Changes for version 1.20 - 2015-05-17
- Deprecated:
- Search::Elasticsearch::Client::Direct in favour of Search::Elasticsearch::Client::1_0::Direct
- New features:
- Added support for structured JSON exceptions in Elasticsearch 2.0
- Added support for plugins
- Added Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct for the upcoming Elasticsearch 2.0 with these changes:
- removed delete_by_query()
- removed termvector()
- removed indices.delete_mapping()
- removed nodes.shutdown()
- removed indices.status()
- added terminate_after param to search()
- added dfs param to termvectors()
- removed filter_keys param from indices.clear_cache()
- removed full param from indices.flush()
- removed force param from indics.optmize()
- removed replication param from all CRUD methods
- removed mlt() method
- Bug fix:
- The bulk buffer was being cleared on a NoNodes exception
- Added class: Added methods:
- field_stats()
- Added params:
- allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable to cluster.state()
- fielddata_fields to search()
- master_timeout to indices.get_template() and indices.exists_template()
- detect_noop to update()
- only_ancient_segments to upgrade()
- analyze_wildcards, analyzer, default_operator, df, lenient, lowercase_expanded_terms, and q to count(), search_exists() and indices.validate_query()
- Removed methods:
- benchmark.* - never released in Elasticsearch
- Also:
- arrays of enum query string params are now flattened as CSV
- enum expand_wildcards also accepts: none, all
- Search::Elasticsearch is no longer a Moo class
- Updated URLs to use instead
- the request body is retained in exceptions
- upgraded Hijk to 0.20
The official client for Elasticsearch
A helper module for the Bulk API and for reindexing
Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 0.90 APIs
A client for running cluster-level requests
A client for running index-level requests
Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 1.x APIs
A client for running cat debugging requests
A client for running cluster-level requests
A client for running index-level requests
A client for running node-level requests
A client for managing snapshot/restore
Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 2.x APIs
A client for running cat debugging requests
A client for running cluster-level requests
A client for running index-level requests
A client for running node-level requests
A client for managing snapshot/restore
Used by CxnPools to create new Cxn instances.
A Cxn implementation which uses HTTP::Tiny
A Cxn implementation which uses Hijk
A Cxn implementation which uses LWP
A CxnPool for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list
A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster with a static list of nodes.
A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster without the ability to ping.
Errors thrown by Search::Elasticsearch
A Log::Any-based Logger implementation
This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
This class contains the spec for the Elasticsearch APIs
Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Bulk and Search::Elasticsearch::Async::Bulk
Provides common functionality for Client implementations
Request parsing for Direct clients
Attributes and methods used by the top-level Direct::Client
Provides common functionality to Cxn implementations
Provides common functionality to HTTP Cxn implementations
Provides common functionality to the CxnPool implementations
A CxnPool role for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list
A CxnPool role for connecting to a remote cluster with a static list of nodes.
A CxnPool for connecting to a remote cluster without the ability to ping.
A role to mark classes which should be used with other sync classes
Provides common functionality to Logger implementations
Provides common functionality to Elasticseach::Scroll and Search::Elasticsearch::Async::Scroll
An interface for Serializer modules
A Serializer role for JSON modules
Transport role providing interface between the client class and the Elasticsearch cluster
A helper module for scrolled searches
The default JSON Serializer, using JSON::MaybeXS
A JSON Serializer using Cpanel::JSON::XS
A JSON Serializer using JSON::PP
A JSON Serializer using JSON::XS
A helper class to launch Elasticsearch nodes
Provides interface between the client class and the Elasticsearch cluster
A utility class for internal use by Search::Elasticsearch
A utility class for converting path templates into real paths
A utility class for query string parameters in the API