DBIx::Wrapper - A wrapper around the DBI
use DBIx::Wrapper;
my $db = DBIx::Wrapper->connect($dsn, $user, $auth, \%attr);
my $dbi_obj = DBI->connect(...)
my $db = DBIx::Wrapper->newFromDBI($dbi_obj);
my $dbi_obj = $db->getDBI;
my $rv = $db->insert($table, { id => 5, val => "myval",
the_date => \"NOW()"
my $rv = $db->replace($table, \%data);
my $rv = $db->update($table, \%keys, \%data);
my $rv = $db->smartUpdate($table, \%keys, \%data);
my $row = $db->nativeSelect($query, \@exec_args);
my $loop = $db->nativeSelectExecLoop($query);
foreach my $val (@vals) {
my $row = $loop->next([ $val ]);
my $row = $db->nativeSelectWithArrayRef($query, \@exec_args);
my $rows = $db->nativeSelectMulti($query, \@exec_args);
my $loop = $db->nativeSelectMultiExecLoop($query)
foreach my $val (@vals) {
my $rows = $loop->next([ $val ]);
my $rows = $db->nativeSelectMultiWithArrayRef($query, \@exec_args);
my $hash = $db->nativeSelectMapping($query, \@exec_args);
my $hash = $db->nativeSelectDynaMapping($query, \@cols, \@exec_args);
my $hash = $db->nativeSelectRecordMapping($query, \@exec_args);
my $hash = $db->nativeSelectRecordDynaMapping($query, $col, \@exec_args);
my $row = $db->abstractSelect($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order);
my $rows = $db->abstractSelectMulti($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order);
my $loop = $db->nativeSelectLoop($query, @exec_args);
my $rv = $db->nativeQuery($query, @exec_args);
my $loop = $db->nativeQueryLoop("UPDATE my_table SET value=? WHERE id=?");
$loop->next([ 'one', 1]);
$loop->next([ 'two', 2]);
DBIx::Wrapper provides a wrapper around the DBI that makes it a bit easier on the programmer. This module allows you to execute a query with a single method call.
connect($data_source, $username, $auth, \%attr)
Connects to the given database. These are the same parameters you would pass to the connect call when using DBI directly.
new($data_source, $username, $auth, \%attr)
An alias for connect().
Returns a new DBIx::Wrapper object from a DBI object that has already been created. Note that when created this way, disconnect() will not be called automatically on the underlying DBI object when the DBIx::Wrapper object goes out of scope.
Return the underlying DBI object used to query the database.
insert($table, \%data)
Insert the provided row into the database. $table is the name of the table you want to insert into. %data is the data you want to insert -- a hash with key/value pairs representing a row to be insert into the database.
replace($table, \%data)
Same as insert(), except does a REPLACE instead of an INSERT for databases which support it.
update($table, \%keys, \%data), update($table, \@keys, \%data)
Update the table using the key/value pairs in %keys to specify
the WHERE clause of the query. %data contains the new values
for the row(s) in the database. The keys parameter can
optionally be an array ref instead of a hashref. E.g.,
$db->update($table, [ key1 => $val1, key2 => $val2 ], \%data);
This is so that the order of the parameters in the WHERE clause
are kept in the same order. This is required to use the correct
multi field indexes in MySQL.
smartUpdate($table, \%keys, \%data)
Same as update(), except that a check is first made to see if there are any rows matching the data in %keys. If so, update() is called, otherwise, insert() is called.
nativeSelect($query, \@exec_args)
Executes the query in $query and returns a single row result (as a hash ref). If there are multiple rows in the result, the rest get silently dropped. @exec_args are the same arguments you would pass to an execute() called on a DBI object. Returns undef on error.
Like nativeSelect(), but returns a loop object that can be used
to execute the same query over and over with different bind
parameters. This does a single DBI prepare() instead of a new
prepare() for select.
my $loop = $db->nativeSelectExecLoop("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id=?");
foreach my $id (@ids) {
my $row = $loop->next([ $id ]);
nativeSelectWithArrayRef($query, \@exec_args)
Like nativeSelect(), but return a reference to an array instead
of a hash. Returns undef on error. If there are no results
from the query, a reference to an empty array is returned.
nativeSelectMulti($query, \@exec_args)
Executes the query in $query and returns an array of rows, where
each row is a hash representing a row of the result. Returns
undef on error. If there are no results for the query, an empty
array ref is returned.
Like nativeSelectExecLoop(), but returns an array of rows, where
each row is a hash representing a row of the result.
nativeSelectMultiWithArrayRef($query, \@exec_args)
Like nativeSelectMulti(), but return a reference to an array of
arrays instead of to an array of hashes. Returns undef on error.
nativeSelectMapping($query, \@exec_args)
Executes the given query and returns a reference to a hash
containing the first and second columns of the results as
key/value pairs.
nativeSelectDynaMapping($query, \@cols, \@exec_args)
Similar to nativeSelectMapping() except you specify which
columns to use for the key/value pairs in the return hash. If
the first element of @cols starts with a digit, then @cols is
assumed to contain indexes for the two columns you wish to use.
Otherwise, @cols is assumed to contain the field names for the
two columns you wish to use.
For example,
nativeSelectMapping($query, \@exec_args) is
equivalent (and in fact calls) to
nativeSelectDynaMapping($query, [ 0, 1 ], $exec_args).
nativeSelectRecordMapping($query, \@exec_args)
Similar to nativeSelectMapping(), except the values in the hash
are references to the corresponding record (as a hash).
nativeSelectRecordDynaMapping($query, $col, \@exec_args)
Similar to nativeSelectRecordMapping(), except you specify
which column is the key in each key/value pair in the hash. If
$col starts with a digit, then it is assumed to contain the
index for the column you wish to use. Otherwise, $col is
assumed to contain the field name for the two columns you wish
to use.
abstractSelect($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order)
Same as nativeSelect() except uses SQL::Abstract to generate the SQL. See the POD for SQL::Abstract for usage. You must have SQL::Abstract installed for this method to work.
abstractSelectMulti($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order)
Same as nativeSelectMulti() except uses SQL::Abstract to generate the SQL. See the POD for SQL::Abstract for usage. You must have SQL::Abstract installed for this method to work.
nativeSelectLoop($query, @exec_args)
Executes the query in $query, then returns an object that allows you to loop through one result at a time, e.g.,
my $loop = $db->nativeSelectLoop("SELECT * FROM my_table");
while (my $row = $loop->next) {
my $id = $$row{id};
To get the number of rows selected, you can call the
rowCountCurrent() method on the loop object, e.g.,
my $loop = $db->nativeSelectLoop("SELECT * FROM my_table");
my $rows_in_result = $loop->rowCountCurrent;
The count() method is an alias for rowCountCurrent().
To get the number of rows returned by next() so far, use the
rowCountTotal() method.
nativeQuery($query, @exec_args)
Executes the query in $query and returns true if successful. This is typically used for deletes and is a catchall for anything the methods provided by this module don't take into account.
A loop on nativeQuery, where any placeholders you have put in your query are bound each time you call next(). E.g.,
my $loop = $db->nativeQueryLoop("UPDATE my_table SET value=? WHERE id=?");
$loop->next([ 'one', 1]);
$loop->next([ 'two', 2]);
This creates a literal SQL command for use in insert(), update(), and related methods, since if you simply put something like "CUR_DATE()" as a value in the %data parameter passed to insert, the function will get quoted, and so will not work as expected. Instead, do something like this:
my $data = { file => 'my_document.txt',
the_date => $db->newCommand('CUR_DATE()')
$db->insert('my_doc_table', $data);
This can also be done by passing a reference to a string with the SQL command, e.g.,
my $data = { file => 'my_document.txt',
the_date => \'CUR_DATE()'
$db->insert('my_doc_table', $data);
Turns on debugging output. Debugging information will be printed to the given filehandle.
Turns off debugging output.
This is the argument to pass to the fetchrow_hashref() call on the underlying DBI object. By default, this is 'NAME_lc', so that all field names returned are all lowercase to provide for portable code. If you want to make all the field names return be uppercase, call $db->setNameArg('NAME_uc') after the connect() call. And if you really want the case of the field names to be what the underlying database driveer returns them as, call $db->setNameArg('NAME').
Calls err() on the underlying DBI object, which returns the native database engine error code from the last driver method called.
Calls commit() on the underlying DBI object to commit your transactions.
Calls ping() on the underlying DBI object to see if the database connection is still up.
There are also underscore_separated versions of these methods.
E.g., nativeSelectLoop() becomes native_select_loop()
- More logging/debugging options
- Allow prepare() and execute() for easier integration into existing code.
People who have contributed ideas and/or code for this module:
Kevin Wilson
Mark Stosberg
Don Owens <>
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Don Owens
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl