, then the expr element of the named_expr is being declared with an explicit name, and the expr_name element of the named_expr is that name. But if the expr element of the named_expr is an expr_name (or a named_expr TODO: or a param ), then the named_expr is in fact declaring a new node itself (rather than simply naming its child node), which is a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.AccExprNodeSet value; the new node is simply declaring an alias for another node, namely the expr element.


# an expr_name node #

# a named_expr node #
$bar_expr ::= factorial( $foo_expr )

Generic Expression Attribute Accessors


<accessor> ::=
    <acc_via_named> | <acc_via_anon>

<acc_via_named> ::=
    <data_sigil> <PNSQNameChain_payload>

<acc_via_anon> ::=
    <expr> \s* '.' \s* <nc_nonempty>

An accessor node represents an accessor or alias for an attribute of another, tuple-valued expression node. It is interpreted as a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.AccExprNodeSet value. If an accessor is an acc_via_named, then the PNSQNameChain_payload element specifies the target attribute of the new AccExprNodeSet. If an accessor is an acc_via_anon, then the target is derived from a catenation of the node name that expr has (explicitly or that will be generated for it by the parser) with the nc_nonempty in that order. Note that an acc_via_anon whose expr is an expr_name is also an acc_via_named, and vice-versa.


# an accessor node of a named tuple-valued node #

# an accessor node of an anonymous tuple-valued node #
nlx.lib.tuple_res_func( $arg ).quux_attr

Generic Function Invocation Expressions


<func_invo> ::=
    <routine_name> <func_arg_list>

<routine_name> ::=

<func_arg_list> ::=
    '(' \s*
        [[<named_ro_arg> | <anon_ro_arg> | <same_named_ro_arg>]
            ** [\s* ',' \s*]]?
    \s* ')'

<named_ro_arg> ::=
    <param_name> \s* '=>' \s* <expr>

<param_name> ::=

<anon_ro_arg> ::=

<same_named_ro_arg> ::=
    <data_sigil> <pair_cosigil> <param_name>

A func_invo node represents the result of invoking a named function with specific arguments. It is interpreted as a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.FuncInvoExprNodeSet value. The routine_name element specifies the function attribute of the new FuncInvoExprNodeSet, which is the name of the function being invoked, and the func_arg_list element specifies the args attribute.

In the general case of a function invocation, all of the arguments are named, as per named_ro_arg, and formatting a func_invo node that way is always allowed. In some (common) special cases, some (which might be all) arguments may be anonymous, as per anon_ro_arg.

With just functions in the top-level namespaces sys.std, these 4 special cases apply: If a function has exactly one parameter, then it may be invoked with a single anonymous argument and the latter will bind to that parameter. Or, if a function has multiple parameters but exactly one of those is mandatory, then it may be invoked with just one anonymous argument, which is assumed to bind to the single mandatory parameter, and all optional arguments must be named. Or, if a function has multiple mandatory parameters and one of them is named topic, then it may be invoked with a single anonymous argument and the latter will bind to that parameter. Or, if a function has multiple mandatory parameters and two of them are named topic and other, then it may be invoked with two anonymous arguments and the latter will bind to those parameters in sequential order, the first one to topic and the second one to other.

With just functions in all top-level namespaces except sys.std, these 2 special cases apply (similar to the prior-mentioned latter 2): If a function invocation has either 1 or 2 anonymous arguments, then they will be treated as if they were named arguments for the topic and other parameters; the only or sequentially first argument will bind to topic, and any sequentially second argument will bind to other.

One reason for this difference between treatment of top-level namespaces is it allows the Muldis D parser to convert all the anonymous arguments to named ones (all arguments in the system catalog are named) when parsing the expression-containing routine/etc in isolation from any other user-defined entities. The other reason for this limitation is that it helps with self-documentation; programmers wanting to know an anonymous argument's parameter name won't have to look outside the language spec to find the answer.

Maybe TODO: Consider adding a language pragma to enable use of the first 4 special cases with functions in all top-level namespaces, where the cost of enabling is added implementation complexity and a reduction of the ability to parse exploiting Muldis D code piecemeal.

A special shorthand for named_ro_arg also exists, same_named_ro_arg, which may be used only if the expr of the otherwise-named_ro_arg is an expr_name and that expr_name is identical to the param_name. In this situation, the identical name can be specified just once, which is the shorthand; for example, the named argument foo => $foo may alternately be written out as $>foo (the > being meant to evoke the =>). This shorthand is to help with the possibly common situation where two successive routines in a call-chain have any same-named parameters and arguments are simply being passed through. (This shorthand is like Perl 6's :$a being short for a => $a.)


# zero params #

# single mandatory param #
Integer.median( Bag:{ 22, 20, 21, 20, 21, 21, 23 } )

# single mandatory param #
factorial( topic => 5 )

# two mandatory params #
Rational.quotient( dividend => 43.7, divisor => 16.9 )

# same as previous #
Rational.quotient( divisor => 16.9, dividend => 43.7 )

# one mandatory 'topic' param, two optional #
nlx.lib.barfunc( $mand_arg, oa1 => $opt_arg1, oa2 => $opt_arg2 )

# same as previous #
nlx.lib.barfunc( oa2 => $opt_arg2, $mand_arg, oa1 => $opt_arg1 )

# a user-defined function #
nlx.lib.foodb.bazfunc( a1 => 52, a2 => 'hello world' )

# two params named 'topic' and 'other' #
is_identical( $foo, $bar )

# invoke the lexically innermost routine with 2 args #
rtn( $x, $y )

# three named params taking 2 same-named args, 1 diff-named arg #
nlx.lib.passed_thru( $>a, b => 5, $>c )

Generic If-Else Expressions


<if_else_expr> ::=
          [if \s+ <if_expr> \s+ then \s+ <then_expr> \s+ else \s+]*
        | [<if_expr> \s+ '??' \s+ <then_expr> \s+ '!!' \s+]*

<if_expr> ::=

<then_expr> ::=

<else_expr> ::=

An if_else_expr node represents an N-way if-else control flow expression. It is interpreted as a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.IfElseExprNodeSet value. The whole collection of sequential 0..N if_expr + then_expr elements specifies the if_then attribute of the new IfElseExprNodeSet, which is a sequence of arbitrary but Bool-resulting if expressions, and for just the first one of those in the sequence that at runtime evaluates to Bool:true, its associated then result value is the result of the if_else_expr. The else_expr element specifies the else attribute, which determines the result value of the if_else_expr at runtime if either if_then is an empty sequence or all of its conditionals evaluate to Bool:false.


if $foo > 5 then $bar else $baz

if $ary is empty then $empty_result else $ary.[0]

if $x = ∅ or $y = ∅ then ∅
    else s ((v $x) I+ ((v $y) I^ 3)

if $val isa T->Int then $val I^ 3
    else if $val isa T->Text then $val Tx 5
    else true

'My answer is: ' T~ ($maybe ?? 'yes' !! 'no')

Generic Given-When-Default Expressions


<given_when_def_expr> ::=
    given \s+ <given_expr> \s+
    [when \s+ <when_expr> \s+ then \s+ <then_expr> \s+]*
    default \s+ <default_expr>

<given_expr> ::=

<when_expr> ::=

<then_expr> ::=

<default_expr> ::=

A given_when_def_expr node represents an N-way given-when-default switch control flow expression that dispatches based on matching a single value with several options. It is interpreted as a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.GivenWhenDefExprNodeSet value. The given_expr element specifies the given attribute of the new GivenWhenDefExprNodeSet, which is the control value for the expression. The whole collection of nonordered 0..N when_expr + then_expr elements specifies the when_then attribute, which is a set of when comparands; if any of these when values matches the value of given, its associated then result value is the result of the given_when_def_expr. The default_expr element specifies the default attribute, which determines the result value of the given_when_def_expr at runtime if either when_then is an empty set or none of its comparands match given.


given $digit
    when 'T' then 10
    when 'E' then 11
    default $digit

Library Entity Reference Selector



<lib_entity_ref_selector> ::=
    | <upd_ref>
    | <proc_ref>
    | <type_ref>
    | <ord_det_func_ref>

<func_ref> ::=
    'F->' <routine_name>

<upd_ref> ::=
    'U->' <routine_name>

<proc_ref> ::=
    'P->' <routine_name>

<type_ref> ::=
    'T->' <type_name>

<ord_det_func_ref> ::=
    'ODF->' <routine_name>

A [func|upd|proc|type|ord_det_func]_ref node represents a literal or selector invocation for a DBMS routine or type reference value. It is interpreted as a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.APMaterialNCSelExprNodeSet value, which when evaluated at runtime would result in a sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.AbsPathMaterialNC value. The [routine|type]_name element specifies the referencing attribute of the new sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.APMaterialNCSelExprNodeSet, which is the name of the routine or type being invoked by way of the new reference value.









<func_invo_alt_syntax> ::=
    | <noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo>
    | <sym_dyadic_infix_op_invo>
    | <nonsym_dyadic_infix_op_invo>
    | <monadic_prefix_op_invo>
    | <monadic_postfix_op_invo>
    | <postcircumfix_op_invo>
    | <rat_op_invo_with_round>
    | <ord_compare_op_invo>
    | ...

A func_invo_alt_syntax node represents the result of invoking a named system-defined function with specific arguments. It is interpreted as a tuple of a Muldis D sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.FuncInvoExprNodeSet value. A func_invo_alt_syntax node is a lot like a func_invo node in purpose and interpretation but it differs in several significant ways.

While a func_invo node can be used to invoke any function at all, a func_invo_alt_syntax node can only invoke a fraction of them, and only standard system-defined functions. While a func_invo node uses a simple common format with all functions, written in prefix notation with generally named arguments, a func_invo_alt_syntax node uses potentially unique syntax for each function, often written in infix notation, although inter-function format consistency is still applied as much as is reasonably possible.

Broadly speaking, a func_invo_alt_syntax node has 2-3 kinds of payload elements: The first is the determinant of what function to invoke, hereafter referred to as an op or keyword. The second is an ordered list of 1-N mandatory function inputs, hereafter referred to as main op args, whose elements typically have generic names like expr or lhs or rhs. The (optional) third is a named list of optional function inputs, hereafter referred to as extra op args, whose elements tend to have more purpose-specific names such as using_clause, though note that things like using_clause can be either mandatory or optional depending on the op they are being used with.

The decision of which system-defined functions get the special alternate syntax treatment partly comes down to respecting common good practices in programming languages, letting people write code more like how they're comfortable with. Most programming languages only have special syntax for a handful of their operators, such as common comparison and boolean and mathematical and string and element extraction operators, and so Muldis D mainly does likewise. Functions get special alternate syntax if they would be frequently used and the syntax would significantly aid programmers in quickly writing understandeable code.

Simple Commutative N-adic Infix Reduction Operators


<comm_infix_reduce_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> ** [\s+ <comm_infix_reduce_op> \s+]

<comm_infix_reduce_op ::=
      and | '∧' | or | '∨' | xnor | '↔' | iff | xor | '⊻' | '↮'
    | 'I+' | 'I*'
    | 'N+' | 'N*'
    | '∪' | 'R+' | union | '∩' | 'R*' | intersect
    | '∆' | 'R%' | exclude | symdiff
    | '⋈' | join | '×' | times | 'cross-join'

A comm_infix_reduce_op_invo node is for using infix notation to invoke a (homogenous) commutative N-adic reduction operator function. Such a function takes exactly 1 actual argument, which is unordered-collection typed (set or bag), and the elements of that collection are the inputs of the operation; the inputs are all of the same type as each other and of the result. A single comm_infix_reduce_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines a single argument, whose value is a Set or Bag node, which has a payload expr element for each expr element of the comm_infix_reduce_op_invo, and the relative sequence of the expr elements isn't significant. A comm_infix_reduce_op_invo node requires at least 2 input value providing child nodes (expr must match at least twice), which are its 2-N main op args; if you already have your inputs in a single collection-valued node then use func_invo to invoke the function instead. If comm_infix_reduce_op matches more than once in the same comm_infix_reduce_op_invo, then all of the comm_infix_reduce_op matches must be identical / the same operator.

Some of the keywords are aliases for each other:

keyword | aliases
and     | ∧
or      | ∨
xnor    | ↔ iff
xor     | ⊻ ↮
∪       | R+ union
∩       | R* intersect
∆       | R% exclude symdiff
⋈       | join
×       | times cross-join

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

and  -> Core.Bool.and( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
or   -> Core.Bool.or( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
xnor -> Core.Bool.xnor( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
xor  -> Core.Bool.xor( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
I+   -> Core.Integer.sum( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
I*   -> Core.Integer.product( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
N+   -> Core.Rational.sum( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
N*   -> Core.Rational.product( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
∪    -> Core.Relation.union( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
∩    -> Core.Relation.intersection( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
∆    -> Core.Relation.exclusion( Bag:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
⋈    -> Core.Relation.join( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
×    -> Core.Relation.product( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )


true and false and true

true or false or true

true xor false xor true

14 I+ 3 I+ -5

-6 I* 2 I* 25

4.25 N+ -0.002 N+ 1.0

69.3 N* 15*2^6 N* 49/23

Set:{ 1, 3, 5 } ∪ Set:{ 4, 5, 6 } ∪ Set:{ 0, 9 }

Set:{ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } ∩ Set:{ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } ∩ Set:{ 2, 5, 9 }

Simple Non-commutative N-adic Infix Reduction Operators


<noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> ** [\s+ <noncomm_infix_reduce_op> \s+]

<noncomm_infix_reduce_op ::=
    | 'B~' | 'T~' | 'A~'
    | '//' | '//d'

A noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo node is for using infix notation to invoke a (homogenous) non-commutative N-adic reduction operator function. Such a function takes exactly 1 actual argument, which is ordered-collection typed (array), and the elements of that collection are the inputs of the operation; the inputs are all of the same type as each other and of the result. A single noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines a single argument, whose value is an Array node, which has a payload expr element for each expr element of the noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo, and the expr elements have the same relative sequence. A noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo node requires at least 2 input value providing child nodes (expr must match at least twice), which are its 2-N main op args; if you already have your inputs in a single collection-valued node then use func_invo to invoke the function instead. If noncomm_infix_reduce_op matches more than once in the same noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo, then all of the noncomm_infix_reduce_op matches must be identical / the same operator. Exception: with some of these, the actual func_arg_list derived from this has 2 actual arguments, the first a collection and the second taking a different type of value, from the last op input list element.

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

[<=>] -> Core.Cat.Order.reduction( Array:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
B~    -> Core.Blob.catenation( Array:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
T~    -> Core.Text.catenation( Array:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
A~    -> Core.Array.catenation( Array:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )

//    -> Core.Set.Maybe.attr_or_value(
            Array:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n-1] }, value => $expr[n] )
//d   -> Core.Set.Maybe.attr_or_default(
            Array:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n-1] }, default => $expr[n] )


same [<=>] increase [<=>] decrease

F;'DEAD' B~ 1;'10001101' B~ F;'BEEF'

'hello' T~ ' ' T~ 'world'

Array:[ 24, 52 ] A~ Array:[ -9 ] A~ Array:[ 0, 11, 24, 7 ]

$a // $b // 42

$a //d $b //d T->nlx.lib.foo_type

Simple Symmetric Dyadic Infix Operators


<sym_dyadic_infix_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s+ <sym_dyadic_infix_op> \s+ <expr>

<sym_dyadic_infix_op> ::=
      '=' | '≠' | '!='
    | nand | '⊼' | '↑' | nor | '⊽' | '↓'
    | 'I|-|' | 'N|-|'

A sym_dyadic_infix_op_invo node is for using infix notation to invoke a symmetric dyadic operator function. Such a function takes exactly 2 arguments, which are the inputs of the operation; the inputs are all of the same type as each other but the result might be of either that type or a different type. A single sym_dyadic_infix_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 2 arguments, and the 2 expr elements of the sym_dyadic_infix_op_invo supply the values of those arguments, and which arguments get which expr isn't significant.

Some of the keywords are aliases for each other:

keyword | aliases
≠       | !=
nand    | ⊼ ↑
nor     | ⊽ ↓

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

=    -> Core.Universal.is_identical( $expr[0], $expr[1] )
≠    -> Core.Universal.is_not_identical( $expr[0], $expr[1] )
nand -> Core.Bool.nand( $expr[0], $expr[1] )
nor  -> Core.Bool.nor( $expr[0], $expr[1] )
I|-| -> Core.Integer.abs_diff( $expr[0], $expr[1] )
N|-| -> Core.Rational.abs_diff( $expr[0], $expr[1] )


$foo = $bar

$foo ≠ $bar

false nand true

15 I|-| 17

7.5 N|-| 9.0

Simple Non-symmetric Dyadic Infix Operators


<nonsym_dyadic_infix_op_invo> ::=
    <lhs> \s+ <nonsym_dyadic_infix_op> \s+ <rhs>

<lhs> ::=

<rhs> ::=

<nonsym_dyadic_infix_op> ::=
    | isa | '!isa' | 'not-isa' | as | asserting
    | imp | '→' | implies | nimp | '↛' | if | '←' | nif | '↚'
    | 'I-' | 'I/' | '%' | mod | 'I^'
    | 'N-' | 'N/'
    | Bx | Tx | Ax
    | '∈' | '¬in;' | '∋' | '∌'
    | 'S∈' | 'S¬in;' | 'S∋' | 'S∌'
    | 'B∈' | 'B¬in;' | 'B∋' | 'B∌'
    | '⊆' | '⊈' | '⊇' | '⊉'
    | '⊂' | '⊄' | '⊃' | '⊅'
    | '∖' | 'R-' | minus | except
    | '⊿' | '!matching' | 'not-matching' | antijoin | semiminus
    | '⋉' | matching | semijoin
    | '÷' | 'R/' | divideby
    | like | '!like' | 'not-like'

A nonsym_dyadic_infix_op_invo node is for using infix notation to invoke a non-symmetric dyadic operator function. Such a function takes exactly 2 arguments, which are the inputs of the operation; the inputs and the result may possibly be all of the same type, or they might all be of different types. A single nonsym_dyadic_infix_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 2 arguments, and the 2 expr elements of the nonsym_dyadic_infix_op_invo supply the values of those arguments, which are associated in the appropriate sequence.

Some of the keywords are aliases for each other:

keyword | aliases
!isa    | not-isa
imp     | → implies
nimp    | ↛
if      | ←
nif     | ↚
%       | mod
∖       | R- minus except
⊿       | !matching not-matching antijoin semiminus
⋉       | matching semijoin
÷       | R/ divideby
!like   | not-like

Currently the alternate syntaxes for 20 functions, those testing set membership or sub/superset relationships, only come in versions that use trans-ASCII characters; if you are stuck using plain ASCII then you'll just have to use the generic function invocation syntax to invoke them for now. Plain ASCII infix syntax that is reasonable is yet to be determined.

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

isa  -> Core.Universal.is_value_of_type( $lhs, type => $rhs )
!isa -> Core.Universal.is_not_value_of_type( $lhs, type => $rhs )
as   -> Core.Universal.treated( $lhs, as => $rhs )
asserting -> Core.Universal.assertion( $lhs, is_true => $rhs )
imp  -> Core.Bool.imp( $lhs, $rhs )
nimp -> Core.Bool.nimp( $lhs, $rhs )
if   -> Core.Bool.if( $lhs, $rhs )
nif  -> Core.Bool.nif( $lhs, $rhs )
I-   -> Core.Integer.diff( minuend => $lhs, subtrahend => $rhs )
I/   -> Core.Integer.quotient( dividend => $lhs, divisor => $rhs )
%    -> Core.Integer.remainder( dividend => $lhs, divisor => $rhs )
I^   -> Core.Integer.power( radix => $lhs, exponent => $rhs )
N-   -> Core.Rational.diff( minuend => $lhs, subtrahend => $rhs )
N/   -> Core.Rational.quotient( dividend => $lhs, divisor => $rhs )
Bx   -> Core.Blob.replication( $lhs, count => $rhs )
Tx   -> Core.Text.replication( $lhs, count => $rhs )
Ax   -> Core.Array.replication( $lhs, count => $rhs )
∈    -> Core.Tuple.is_member( t => $lhs, r => $rhs )
¬in;    -> Core.Tuple.is_not_member( t => $lhs, r => $rhs )
∋    -> Core.Relation.has_member( r => $lhs, t => $rhs )
∌    -> Core.Relation.has_not_member( r => $lhs, t => $rhs )
S∈   -> Core.Set.value_is_member( value => $lhs, set => $rhs )
S¬in;   -> Core.Set.value_is_not_member( value => $lhs, set => $rhs )
S∋   -> Core.Set.has_member( set => $lhs, value => $rhs )
S∌   -> Core.Set.has_not_member( set => $lhs, value => $rhs )
B∈   -> Core.Bag.value_is_member( value => $lhs, bag => $rhs )
B¬in;   -> Core.Bag.value_is_not_member( value => $lhs, bag => $rhs )
B∋   -> Core.Bag.has_member( bag => $lhs, value => $rhs )
B∌   -> Core.Bag.has_not_member( bag => $lhs, value => $rhs )
⊆    -> Core.Relation.is_subset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊈    -> Core.Relation.is_not_subset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊇    -> Core.Relation.is_superset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊉    -> Core.Relation.is_not_superset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊂    -> Core.Relation.is_proper_subset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊄    -> Core.Relation.is_not_proper_subset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊃    -> Core.Relation.is_proper_superset( $lhs, $rhs )
⊅    -> Core.Relation.is_not_proper_superset( $lhs, $rhs )
∖    -> Core.Relation.diff( source => $lhs, filter => $rhs )
⊿    -> Core.Relation.semidiff( source => $lhs, filter => $rhs )
⋉    -> Core.Relation.semijoin( source => $lhs, filter => $rhs )
÷    -> Core.Relation.quotient( dividend => $lhs, divisor => $rhs )

like  -> Core.Text.is_like( look_in => $lhs, look_for => $rhs )
!like -> Core.Text.is_not_like( look_in => $lhs, look_for => $rhs )

Note that while the is[|_not]_like functions also have an optional third parameter escape, you will have to use a func_invo node to exploit it; for simplicity, the infix like and !like don't support that customization; but most actual uses of like/etc don't use escape anyway.


$bar isa T->nlx.lib.foo_type

$bar !isa T->nlx.lib.foo_type

$scalar as T->Int

$int asserting ($int ≠ 0)

true implies false

34 I- 21

5 I/ 3

5 % 3

2 I^ 63

9.2 N- 0.1

1;101.01 N/ 1;11.0

'-' Tx 80

Set:{ 8, 4, 6, 7 } ∖ Set:{ 9, 0, 7 }

Relation:[ x, y ];{ [ 5, 6 ], [ 3, 6 ] } ÷ Relation:{ { y => 6 } }

Simple Monadic Prefix Operators


<monadic_prefix_op_invo> ::=
    <monadic_prefix_op> \s+ <expr>

<monadic_prefix_op> ::=
    d | not | '¬' | '!' | 'I||' | 'N||' | 'R#' | t | r | s | v

A monadic_prefix_op_invo node is for using prefix notation to invoke a monadic operator function. Such a function takes exactly 1 argument, which is the input of the operation. A single monadic_prefix_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 1 argument, and the 1 expr element of the monadic_prefix_op_invo supplies the value of that argument.

Some of the keywords are aliases for each other:

keyword | aliases
not     | ¬ !

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

d   -> Core.Universal.default( of => $expr )
not -> Core.Bool.not( $expr )
I|| -> Core.Integer.abs( $expr )
N|| -> Core.Rational.abs( $expr )
R#  -> Core.Relation.cardinality( $expr )
t   -> Core.Relation.Tuple_from_Relation( $expr )
r   -> Core.Relation.Relation_from_Tuple( $expr )
s   -> Core.Set.Maybe.single( value => $expr )
v   -> Core.Set.Maybe.attr( $expr )


d T->nlx.lib.foo_type

not true

I|| -23

N|| -4.59

R# Set:{ 5, -1, 2 }

t $relvar

r $tupvar

s ((v $a) N+ (v $b))

Simple Monadic Postfix Operators


<monadic_postfix_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s+ <monadic_postfix_op>

<monadic_postfix_op> ::=
    '++' | '--' | 'I!'

A monadic_postfix_op_invo node is for using prefix notation to invoke a monadic operator function. Such a function takes exactly 1 argument, which is the input of the operation. A single monadic_postfix_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 1 argument, and the 1 expr element of the monadic_postfix_op_invo supplies the value of that argument.

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

++ -> $expr )
-- -> Core.Integer.dec( $expr )
I! -> Core.Integer.factorial( $expr )


13 ++

4 --

5 I!

Simple Postcircumfix Operators


<postcircumfix_op_invo> ::=
    | <s_pcf_op_invo> | <t_pcf_op_invo> | <r_pcf_op_invo>
    | <pcf_ary_op_invo>

<pcf_acc_op_invo> ::=
    <pcf_s_acc_op_invo> | <pcf_t_acc_op_invo>

<pcf_s_acc_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '.${' [\s* <possrep_name> ';']? \s*
    \s* '}'

<pcf_t_acc_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '.%{' \s* <attr_name> \s* '}'

<s_pcf_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '${' [\s* <possrep_name> ';']? \s*
        [<pcf_projection> | <pcf_cmpl_proj>]
    \s* '}'

<t_pcf_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '%{' \s*
            | <pcf_projection> | <pcf_cmpl_proj>
            | <pcf_wrap> | <pcf_cmpl_wrap>
            | <pcf_unwrap>
    \s* '}'

<r_pcf_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '@{' \s*
            | <pcf_projection> | <pcf_cmpl_proj>
            | <pcf_wrap> | <pcf_cmpl_wrap>
            | <pcf_unwrap>
            | <pcf_group> | <pcf_cmpl_group>
            | <pcf_ungroup>
            | <pcf_count_per_group>
    \s* '}'

<pcf_rename> ::=

<pcf_rename_map> ::=
    [<atnm_after> \s* '<-' \s* <atnm_before>] ** [\s* ',' \s*]

<atnm_after> ::=

<atnm_before> ::=

<pcf_projection> ::=

<pcf_cmpl_proj> ::=
    '!' \s* <pcf_atnms>

<pcf_atnms> ::=
    <attr_name> ** [\s* ',' \s*]

<pcf_wrap> ::=
    '%' <outer_atnm> \s* '<-' \s* <inner_atnms>

<pcf_cmpl_wrap> ::=
    '%' <outer_atnm> \s* '<-' \s* '!' \s* <cmpl_inner_atnms>

<pcf_unwrap> ::=
     <inner_atnms> \s* '<-' \s* '%' <outer_atnm>

<pcf_group> ::=
    '@' <outer_atnm> \s* '<-' \s* <inner_atnms>

<pcf_cmpl_group> ::=
    '@' <outer_atnm> \s* '<-' \s* '!' \s* <cmpl_inner_atnms>

<pcf_ungroup> ::=
     <inner_atnms> \s* '<-' \s* '@' <outer_atnm>

<pcf_count_per_group> ::=
    '#@' <count_atnm> \s* '<-' \s* '!' \s* <cmpl_inner_atnms>

<outer_atnm> ::=

<count_atnm> ::=

<inner_atnms> ::=

<cmpl_inner_atnms> ::=

<pcf_ary_op_invo> ::=
    <pcf_ary_acc_op_invo> | <pcf_ary_slice_op_invo>

<pcf_ary_value_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '.[' \s* <index> \s* ']'

<index> ::=
      <num_max_col_val> ';' \s* <nnint_body>
    | <d_nnint_body>

<pcf_ary_slice_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s* '[' \s*
        <min_index> \s* <interval_boundary_kind> \s* <max_index>
    \s* ']'

<min_index> ::=

<max_index> ::=

A postcircumfix_op_invo node is for using postcircumfix notation to invoke a relational operator function whose operation involves deriving a single tuple|relation from another single tuple|relation customized only by further inputs that are attribute names. Such a function takes exactly 2 (expr and pcf_rename_map|pcf_atnms) or 3 (expr and outer_atnm and inner_atnms|cmpl_inner_atnms) or 3 (expr and count_atnm and cmpl_inner_atnms) primary arguments, which are the inputs of the operation. A single postcircumfix_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 2-3 arguments, and the 2-3 expr|pcf[_rename_map|atnms]|[outer|count]_atnm|[|cmpl_]inner_atnms elements of the postcircumfix_op_invo supply the values of those arguments, which are associated in the appropriate sequence.

This table indicates which function is invoked by each format-keyword:

.${} -> Core.Scalar.attr( $expr, possrep => $possrep_name,
            name => $attr_name )
.%{} -> Core.Tuple.attr( $expr, name => $attr_name )

%{<-} -> Core.Tuple.rename( $expr,
            map => Relation:{
                { after => $atnm_after[0], before => $atnm_before[0] },
                { after => $atnm_after[n], before => $atnm_before[n] },
            } )
@{<-} -> Core.Relation.rename( $expr,
            map => Relation:{
                { after => $atnm_after[0], before => $atnm_before[0] },
                { after => $atnm_after[n], before => $atnm_before[n] },
            } )

${}  -> Core.Scalar.projection( $expr, possrep => $possrep_name,
            attr_names => Set:{ $pcf_atnms[0], ..., $pcf_atnms[n] } )
%{}  -> Core.Tuple.projection( $expr,
            attr_names => Set:{ $pcf_atnms[0], ..., $pcf_atnms[n] } )
@{}  -> Core.Relation.projection( $expr,
            attr_names => Set:{ $pcf_atnms[0], ..., $pcf_atnms[n] } )
${!} -> Core.Scalar.cmpl_proj( $expr, possrep => $possrep_name,
            attr_names => Set:{ $pcf_atnms[0], ..., $pcf_atnms[n] } )
%{!} -> Core.Tuple.cmpl_proj( $expr,
            attr_names => Set:{ $pcf_atnms[0], ..., $pcf_atnms[n] } )
@{!} -> Core.Relation.cmpl_proj( $expr,
            attr_names => Set:{ $pcf_atnms[0], ..., $pcf_atnms[n] } )

%{%<-}  -> Core.Tuple.wrap( $expr, outer => $outer_atnm,
               inner => Set:{ $inner_atnms[0], ..., $inner_atnms[n] } )
@{%<-}  -> Core.Relation.wrap( $expr, outer => $outer_atnm,
               inner => Set:{ $inner_atnms[0], ..., $inner_atnms[n] } )
%{%<-!} -> Core.Tuple.cmpl_wrap( $expr, outer => $outer_atnm,
               cmpl_inner => Set:{ $cmpl_inner_atnms[0], ... } )
@{%<-!} -> Core.Relation.cmpl_wrap( $expr, outer => $outer_atnm,
               cmpl_inner => Set:{ $cmpl_inner_atnms[0], ... } )
%{<-%}  -> Core.Tuple.unwrap( $expr,
               inner => Set:{ $inner_atnms[0], ..., $inner_atnms[n] },
               outer => $outer_atnm )
@{<-%}  -> Core.Relation.unwrap( $expr,
               inner => Set:{ $inner_atnms[0], ..., $inner_atnms[n] },
               outer => $outer_atnm )

@{@<-}  -> $expr, outer => $outer_atnm,
               inner => Set:{ $inner_atnms[0], ..., $inner_atnms[n] } )
@{@<-!} -> Core.Relation.cmpl_group( $expr, outer => $outer_atnm,
               group_per => Set:{ $cmpl_inner_atnms[0], ... } )
@{<-@}  -> Core.Relation.ungroup( $expr,
               inner => Set:{ $inner_atnms[0], ..., $inner_atnms[n] },
               outer => $outer_atnm )

@{#@<-!} -> Core.Relation.cardinality_per_group( $expr,
               count_attr_name => $count_atnm,
               group_per => Set:{ $cmpl_inner_atnms[0], ... } )

.[] -> Core.Array.value( $expr, $>index )
[]  -> Core.Array.slice( $expr, index_interval => SPInterval:{
            $min_index $interval_boundary_kind $max_index } )




$pt%{pnum<-pno, locale<-city}

$pr@{pnum<-pno, locale<-city}




$pt%{}  # null projection #

$pr@{}  # null projection #

$rnd_rule${!round_meth}  # radix,min_exp #



$person%{%name <- fname,lname}

$people@{%name <- fname,lname}

$person%{%all_but_name <- !fname,lname}

$people@{%all_but_name <- !fname,lname}

$person%{fname,lname <- %name}

$people@{fname,lname <- %name}

$orders@{@vendors <- vendor}

$orders@{@all_but_vendors <- !vendor}

$orders@{vendor <- @vendors}

$people@{#@count_per_age_ctry <- !age,ctry}



Rational Operators That Do Rounding


<rat_op_invo_with_round> ::=
    <rat_op_invo> \s+ <rounded_with_rule_clause>

<rat_op_invo> ::=
    | <infix_rat_op_invo>
    | <prefix_rat_op_invo>
    | <postfix_rat_op_invo>

<infix_rat_op_invo> ::=
    <lhs> \s+ <infix_rat_op> \s+ <rhs>

<infix_rat_op> ::=
    'N^' | log

<prefix_rat_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s+ <prefix_rat_op>


<postfix_rat_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> \s+ <postfix_rat_op>


<rounded_with_rule_clause> ::=
    round \s+ <round_rule>

<round_rule> ::=

A rat_op_invo_with_round node is for using infix or prefix or postfix notation to invoke a rational numeric operator function whose operation involves rounding a number to one with less precision. Such a function takes exactly 1 (expr) or 2 (lhs and rhs) primary arguments, which are the inputs of the operation, plus a special round_rule argument which specifies explicitly the semantics of the numeric rounding in a declarative way (all 2 or 3 of these are main op args). A single rat_op_invo_with_round node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 2-3 arguments, and the expr|lhs|rhs|round_rule elements of the rat_op_invo_with_round supply the values of those arguments, which are associated in the appropriate sequence.

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

      -> Core.Rational.round( $expr, $>round_rule )
N^    -> Core.Rational.power( radix => $lhs, exponent => $rhs,
            $>round_rule )
log   -> Core.Rational.log( $lhs, radix => $rhs, $>round_rule )
e^    -> Core.Rational.natural_power( $expr, $>round_rule )
log-e -> Core.Rational.natural_log( $expr, $>round_rule )


$foo round RatRoundRule:[10,-2,half_even]

2.0 N^ 0.5 round RatRoundRule:[2,-7,to_zero]

309.1 log 5.4 round RatRoundRule:[10,-4,half_up]

e^ 6.3 round RatRoundRule:[10,-6,to_ceiling]

17.0 log-e round RatRoundRule:[3,-5,to_floor]

Order Comparison Operators


<ord_compare_op_invo> ::=
    <sca_ord_det_op_invo> | <gen_compare_op_invo>

<sca_ord_det_op_invo> ::=
    <lhs> \s+ '<=>' \s+ <rhs>
        [\s+ <assuming_clause>]?
        [\s+ <reversed_clause>]?

<gen_compare_op_invo> ::=
        | <dyadic_compare_op_invo>
        | <triadic_compare_op_invo>
    [\s+ <gen_compare_op_ordered_clause>]?

<compare_reduce_op_invo> ::=
    <expr> ** [\s+ <compare_reduce_op> \s+]

<compare_reduce_op ::=
    min | max

<dyadic_compare_op_invo> ::=
    <lhs> \s+ <dyadic_compare_op> \s+ <rhs>

<dyadic_compare_op> ::=
    <is_before_op> | <is_after_op> | <interval_membership_op>

<is_before_op> ::=
    '<' | '≤' | '<='

<is_after_op> ::=
    '>' | '≥' | '>='

<interval_membership_op> ::=
    'I∈' | 'I¬in;' | 'I∋' | 'I∌'

<triadic_compare_op_invo> ::=
    [[not | '!'] \s+]?
    <min> \s+ <is_before_op> \s+ <expr> \s+ <is_before_op> \s+ <max>

<gen_compare_op_ordered_clause> ::=
    ordered \s+ <using_clause> | <ordered_by_clause>

An ord_compare_op_invo node is for using infix notation to invoke an order comparison operator function. Such a function takes exactly 2 (lhs and rhs) or 3 (min and expr and max) or N/2+ (expr) main op args, which are the inputs of the operation, plus 2 extra op args (assuming and reversed for the <=> op, or func and assuming for any other op) which let you customize the semantics of the operation. A single ord_compare_op_invo node is equivalent to a single func_invo node whose func_arg_list element defines 2-N arguments, and the expr|lhs|rhs|min|max|func|assuming|reversed elements of the ord_compare_op_invo supply the values of those arguments, which are associated in the appropriate sequence, except for the N-adic operators which are commutative (and associative and idempotent) so the relative order of the main op args isn't significant. Details on the extra op args are pending.

Some of the keywords are aliases for each other:

keyword | aliases
≤       | <=
≥       | >=
≤≤      | <=<=
≤<      | <=<
<≤      | <<=
!≤≤     | !<=<=
!≤<     | !<=<
!<≤     | !<<=

This table indicates which function is invoked by each keyword:

<=> -> Core.Scalar.order( $lhs, $rhs )

min -> Core.Universal.min( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )
max -> Core.Universal.max( Set:{ $expr[0], ..., $expr[n] } )

<   -> Core.Universal.is_before( $lhs, $rhs )
>   -> Core.Universal.is_after( $lhs, $rhs )
≤   -> Core.Universal.is_before_or_same( $lhs, $rhs )
≥   -> Core.Universal.is_after_or_same( $lhs, $rhs )
I∈  -> Core.Interval.value_is_member( value => $lhs, interval => $rhs )
I¬in;  -> Core.Interval.value_is_not_member( value => $lhs,
            interval => $rhs )
I∋  -> Core.Interval.has_member( interval => $lhs, value => $rhs )
I∌  -> Core.Interval.has_not_member( interval => $lhs, value => $rhs )

≤≤  -> Core.Interval.value_is_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min .. $max } )
≤<  -> Core.Interval.value_is_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min ..^ $max } )
<≤  -> Core.Interval.value_is_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min ^.. $max } )
<<  -> Core.Interval.value_is_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min ^..^ $max } )
!≤≤ -> Core.Interval.value_is_not_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min .. $max } )
!≤< -> Core.Interval.value_is_not_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min ..^ $max } )
!<≤ -> Core.Interval.value_is_not_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min ^.. $max } )
!<< -> Core.Interval.value_is_not_member( value => $expr,
            interval => SPInterval:{ $min ^..^ $max } )

Details regarding the extra op args is pending. But most of the time you wouldn't be using them, so just the main args represents typical usage.

Examples (for now sans any use of extra op args, which are atypical):

$foo <=> $bar

$a min $b min $c

$a max $b max $c

$foo < $bar

$foo > $bar

$foo ≤ $bar

$foo ≥ $bar

$a I∈ SPInterval:{1..5}

$min ≤ $foo ≤ $max

$min ≤ $foo < $max

not $min < $foo ≤ $max

not $min < $foo < $max


The date_time standard syntax extension is closely related to the Muldis::D::Ext::DateTime language extension, and it constitutes special syntax for its data types; in the future it may improve the type syntax or add syntax for operators.


<value__sse_date_time> ::=
    | <UTCInstant>
    | <FloatInstant>
    | <UTCDuration>

<value_kind__sse_date_time> ::=
    | UTC [Instant | DateTime | Date | Time]
    | Float [Instant | DateTime | Date | Time]
    | UTCDuration

<value_payload__sse_date_time> ::=
    | <UTCInstant_payload>
    | <FloatInstant_payload>
    | <UTCDuration_payload>

Date and Time Literals


<UTCInstant> ::=
    UTC [Instant | DateTime | Date | Time] ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<UTCInstant_payload> ::=

<FloatInstant> ::=
    Float [Instant | DateTime | Date | Time] ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<FloatInstant_payload> ::=

<UTCDuration> ::=
    UTCDuration ':' \s*
    [<type_name> ':' \s*]?

<UTCDuration_payload> ::=
      <num_max_col_val> ';' \s* <utc_duration_body>
    | <d_utc_duration_body>

<utc_duration_body> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<int_body>? [\s* ',' \s*]] ** 5
        \s* ',' \s* <rat_body>?
    \s* ']'

<d_utc_duration_body> ::=
    '[' \s*
        [<d_int_body>? [\s* ',' \s*]] ** 5
        \s* ',' \s* <d_rat_body>?
    \s* ']'

A UTCInstant node represents an "instant"/"datetime" value that is affiliated with the UTC time-zone. This node is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.DateTime.Type.UTCInstant value whose instant possrep attribute values are defined as follows:

A UTCInstant_payload consists mainly of a bracket-delimited sequence of 6 comma-separated elements, where each element is either a valid numeric literal or is completely absent. The 6 elements correspond in order to the 6 attributes: year, month, day, hour, minute, second. For each element that is absent or defined, the corresponding attribute has the nothing or a Single value, respectively. For each of the first 5 elements, when it is defined, it must qualify as a valid body part of an Int node; for the 6th element, when it is defined, it must qualify as a valid body part of a Rat node.

Fundamentally each UTCInstant node element is formatted and interpreted like an Int or Rat node, and any similarities won't be repeated here.

A defined year may be any integer, each of [month, day] must be a positive integer, each of [hour, minute] must be a non-negative integer, and second must be a non-negative rational number. If all 6 attributes are defined, then the new UTCInstant value is also a UTCDateTime; if just the first 3 or last 3 are defined, then the value is not a UTCDateTime but rather a UTCDate or UTCTime, respectively; if any other combination of attributes are defined, then the value is just a UTCInstant and not of any of the other 3 subtypes.

If the value_kind of a value node is UTCDateTime or UTCDate or UTCTime rather than UTCInstant, then the value node is interpreted simply as a UTCInstant node whose type_name is UTCDateTime or UTCDate or UTCTime, and the allowed body is appropriately further restricted.

A FloatInstant node represents an "instant"/"datetime" value that is "floating" / not affiliated with any time-zone. This node is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.DateTime.Type.FloatInstant value in an identical fashion to how a UTCInstant node is interpreted, whose format it completely shares. Likewise regarding Float[DateTime|Date|Time].

A UTCDuration node represents a duration value, an amount of time, which is not fixed to any instant in time. This node is interpreted as a Muldis D sys.std.DateTime.Type.UTCDuration value whose duration possrep attribute values are defined as follows:

A UTCDuration_payload consists mainly of a bracket-delimited sequence of 6 comma-separated elements, where each element is either a valid numeric literal or is completely absent. The 6 elements correspond in order to the 6 attributes: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds. For each element that is absent or defined, the corresponding attribute has the nothing or a Single value, respectively. For each of the first 5 elements, when it is defined, it must qualify as a valid body part of an Int node; for the 6th element, when it is defined, it must qualify as a valid body part of a Rat node.

Mostly a UTCDuration is formatted and interpreted like a UTCInstant node, and any similarities won't be repeated here.

A defined [years, months, days, hours, minutes] may be any integer, and seconds may be any rational number. Currently, UTCDuration has no system-defined subtypes, but that may change later.

See also the definition of the catalog data type sys.std.Core.Type.Cat.OVLScaValExprNodeSet, a tuple of which is what every kind of value__sse_date_time node distills to when it is beneath the context of a depot node, as it describes some semantics.


UTCInstant:[1964,10,16,16,12,47.5] # a UTCDateTime #

UTCInstant:[2002,12,6,,,] # a UTCDate #

UTCInstant:[,,,14,2,29.0] # a UTCTime #

FloatInstant:[2003,4,5,2,,] # min,sec unknown or N/A #

FloatInstant:[1407,,,,,] # just know its sometime in 1407 #



This documentation section outlines Muldis D's PTMD_STD dialect's nesting precedence rules, meaning how it accepts Muldis D code lacking explicit expression delimiters and implicitly delimits the expressions therein, in a fully deterministic manner.

Unlike many languages which can have over a dozen precedence levels, such as Perl (about 24) or C, PTMD_STD only has about 8 precedence levels in the interest of simplicity, and so you will likely have to use more explicit expression delimiters to force the nesting precedence you want. That 8 figure assumes the catalog_abstraction_level pragma is rtn_inv_alt_syn; if it is plain_rtn_inv instead, then 3 of the levels can be eliminated, so then PTMD_STD has just 4; if it is code_as_data instead, then 3 more can be eliminated, leaving just 1.

Here we list the 8 levels from "tightest" to "loosest":

  • The terms and delimited expressions and tagged delimiteds, which includes every kind of <expr> that is also a <value> (meaning any <opaque_value_literal> and <coll_value_selector>), as well as any <non_value_comment> and <delim_expr> and <expr_name> and <func_invo> and <lib_entity_ref_selector>. In general these are very simple or are entirely or mostly surrounded by some kind of delimiters. These are non-associative or associativity is not applicable.

  • The accessors and postcircumfix operators and postfix operators, which includes every kind of <accessor> and <postcircumfix_op_invo> and <monadic_postfix_op_invo> and <postfix_rat_op_invo> and <rat_op_invo> \s+ <rounded_with_rule_clause>. These are left-associative.

  • Every <ord_compare_op_invo> that is a <triadic_compare_op_invo>. The <triadic_compare_op_invo> have been special-cased with their own higher precedence level so that, for example, not $min < $foo ≤ $max could be recognizable as its own entity rather than the not $min or $min < $foo substrings always being eaten on their own before the larger entity has a chance to be considered. These are left-associative.

  • The prefix operators, which includes every kind of <monadic_prefix_op_invo> and <prefix_rat_op_invo>. These are right-associative.

  • The dyadic infix operators, which includes every kind of <sym_dyadic_infix_op_invo> and <nonsym_dyadic_infix_op_invo> and <infix_rat_op_invo> and every <ord_compare_op_invo> that is not also a <triadic_compare_op_invo> or <compare_reduce_op_invo>. These are left-associative.

  • The infix reduction operators, which includes every kind of <comm_infix_reduce_op_invo> and <noncomm_infix_reduce_op_invo>. These are left-associative.

  • Every <if_else_expr> and <given_when_def_expr>. The ??!! form is right-associative, meaning that $a ?? $b !! $c ?? $d !! $e will parse as $a ?? $b !! ($c ?? $d !! $e) (like most languages) and not as ($a ?? $b !! $c) ?? $d !! $e (like PHP). The if-then-else and given-when-default forms are unambiguous for associativity.

  • Every <named_expr>, that is, associating an explicit name with an expression node/tree. These are right-associative, meaning that given a $a ::= $b ::= 5, the expression node of value 5 has the name b and another, alias node for b has the name a.

Any imperative code that embeds a value expression has looser precedence than all value expressions.


Go to Muldis::D for the majority of distribution-internal references, and Muldis::D::SeeAlso for the majority of distribution-external references.


Darren Duncan (


This file is part of the formal specification of the Muldis D language.

Muldis D is Copyright © 2002-2010, Muldis Data Systems, Inc.

See the LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT of Muldis::D for details.


The TRADEMARK POLICY in Muldis::D applies to this file too.


The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in Muldis::D apply to this file too.