Games::Tournament::Swiss::Bracket - Players with same/similar scores pairable with each other


Version 0.01


$tourney = Games::Tournament::Swiss>new($rounds, \@entrants);
@rankedPlayers = $tourney->assignPairingNumbers;
@firstbrackets = $t->formBrackets;
@scores = $tourney->updateScores($round);
@groups = $tourney->formBrackets;


In a Swiss tournament, in each round contestants are paired with other players with the same, or similar, scores. These contestants are grouped into a score group (bracket) in the process of deciding who plays who.

The concept of immigration control is applied to impose order on the players floating in and out of these score brackets. That is, floating is like flying.



$group = Games::Tournament::Swiss::Bracket->new( score => 7.5, members => [ $a, $b, $c ], remainderof => $largergroup )

members is a reference to a list of Games::Tournament::Contestant::Swiss objects. The order is important. If the score group includes floaters, these members' scores will not be the same as $group->score. Such a heterogenous group is paired in two parts--first the downfloaters, and then the homogeneous remainder group. Remainder groups can be recognized by the existence of a 'remainderof' key that links them to the group they came from. Some members may also float down from a remainder group. A3


@floaters = $group->natives

Returns those members who were in this bracket originally, as that was their birthright, their scores being all the same. One is a native of only one bracket, and you cannot change this status except by naturalization.


$citizen = $group->naturalize($foreigner)

Gives members who are resident, but not natives, ie immigrants, having been floated here from other brackets, the same status as natives, making them indistinguishable from them. This will fail if the player is not resident or not an immigrant. Returns the player with their new status.


@floaters = @{$group->immigrants}

Returns those members who are foreigners, having been floated here from other brackets. At any one point a player may or may not be a foreigner. But if they are, they only can be a foreigner in one bracket.


@floaters = $group->downFloaters

Returns those members downfloated here from the previous bracket.


@s1 = $group->upFloaters

Returns those members upfloated from the next bracket.


$pairables = $bracket->residents

Returns the members includeable in pairing procedures for this bracket because they haven't been floated out, or because they have been floated in. That is, they are not an emigrant. At any one point, a player is resident in one and only one bracket. At some other point, they may be a resident of another bracket.


$gone = $bracket->emigrants

Sets whether this native member will not be included in pairing of this bracket. That is whether they have been floated to another bracket for pairing there. Gets all such members. A player may or may not be an emigrant. They can only stop being an emigrant if they move back to their native bracket. To do this, they have to return.



Removes $player from the list of members if $player is an immigrant. If a native, adds them to the list of emigrants of this bracket. They are now in limbo. So make sure they enter another bracket.



Registers $foreigner as a resident, and removes $native from the list of emigrants of this bracket, because they have returned from another bracket as in C12, 13.



Removes this native (presumably) member from the list of emigrants of this bracket, because they have returned from another bracket as in C12, 13. Returns undef, if $member wasn't an emigrant. Otherwise returns the updated list of emigrants.


$s1 = $group->s1($players)
$s1 = $group->s1

Getter/setter of the p players in the top half of a homogeneous bracket, or the p downFloaters in a heterogeneous bracket, as an array. A6


$s1 = $group->s1($players)
$s1 = $group->s1

Resetter of s1 to the original members before exchanges with s2. A6


$s2 = $group->s2

Getter of the players in a homogeneous or a heterogeneous bracket who aren't in S1. A6


@s2 = $group->resetS2

Resets of the players in a homogeneous or a heterogeneous bracket who aren't in S1. TODO This resets S1 too. Shouldn't be resetting s1 too, but what is the right way? A6


$tables = $group->p

Half the number of players in a homogeneous bracket, rounded down to the next lowest integer. Or the number of down floaters in a heterogeneous bracket. Also the number of players in S1, and thus the number of pairings in the pair group. TODO How does c2345 handle more downfloaters than S2? It will have to treat the bracket as homogeneous. (See A1,2)A6


$tables = $group->pprime

p is half the number of players in a bracket, but we may have to accept fewer pairings than this number if suitable opponents cannot be found for players, up to the point where p=0. pprime sets/gets this real p number. A8


$tables = $group->q

Number of players in the score bracket divided by 2 and then rounded up. In a homogeneous group with an even number of players, this is the same as p. A8


$tables = $group->x

Sets the number, ranging from zero to p, of matches in the score bracket in which players will have their preferences unsatisfied. A8


$tables = $group->xprime

x is the lower limit on matches where preferences are not satisfied, but the number of such undesirable matches may be increased if suitable opponents cannot be found for players, up to the point where only players with Absolute preferences have their preferences satisfied. xprime sets/gets this real x number. A8



Gets (but doesn't set) whether this group is heterogeneous, ie includes players who have been downfloated from a higher score group, or upfloated from a lower score group, or if it is homogeneous, ie every player has the same score. A group with more down-floated members than number of matches is regarded as homogeneous.


$nextS2 = $bracket->c7shuffler($firstmismatch)
if ( @nextS2 compatible )
    create match cards;

Gets the next permutation of the second-half players in D1 transposition counting order, as used in C7, that will not have the same incompatible player in the bad position found in the present transposition.


$next = $bracket->c7iterator
while ( my @s2 = &$next )
    create match cards unless this permutation is incompatible;

DEPRECATED Creates an iterator for the permutation of the second-half players in D1 transposition counting order, as used in C7. Only as many players as are in S1 can be matched, so we get only the permutations of all the p-length combinations of members of S2. Deprecated because if C1 or C6 finds a player in a certain position in S2 should not be paired with the player in the corresponding position in S1, we need to be able to skip ahead to the next permutation where a different player is in that position.


$next = $bracket->c8iterator
while ( my @members = &$next )
    next if grep {$incompat{$s1[$_]}{$s2[$_]}} 0..$p-1);

Creates an iterator for the exchange of @s1 and @s2 players in D2 order, as used in C8. Exchanges are performed in order of the difference between the pairing numbers of the players exchanged. If the difference is equal, the exchange with the lowest player is to be performed first. TODO This last requirement is fudged here for convenience. TODO Only as many players as in S1 can be matched, so does this mean some exchanges don't have an effect?



Gets/sets the score of the score group.



Gets/sets the members of the score group as an anonymous array of player objects. The order of this array is important. The first half is paired with the second half.



Gets/sets an iterator through the different exchanges of players in the two halves of the bracket.


Dr Bean, <drbean, followed by the at mark (@), cpan, then a dot, and finally, org>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-games-tournament-swiss at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Games::Tournament::Swiss::Bracket

You can also look for information at:


See for the FIDE's Swiss rules.


Copyright 2006 Dr Bean, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.