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Hessian::Tiny::Client - Hessian RPC Client implementation in pure Perl


Version 0.08


use Hessian::Tiny::Client;

my $foo = Hessian::Tiny::Client->new(
    url => '',
    version => 2, # hessian protocol version
my($stat,$res) = $foo->call('add',2,4);
if($stat == 0){ # success
    print "2 + 4 = $res";
    print "error: $Hessian::Tiny::Client::ErrStr";


Hessian is a compact binary protocol for web communication in form of client/server RPC.

This module allows you to write Hessian clients in Perl. This module supports Hessian Protocol 1.0 and 2.0



my $foo = Hessian::Tiny::Client->new(
    url => '', # mandatory
    version => 2, # default is 1
    debug => 1,   # add some debugging output (to STDERR)
    auth => [$http_user,$http_pass], # http basic auth, if needed
    hessian_flag => 1, # if you need strong typing in return value

'url' need to be a valid url, otherwise the constructor will return undef. 'version', hessian version either 1 or 2. 'debug', you probably don't need to set this flag. 'auth', if server requires this authentication. 'hessian_flag', default off, that means return value are automatically converted into native perl data; if set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::* object as return.


# for convinience, simple types can be passed directly
($stat,$res) = $foo->call('addInt',1,2);

# or use Hessian::Type::* for precise typing
($stat,$res) = $foo->call('method1',
    Hessian::Type::Date( Math::BigInt->new( $milli_sec ) ),
    Hessian::Type::Double( 3.14 ),
    Hessian::Type::List( length=>2,
                         ] );
    Hessian::Type::Map( type=>'Car',
                               'Make' => 'Toto',
                               'Modle' => 'XYZ'
                        } );
); # end call

if($stat == 0){
    # success

}elsif($stat == 1){
    # Hessian Fault
    print "Exception: $res->{code}, $res->{message}";
    # communication failure
    print "error: $res";

return value, $stat: 0 for success, 1 for Fault, 2 for communication errors; $res will hold error (Hessian::Fault or string) in case of unsuccessful call; $res will hold return value in case of successful call; normally Hessian types are converted to perl data directly, if you want strong typing in return value, you can set (hessian_flag => 1) in the constructor call new().



$foo->call('argNull', Hessian::Type::Null->new() );

As return value, by default, you will get undef; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::Null.


$foo->call('argTrue',  Hessian::Type::True->new() );
$foo->call('argFalse', Hessian::Type::False->new() );

As return value, by default, you will get 1 (true) or undef (false); when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::True or Hessian::Type::False as return value.


$foo->call('argInt', 250 );

No extra typing for Integer type. Note, if the number passed in falls outside the range of signed 32-bit integer, it will be passed as a Long type parameter (64-bit) instead.


$foo->call('argLong', Math::BigInt->new(100000) ); # core module
$foo->call('argLong', Hessian::Type::Long->new('100000') ); # same as above

As return value, by default, you will get string representation of the number; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Math::BigInt.


$foo->call('argDouble', -2.50 ); # pass directly, if looks like floating point number
$foo->call('argDouble', Hessian::Type::Double(-2.50) ); # equivalent

As return value, by default, you will get the number directly; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::Double. Note, floating point numbers may appear slightly inaccurate, due to the binary nature of machines (not the protocol itself).


$foo->call('argDate', Hessian::Type::Date->new($milli_sec) );
$foo->call('argDate', DateTime->now() ); # if you have this module installed

As return value, by default, you will get epoch seconds; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::Date (milli sec inside).


$foo->call('argBinary', Hessian::Type::Binary->new("hello world\n") );
$foo->call('argString', Hessian::Type::String->new("hello world\n") );
$foo->call('argString', Unicode::String->new("hello world\n") );

As return value, by default, you will get the perl string; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::Binary or Hessian::Type::String object.


$foo->call('argXML', Hessian::Type::XML->new( $xml_string ) );

As return value, by default, you will get xml string; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::XML. Note, XML type is removed from Hessian 2.0 spec.


$foo->call('argList', [1,2,3] ); # untyped fixed length list
$foo->call('argList', Hessian::Type::List->new([1,2,3]); # same as above
$foo->call('argList', Hessian::Type::List->new(length=>3,data=>[1,2,3],type=>'Triplet');

As return value, by default, you will get array ref; when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::List.


$foo->call('argMap', {a=>1,b=>2,c=>3} ); # untyped map
$foo->call('argMap', Hessian::Type::Map->new({a=>1,b=>2,c=>3} ); # same as above
$foo->call('argMap', Hessian::Type::Map->new(type=>'HashTable',data=>{a=>1,b=>2,c=>3} ); # typed

As return value, by default, you will get hash ref (Tie::RefHash is used to allow non-string keys); when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::Map.


my $x = Hessian::Type::Object->new(
            type => 'my.package.LinkedList',
            data => {_value => 1, _rest => undef}
my $y = Hessian::Type::Object->new(
            type => 'my.package.LinkedList',
            data => {_value => 2, _rest => $x}

As return value, by default, you will get hash_ref (Tie::RefHash is used to allow non-string keys); when 'hessian_flag' is set to true, you will get Hessian::Type::Object. Note, Object is essentially a typed Map.


Ling Du, <ling.du at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-hessian-tiny-client at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Hessian::Tiny::Server, not sure if anyone will need to use the server part, except for testing maybe.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Hessian::Tiny::Client

For information on the protocol itself, take a look at:


Algo LLC.


Copyright 2010 Ling Du.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.