Module::List::Pluggable - list or require sub-sets of modules


use Module::List::Pluggable qw( list_modules_under import_modules );

# get a list of all modules installed under a given point
# in perl's module namespace
my @plugins = list_modules_under( "My::Project::Plugins" );

# require/import all modules in the tree
import_modules( "My::Project::Plugins::ViaExporter" );

# skip some of them
import_modules( "My::Project::Plugins::ViaExporter",
                { exceptions => 'My::Project::Plugins::ViaExporter::ButNotThese' }

# just require them, don't do an "import"
import_modules( "My::Project::Plugins::ViaExporter",
                { import=>0 }


This module provides some procedural routines to

(1) list a sub-set of modules installed in a particular place in perl's module namespace,

(2) require those modules and import their exported features into the current package.

Both of these functions are useful for implementing "plug-in" extension mechanisms.

Note: this module is named Module::List::Pluggable because it uses Module::List to do some things similar to Module::Pluggable.


None by default. The following are exported on request (including via an ":all" tag that brings in all of them):


Uses the "list_modules" feature of Module::List to get a list of all modules under the given root location in perl's module namespace.

Example: my @plugins = list_modules_under( "My::Project::Plugins" );

Note that if no location is supplied, this will list all installed modules: this can take some time.


Does a "require" and then an "import" of all of the modules in perl's module namespace at or under the given "root" location.

With Exporter based plugins, everything listed in @EXPORT becomes available in the calling namespace.


location in module namespace (e.g. "My::Project::Plugins")
options hash:

list of exceptions, modules to be skipped (aref)


if true, errors out if a conflict is discovered (i.e., the same name imported twice from different plugins). defaults to 1, set to 0 if you don't want to worry about this (perhaps for efficiency reasons?)

Returns: the number of successfully loaded modules.


Like "import_modules", this does a "require" (but no "import") on all of the modules in perl's module namespace at or under the given "root" location.


location in module namespace (e.g. "My::Project::Plugins")
options hash:

list of exceptions, modules to be skipped (aref)


if true, errors out if a conflict is discovered (i.e., the same name imported twice from different plugins). defaults to 1, set to 0 if you don't want to worry about this (perhaps for efficiency reasons?)

Returns: the number of successfully loaded plugin modules.

reporting routines


Returns a list (aref) of all items that are exported from the modules under the object's plugin root.


Reports on all routines that are exported by the modules under the object's plugin root, including the locations. where the routines are found.


(1) the location to begin scanning in module name space,
    e.g. "Mah::Modules::Plugins"

(2) an optional options hash reference.

    option: "exceptions" -- array reference of plugin modules
    to be ignored.


A hash reference, keyed by the names of the exported routines with values that are array referencess listing all modules where that routine was found.

routines primarily for internal use


Looks for conflicts in the tree of plugins under the given plugin_root. Errors out if it finds multiple definitions of exported items of the same names.

The form of the error message is:

Multiple definitions of ___ from plugins: ___

An options hash references may be used as the second argument. The "exceptions" option: aref of plugin modules to be ignored.

Note: as a side-effect, this routine also ensures that each plugin module is free of syntax errors.


Runs code passed in as a string (not a coderef), so that "barewords" can be created from variables.

Returns just the return value of the code expression.

Generates an error message string using an optional passed-in prefix, but with the the value from $@ appended.

As with carp, the error is reported as occuring in the calling context, but also includes the full error message with it's own location indicated.

Much like carp or warn, the error message is reported to STDERR, but excecution contines.


(1) code string
(2) prefix (optional) -  prepended to error messages

Example: my $prefix = "problem with $module_name"; my $code = "require $module_name"; run_code_or_warn( $code, $prefix );


Variant of run_code_or_warn that dies

Note: reports error in the calling context, much like "croak", but also includes the full error message with it's own location indicated.


A "plug-in" architecture is a way of ensuring that some code can be extended at a later date.

# TODO re-write, to bring some later material up here


The wrapper routine "list_modules_under" seemed adviseable because of the very clunky interface of the "module_list" routine provided by Module::List (see below). But then, at least Module::List actually works correctly, unlike Module::Find (which double-reports modules if found in two places in @INC) or the peculiarly limited Module::Pluggable which assumes a hardcoded search location in module namespace.

Module::List peculiarities

The list_modules routine exported by Module::List has two "options" that you will almost always want enabled:

my $modules = list_modules("$root",
                         { list_modules =>1, recurse => 1});

You need to tell list_modules that you really want it to list the modules, reminiscent of the "-print" option on the original unix "find" command. But recursion is off by default, the opposite of the "find" convention...

And the return value from "list_modules" is a hash reference (not a 'list' or an aref). What you actually want is the keys of this hash (the values are just undefs):

my @found = keys %{ $modules };

Another minor irritation is that the first argument (a place in module name space) is required to have a trailing "::" appended to it. However, it does understand that an empty string should be interpreted as the entire list of installed modules (it takes a long time to get this full list, though).

Plugin Extension Techniques (polymorphism vs. promiscuity)

There are essentially two styles of plug-ins, in one a particular plug-in module appropriate to a task is selected from the available set, in the other, the entire set of plug-in modules is used at once. I'm inclined to call these styles "polymorphic" and "promiscuous", respectively.

In the first case ("polymorhpic plugins"), it's often convenient to get a list of available modules, and then choose one of them somehow, often by applying a naming convention, e.g. to get a handler for a given data type -- though alternately, in that case you can just require the needed module, and detect the error if the module doesn't exist.

For the second style of plug-ins (the "promiscuous plugins", where an entire set is used simultaneously), there are essentially two sub-types, object-oriented and proceedural. In the object-oriented case, a list of modules can be pushed directly into the @ISA array so that any methods implemented in the extension modules become available via the justly-feared but occasionally useful "multiple-inheritence" mechanism. In the proceedural case, you can use the "import_modules" routine provided here, which does something like a use-at-runtime of all the plugins (it does a "require" of each module, and then an "import").

Obviously, in the object-oriented form, the routines in the extensions must be written as methods (typically each should begin with "my $self=shift"). In the proceedural case, each module should use "Exporter" (and to work with the "import_modules" routine supplied here, all features to-be-exported should be in the @EXPORT array of the plugin module).

Note that these two approaches can be combined into a hybrid form: Exporter can be used to bring a collection of OOP methods into the current object's namespace.

These Exporter-based "promiscuous plugins" (whether OOP or proceedural) have an advantage over the MI approach in limiting the damaged that can be done by the addition of a new, perhaps carelessly written plug-in module.

The "import_modules" routine (by default) watches for name collisions in the routines imported from the plugins, and throws an error when they occur. In comparison the simple MI solution will silently use which ever plugin method it sees first in the path; so if the sort order of your list of plugin modules doesn't work as a precedence list, then you may be in trouble.

Using the hybrid approach (OOP methods brought into a common namespace by using "import_modules"), you need to watch out for the fact that these plugin methods will inherit based on the @ISA of the class they're imported into: a "use base" in the package where the methods are defined will have no effect. If your plugins all need to use common code inherited from a particular module, then the parent needs to be in the inheritence chain of the class the plugins are imported into, not in the package they were originally written in.

A restriction that all "promiscuous" OOP plugin schemes share (to my knowledge) is that subclassing essentially doesn't work with them. Simply adding a subclass of a plugin to the set is not enough to reliably override the original: the precedence between the two be silently choosen based on some arbitrary criteria (typically accidents of sort order in the module names).

Even if a way could be found to solve that problem (e.g. an import mechanism that skips parents when a child exists) it wouldn't seem adviseable to use it: adding a new module might break existing code.

However, if you *really* feel the need to do something like this, the "exceptions" feature of "import_modules" could be used to manually suppress the use of a parent plugin, so that only the child plugin will be imported. Similarly, if you realize that someone else's module is creating problems for you, the "exceptions" feature provides an alternate way to suppress it's use without uninstalling it.


When using "import_modules" (which brings in methods via Exporter):

o  methods can inherit from the @ISA of their new context, but
   not the package they came from.

o  subclassing an existing plugin to create a new one should
   almost always be avoided: the precedence of child over
   parent can't be guaranteed, and adding a new plugin can
   break existing code.


Module::List Module::Pluggable Module::Find


Add a "recurse" option to both routines: default to recurse, but allow them to work on a single directory level.

When importing a plugin module with a syntax error, this code does not even warn about the problem.


Joseph Brenner, <doom@>


Copyright (C) 2007 by Joseph Brenner

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.