
The results of players against their opponents
Mark cards with results of matches
Pair players for the next round of a swiss tournament
Show player scoregroups for next round of swiss tournament
Pair players for the next round of a swiss tournament
Create YAML version of pairing table
Convert a pairingtable in YAML format into readable text
Edit pairings after the fact
The results of players against their opponents
Mark cards with results of matches
Pair players for the next round of a swiss tournament
Show player scoregroups for next round of swiss tournament
Pair players for the next round of a swiss tournament
Create YAML version of pairing table
Convert a pairingtable in YAML format into readable text
Edit pairings after the fact


Contestant Pairing
A record of the results of a match
FIDE Swiss Same-Rank Contestant Pairing
Players with same/similar scores pairable with each other
Swiss Competition Configuration
A wrapper around a swiss pairing algorithm
A brain-dead pairing algorithm
FIDE Swiss Rules Based on Rating 04.1
Contestant Pairing
A record of the results of a match
FIDE Swiss Same-Rank Contestant Pairing
Players with same/similar scores pairable with each other
Swiss Competition Configuration
A wrapper around a swiss pairing algorithm
A brain-dead pairing algorithm
FIDE Swiss Rules Based on Rating 04.1


in Swiss-0.19/t/