Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Mediawiki - Mediawiki (MySQL) storage backend for Wiki::Toolkit


Version 0.03


Subclasses Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Database.


Implementation of Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Database which reads and writes to a Mediawiki 1.6 database running in MySQL. This is module is intended to be capable of running concurrently with a Mediawiki 1.6 installation without data corruption. That said, use it at your own risk.

If you are looking for a general Wiki implementation, you might be better off looking at Wiki::Toolkit::Kwiki. It is simpler, more general, and does not require the database to be initialized by outside software. Currently, initializing the database for this module requires a working (PHP) Mediawiki installation.

I initially wrote this module because I was sick of running both PHP and Perl on my web server so that I could have the only wiki I could find with the full featureset I wanted running in parallel with the Perl scripts which generate the rest of my content dynamically. Generating my Perl content was much faster than my Mediawiki installation and I like Perl better, so PHP lost. Converting the old Mediawiki database into a format that a less fully featured wiki could read looked generally unrewarding, so here we are.

All date and time values are returned as Time::Piece::Adaptive objects. This should be transparent for most uses.

See Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Database for more on the general API.



  $store->check_and_write_node (node     => $node,
				checksum => $checksum,

Locks the node, verifies the checksum, calls write_node_post_locking with all supplied arguments, unlocks the node. Returns 1 on successful writing, 0 if checksum doesn't match, croaks on error.

Note: Uses MySQL's user level locking, so any locks are released when the database handle disconnects. Doing it like this because I can't seem to get it to work properly with transactions.


Like the new function from Wiki::Toolkit::Store::MySQL, but also requires a `wikiname' argument.


Like the parent function, but accepts limit & offset arguments.


Like the parent method, but the limit argument may be used in conjunction with the others (since, days, and between_days are still mutually exclusive). A new, $args{between_secs} argument is also processed. Its contents should be two unix timestamps.


$store->get_previous_version ($node_name, $node_version, %other_args);

Given a version number, returns the previous version for the given node. This function is necessary because mediawiki gives every revision of every page a version number which is unique across all pages.

Techincally, node name shouldn't be necessary here, but it allows for a faster search and you probably have it. Not requiring it would be an easy hack.


$store->get_next_version ($node_name, $node_version, %other_args);

Given a version number, returns the next version for the given node. This function is necessary because mediawiki gives every revision of every page a version number which is unique across all pages.

Techincally, node name shouldn't be necessary here, but it allows for a faster search and you probably have it. Not requiring it would be an easy hack.


$store->get_current_version ($node);
$store->get_current_version (name => $node, %other_args);

Given a node, returns the current (most recent) version, or undef, if the node does not exist.


Like the parent function, but works with the mediawiki DB.


$store->node_exists ($node);
$store->node_exists (name => $node, %other_args);

Like the parent function of the same name, but much faster. Really just a wrapper for get_current_version, returns the current version number when it exists and undef otherwise.

# List all nodes that link to the Home Page.
my @links = $store->list_backlinks (node => "Home Page");
# List all nodes that have been linked to from other nodes but don't
# yet exist.
my @links = $store->list_dangling_links;

Each node is returned once only, regardless of how many other nodes link to it. Nodes are be returned unsorted.

# List all nodes that have been linked to from other nodes but don't
# yet exist, with a reference count.
foreach my $link ($store->list_dangling_links_w_count)
  print "Missing `", $link->[0], "' has ", $link->[1], " references.\n";

Nodes are returned sorted primarily by the reference count, greatest first, and secondarily in alphabetical order.


my $username = $store->validate_user ($username, $password, %other_args);

Given a username and a password, return the username if it exists and password is correct, or undef, otherwise.

The returned username may be different from the one passed in when $args{ignore_case} is set.


my @errmsgs = $store->create_new_user (name => $username, password => $p);

Create a new user. name and password are required arguments. Optional arguments are email & real_name.

Returns a potentially empty list of error messages.


Overrides the parent function of the same name. At the moment it only returns (0, 0).




Derek Price, <derek at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cgi-wiki-store-mediawiki at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Mediawiki

You can also look for information at:


My thanks go to Kake Pugh, for providing the well written Wiki::Toolkit and Wiki::Toolkit::Kwiki modules, which got me started on this.


Copyright 2006 Derek Price, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.