APR:PerlIO -- An APR Perl IO layer


use APR::PerlIO ();

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;

    open my $fh, ">:APR", $filename, $r or die $!;
    # work with $fh as normal $fh
    close $fh;

    return Apache::OK;


APR::PerlIO implements a Perl IO layer using APR's file manipulation as its internals.

Why do you want to use this? Normally you shouldn't, probably it won't be faster than Perl's default layer. It's only useful when you need to manipulate a filehandle opened at the APR side, while using Perl.

Normally you won't call open() with APR layer attribute, but some mod_perl functions will return a filehandle which is internally hooked to APR. But you can use APR Perl IO directly if you want.


Perl Interface:


To use APR Perl IO to open a file the four arguments open() should be used. For example:

open my $fh, ">:APR", $filename, $r or die $!;


the second argument is the mode to open the file, constructed from two sections separated by the : character: the first section is the mode to open the file under (>, <, etc) and the second section must be a string APR.

the fourth argument can be a Apache::RequestRec or Apache::ServerRec object.

the rest of the arguments are the same as described by the open() manpage.

The C interface provides functions to convert between Perl IO and APR Perl IO filehandles.


The perliol(1), perlapio(1) and perl(1) manpages.