Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss A competitor in a FIDE-Swiss-Rules event
Version 0.01
my $foo = Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss->new( rating => '15', name => 'Deep Blue', pairingNumber => 2 );
Subclasses Games::Tournament::Contestant with Games::Tournament::Swiss-specific data and methods, like pairingNumber, floats.
Games::Tournament::Swiss will use this class when constructing a 'Bye' contestant.
Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss->new( rating => '15',
name => 'Red Chessman', pairingNumber => 2,
floats => [qw/Not Down Not Not],
roles => [qw/Black White Black White/] );
Actually, you don't want to assign pairing numbers this way. Let the assignPairingNumbers method in Games::Tournament::Swiss do it.
Gets (sets) $member's preference, or right (duty) to take a role, eg White or Black, in the next round, calculated as a function of the difference between the number of games previously played in the different roles, and accommodated according to its value, Mild, Strong, or Absolute. An Absolute preference of +2 for White is given when the contestant has played 2 (or a larger number) more of the previous rounds as Black than as White, or when the last 2 rounds were played as Black. A Strong preference of +1 for White represents having played one more round as Black than as White. A Mild preference of +0 occurs when the number of games played with both colors is the same, but the last game was played as Black. A Mild preference of -0 is the same, but with the last game being as White, the preference is for Black. Preferences of -1 and -2 represent the same situations as for +1 and +2, but with the roles reversed. Before the first round, the preference of the highest ranked player (+-0) is determined by lot. A7
Sets/gets the pairing number of the contestant, used to identify participants when pairing them with others. This index is assigned in order of a sorting of the participants by ranking, title and name. You know what you're doing with this number, don't you?
Sets/gets an original, possibly unreliable id of the contestant, supplied before the Games::Tournament::Swiss::assignPairingNumbers function/method is applied, and the result substituted for it.
$member->opponents( 0, 5, 11 )
$rolehistory = $member->opponents
If ids (ie pairing numbers) are passed, adds them to the end of the list representing the latest opponents that $member has had in this tournament. (Normally one and only one parameter, the pairing number of the opponent in the latest round, will be passed.) If no parameter is passed, returns a reference to the list. If the member had no game or played no game, because of a bye, or an absence, pass 0, 'Bye' or 'Absence'.
$member->roles( 'Black' )
$rolehistory = $member->roles
If parameters are passed, adds them to the end of the list representing the latest roles that $member has had in this tournament. (Normally one and only one parameter, the role in the latest round, will be passed.) If no parameter is passed, returns a reference to the list. If the member had no game or played no game, because of a bye, or an absence, pass 'Not'.
$member->floating( 'Up'|'Down'|'' )
Sets/gets the direction in which the contestant is floating in the next round, "Up", "Down". If nothing is returned, the contestant is not floating. A4
$member->floats( $round, 'Down' )
$rolehistory = $member->floats
If a round number and float is passed, inserts this in an anonymous array representing the old floats that $member has had in this tournament. If only a round is passed, returns the float for that round. If no parameter is passed, returns a anonymous array of all the floats indexed by the round. (Watch out for round 0, there. Heh-hey.) If the player was not floated, pass 'Not'.
{ opponents => [ 6,4 ]
roles => [ 'Win', 'Loss' ],
floats => [ undef, 'Not', 'Down' ],
score => 1.5 } )
Populate $member with data about opponents met, roles played, and floats received in previous rounds, which together with the total score will allow it to be paired with an appropriate opponent in the next round. Set $member's preference. Delete any pre-existing opponents, roles, floats, scores, score, or preference data.
Dr Bean, <drbean, followed by the at mark (@), cpan, then a dot, and finally, org>
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perldoc Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.