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Changes for version 0.43 - 2015-06-15
- I meant to require MooseX::Params::Validate 0.21 or greater in the 0.41 release but somehow only required 0.08. This also increases several other prereq versions. This distro now requires Moose 2.1200+, MooseX::Role::Parameterized 1.00+, and MooseX::StrictConstructor 0.13+.
Better SQL Generation Through Perl
Represents a column
Represents an alias for a column
Defines exceptions used in the core Fey classes
Represents a foreign key
Just enough of the DBI API to fool Fey
Factory for making a literal piece of a SQL statement
Represents a literal function in a SQL statement
Represents a literal NULL in a SQL statement
Represents a literal number in a SQL statement
Represents a literal string in a SQL statement
Represents a literal term in a SQL statement
Represents a placeholder
A role for "column-like" behavior
A role for things that can be part of a WHERE clause
A role for things that can be part of a GROUP BY clause
A role for objects that bring an alias with them
A role for things that are literals
A role for things that can be part of a JOIN BY clause
A role for objects with separate alias objects
A role for things with a name
A role for things that can be part of a ORDER BY clause
Adds a just-deep-enough clone() method to SQL objects
A role for queries which can have bind parameters
A role for queries which can include a LIMIT clause
A role for queries which can include a ORDER BY clause
A role for queries which can include a WHERE clause
A role for SQL queries which return data (SELECT, UNION, etc)
A role for things that can go in a SELECT clause
A role for things that are a set operation
A role for things that are like a table
Documentation on SQL generation with Fey and SQL object factory
Represents a DELETE query
Represents an EXCEPT operation
Represents a single join in a FROM clause
Represents an AND or OR in a WHERE clause
Represents a comparison in a WHERE clause
Represents the end of a subgroup in a WHERE clause
Represents the start of a subgroup in a WHERE clause
Represents a INSERT query
Represents an INTERSECT operation
Represents a SELECT query
Represents a UNION operation
Represents a UPDATE query
Represents a "stand-alone" WHERE clause
Represents a schema and contains tables and foreign keys
Represents a table (or view)
Represents an alias for a table
Types for use in Fey
Types for use in Fey
in lib/Fey/NamedObjectSet.pm