use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::LogicBoxes;
use WWW::LogicBoxes::Domain;
my $api = WWW::LogicBoxes->new({
username => '123456',
password => 'Top Secret!',
my $domains = $api->check_availability({
slds => [ 'cpan', 'hostgator', 'drzigman' ],
tlds => [ 'com', 'net', 'org' ]
my $api = WWW::LogicBoxes->new({ ... });
my $domains = $api->check_availability({
slds => [ 'cpan', 'hostgator', 'drzigman' ],
tlds => [ 'com', 'net', 'org' ]
Checks to see if the specified combination of slds and tlds are available which must be presented as ArrayRef's of strings. Returned is an arrayref of WWW::LogicBoxes::Domain objects.
The method will also croak if there is a failure communicating with the LogicBoxes API (such as it's down or it returned invalid JSON)
my $api = WWW::LogicBoxes->new({ ... });
my $domains = $api->suggest_names({
phrase => "fast sports car",
tlds => [ 'com', 'net', 'org' ],
hyphen => 0,
related => 0,
num_results => 10,
suggest_names will ask the LogicBoxes API to suggest potential domain names given a search phrase.
- phrase
Required. A string representing a search phrase. It's worth noting that the more specific the query the more results you'll get so something like "car" may get zero results but "fast sports car" gets a lot.
- tlds
An ArrayRef of Strings containing the tlds you wish to include in the search
- hyphen
Boolean that indicates if you wish to allow hypheniations in domain names, defaults to false.
Boolean that indicates if you with to allow related concepts to your phrase. Defaults to false.
- num_results
The number of phrase matches you wish to allow. Note that the actual max number of results from a given query is the num_results * the number of tlds since the num_results refers only to sld matches. Defaults to 10.
Returned is an ArrayRef of WWW::LogicBoxes::Domain objects.