Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn::HTTP - Provides common functionality to HTTP Cxn implementations


version 1.12


Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn::HTTP provides common functionality to the Cxn implementations which use the HTTP protocol. Cxn instances are created by a Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool implementation, using the Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::Factory class.


The configuration options are as follows:


A single node is passed to new() by the Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::Factory class. It can either be a URI or a hash containing each part. For instance:

node => 'localhost';                    # equiv of 'http://localhost:80'
node => 'localhost:9200';               # equiv of 'http://localhost:9200'
node => 'http://localhost:9200';

node => 'https://localhost';            # equiv of 'https://localhost:443'
node => 'localhost/path';               # equiv of 'http://localhost:80/path'

node => 'http://user:pass@localhost';   # equiv of 'http://localhost:80'
                                        # with userinfo => 'user:pass'

Alternatively, a node can be specified as a hash:

    scheme      => 'http',
    host        => '',
    port        => '9200',
    path        => '/path',
    userinfo    => 'user:pass'

Similarly, default values can be specified with port, path_prefix, userinfo and use_https:

$e = Search::Elasticsearch->new(
    port        => 9201,
    path_prefix => '/path',
    userinfo    => 'user:pass',
    use_https   => 1,
    nodes       => [ 'search1', 'search2' ]


By default, Elasticsearch nodes accept a maximum post body of 100MB or 104_857_600 bytes. This client enforces that limit. The limit can be customised with the max_content_length parameter (specified in bytes).

If you're using the Search::Elasticsearch::CxnPool::Sniff module, then the max_content_length will be automatically retrieved from the live cluster, unless you specify a custom max_content_length:

# max_content_length retrieved from cluster
$e = Search::Elasticsearch->new(
    cxn_pool => 'Sniff'

# max_content_length fixed at 10,000 bytes
$e = Search::Elasticsearch->new(
    cxn_pool           => 'Sniff',
    max_content_length => 10_000


This client can request compressed responses from Elasticsearch by enabling the http.compression config setting in Elasticsearch and setting deflate to true:

$e = Search::Elasticsearch->new(
    deflate => 1


None of the methods listed below are useful to the user. They are documented for those who are writing alternative implementations only.


$scheme = $cxn->scheme;

Returns the scheme of the connection, ie http or https.


$bool = $cxn->is_https;

Returns true or false depending on whether the /scheme() is https or not.


$userinfo = $cxn->userinfo

Returns the username and password of the cxn, if any, eg "user:pass". If userinfo is provided, then a Basic Authorization header is added to each request.


$headers = $cxn->default_headers

The default headers that are passed with each request. This includes the Accept-Encoding header if /deflate is true, and the Authorization header if /userinfo has a value.


$int = $cxn->max_content_length;

Returns the maximum length in bytes that the HTTP body can have.


$uri = $cxn->build_uri({ path => '/_search', qs => { size => 10 }});

Returns the HTTP URI to use for a particular request, combining the passed in path parameter with any defined path_prefix, and adding the query-string parameters.


Clinton Gormley <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Elasticsearch BV.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004