grades - Calculate sum of beans/5, hw, exams and print a report.
classwork -l m/j -w 14
- --man A man page
- --help This help message
- --league The league to which the report belongs, a path from the present working directory to the directory in which league.yaml exists.
- --weeks The number of weeks that class work was graded. To allow total expected/average score of 80, per student. (Is this necessary? Shouldn't the number of \d+.yaml files be equal to that number?)
classwork totals scores that students have earned for classwork in their groups. It records the total classwork score to date and stores it in $league/beans.yaml. It converts the points given in class to a a score, so the average per week is 80/number of weeks, and outputs a report of the weekly results to class.tmp.
The points given by the teacher are log-scaled to prevent active students from taking all hte points.
Individuals rather than group scores are used based on names in $session/individuals.yaml of form:
Chanel: - Chanel Cliff: - Cliff
Students who were absent for the whole of the session should not be included. This inflates the scores of the other students, by raising the payout.
Weekly scores are in \d+.yaml, where \d+ is the week, and are of form:
Chanel: 3 merits : 1 absences: 0 tardies : 1 Cliff: merits : 1 absences: 0 tardies : 1