Changes for version 0.003

  • Remove dependency on `Encode` and bump version of `HTML::HTML5::Parser` required to 0.101 since the UTF-8 bug was fixed.
  • Work around directory results having an e-mail address of "null" or "undefined" and list entry as having no e-mail address.

Changes for version 0.002_002

  • Changed regular expressions to work in Perl 5.8
  • Allow for searching campus/college/department by any value.
  • Added new auto complete example.
  • Added basic tests.

Changes for version 0.002_001

  • Experimental change to `Module::Build`


Access to USF's online directory
An entry in the USF online directory
Information about an affiliation of an entry
Basic exception object for WWW::USF::Directory
Exception object for exceptions that occur when bad arguments are provided to a method.
Exception object for too many results.
Exception object for unknown response.